If obama gets 1million votes he will consider making pot legal


Well-Known Member
do you nderstand the gross profit those corporations are making? if he could without committing political suicide the politicians that make so much money for doing nothing would be on there also but honestly imo he is a politician it in his nature to say one thing and do another you should know not to have faith in what they say as a truth they all lie to get what they want and there not any worse than anyone else for doing it I'm sure you yourself have lied to get what you want before in some form or another.


New Member
gross profit isn't take home son... BIG DIFFERENCE. the only thing that matters is the NET.

You've never owned a business, that's for sure.


Well-Known Member
gross profit isn't take home son... BIG DIFFERENCE. the only thing that matters is the NET.

You've never owned a business, that's for sure.
ok yes ther is a difference and you think its possible maybe that they just hide there net profit in bonuses to there ceo's?


New Member
No, but even if they did... guess what???? Go ahead GUeSS???? Guess what????

Ready?//??? Give Up???

It's none of your business. Buy some stock, then you can write them a letter.


New Member
It's not about righteousness.... is it righteous for ppl to live beyond their means? No one puts them in front of that cash register.

It's about maintaining a serious wall between govt. and business. The govt. CORRUPTS everything it touches...and now it has lots of folks thinking that somehow the taxpayer has a say of what a private citizen should be allowed to make, or that "certain" (how is that determined?) corporations do not deserve the fruits of their labor.

The only person a corp. is responsible to is the shareholder.... no one else.


Well-Known Member
so are credit card companies righteous also?
What does that have to do with the topic at hand?
ok yes ther is a difference and you think its possible maybe that they just hide there net profit in bonuses to there ceo's?
Wait, wait, wait. Are you suggesting a corporation would play hide the weenie with the balance sheets in order to conceal net profit?

From who? The stockholders?

And just how is secretly compensating a CEO hiding such profits? This is the bottom line we are talking about.

Apparently you are working on the assumption that only corporations oppose re-legalization. There are many stakeholders in the anti-cannabis camp beyond corporate interests:

Law enforcement at every level and their unions;
The prison-industrial complex;
The criminal-industrial complex which includes the courts;
Politicians on both sides of the aisle;
The cartels;
Average citizens indoctrinated to believe drugs are bad because they are illegal;
the Rehab industry; and
The Clergy.

Just follow the money. And you will discover there are more; many more.

The way to win this fight is to take their power away. Not just to one component - all of them. We do that by adhering to the steps I have already listed. It will not happen tomorrow, but it is gradually happening even as I write these words.


Well-Known Member
It's not about righteousness.... is it righteous for ppl to live beyond their means? No one puts them in front of that cash register.

It's about maintaining a serious wall between govt. and business. The govt. CORRUPTS everything it touches...and now it has lots of folks thinking that somehow the taxpayer has a say of what a private citizen should be allowed to make, or that "certain" (how is that determined?) corporations do not deserve the fruits of their labor.

The only person a corp. is responsible to is the shareholder.... no one else.
that sir I can agree with


Well-Known Member
work it through the states.... follow the constitution if you wish to neuter the FEDS
as for that im currently researching insomnia and the other disorders insomnia can cause, trying also to find information on the process of submitting a petition to add a condition so far all i can find is the form and not where to submit or the requirements to make the petition valid.


Well-Known Member
as for that im currently researching insomnia and the other disorders insomnia can cause, trying also to find information on the process of submitting a petition to add a condition so far all i can find is the form and not where to submit or the requirements to make the petition valid.
Dude.... Petitions are worthless. Okay, not completely worthless, but just one step above worthless.

MMJ is legal in Michigan. Do a little research and find out how to include insomnia under the current legal framework.

If the law allows some discretion to a state regulatory agency - work that angle.

If the ailments covered by MMJ are in statute - seek to change the statue.

It's possible you could even go to an MMJ doctor and explain your symptoms and he could include you under MMJ for an ailment you have not even considered.

As this crusade seems to be all about you that may be your surest path.


Well-Known Member
Dude.... Petitions are worthless. Okay, not completely worthless, but just one step above worthless.

MMJ is legal in Michigan. Do a little research and find out how to include insomnia under the current legal framework.

If the law allows some discretion to a state regulatory agency - work that angle.

If the ailments covered by MMJ are in statute - seek to change the statue.

It's possible you could even go to an MMJ doctor and explain your symptoms and he could include you under MMJ for an ailment you have not even considered.

As this crusade seems to be all about you that may be your surest path.
I am aware that its legal in michigan for mmj i dont have my head in my ass sir. in case you were not aware the process for michigan to add disorders is a petition, and no it is not about me along statistically 68% of americans suffer from some form of insomnia wich can cause depression in some cases and high blood pressuse weight gain and other ailments


Well-Known Member
if it were only about me i would just move to california and get a card for insomnia and depression instead of trying to do something here


New Member
JO... Florida has a petition right now...and if enough sig's are reached MMJ gets on our ballot, so sometimes petitions do have value.


Well-Known Member
if it were only about me i would just move to california and get a card for insomnia and depression instead of trying to do something here
Dude, you have already stated it is all about you. Moving on....
JO... Florida has a petition right now...and if enough sig's are reached MMJ gets on our ballot, so sometimes petitions do have value.
Which is why I stated petitions are one step above worthless.

Petitions cannot be verified easily. Anyone can sign.

I am speaking from experience. We always set petitions aside, all of them. We took note, but nothing more.

However, petitions have some value: In getting a candidate on the ballot without paying a filing fee; or as you state, to add a specific item to a referendum. But those are very limited in scope. I refer to the garden variety, run-of-the-mill, petition.

1) Personal letters from constituents. Effective.

2) Personal visit with constituent and elected official. Somewhat more effective.

3) Testimony in public hearing (That's what the high priced lobbyists do.) Very effective.


Well-Known Member
I know they don't give a shit, otherwise something more would have been don already but the do obviously care enough to try to enforce the laws and to keep it illegal if they really didn't care why would they care if it was legal or not other than admitting that they were wrong for more than a hundred years. As for the politicians wether there to the left or the right there all in each others asses wriggling around this country is fubar so much shit wrong credit card companies are rapists big oil rasies gas prices everytime the stock market goes up pharm companies own the medical system tbh i wish i could just disapear into the great white north to sustain myself and not give a shit what happens with the rest of you poor souls until the blow us all into oblivion in a nuclear war with Iran or Korea hell us might get the bright idea to fuck with china im just waiting for them to get tired of our shit and blow us of the face of the earth
Any questions?


Well-Known Member
Dude, you have already stated it is all about you. Moving on....
if you choose to believe that thats your own problem. I know my reasons and thats enough for me. Really I could care less what you think about me considering you dont even know me personally.


Well-Known Member
if you choose to believe that thats your own problem. I know my reasons and thats enough for me. Really I could care less what you think about me considering you dont even know me personally.
All I know about you is what you post.

And I am not impressed....