If obama gets 1million votes he will consider making pot legal


Well-Known Member
how difficult do you think that it would be to get insomnia added to Michigan's disorders and conditions list? cause I've only slept 6hours since Wednesday, i smoke to sleep but I'm out. and if i could grow my own it would be really nice.


Well-Known Member
if obama gets 1 million votes he will consider to make pot legal so all of you call NOW NOW NOW! 1-973-409-3274 ok mayb this is a scam or fake but someone should actually do something start a petition
Even if it was real it wouldn't matter. There is way too much money at stake to ever legalize cannabis.
If anybody thinks that Obama cares more about them than he does about his corporate masters, then you are living in a fucking dream world.


New Member
:lol: yeah, there's always that little bit of defensive paranoia ( a good thing)..... are they just collecting manes? :wink:


Well-Known Member
what paper did you send in? The only thing you can do for florida on the 2010 ballot is sign the petition going around right now! They have about 30,000 of the 700,000 needed by february, and about $7000 of the 5million needed for the campaign, its unfortunately looking like 2012 will be next chance.:evil:

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
what paper did you send in? The only thing you can do for florida on the 2010 ballot is sign the petition going around right now! They have about 30,000 of the 700,000 needed by february, and about $7000 of the 5million needed for the campaign, its unfortunately looking like 2012 will be next chance.:evil:
thats the one


New Member
i dont think obama can make pot legal

aint that congress's job
Yes that's true, but all obama has to do is pick up the phone and tell the DEA to layoff the busts. Kind of what Holland does. Weed is illegal in Holland on the books. It is tolerated and ppl who act responsibly are left alone.

As it should be.


Well-Known Member
yeah i think the only difference is how the media portrays marijuana cause according to fox its deadly and growers booby trap there yards with bombs just like the meth cookers do. so of course the ones that are ignorant when they become aware that people around them are using they call the cops and the ''justice'' system is forced to do something about it, you want America to be like Holland as far as weed goes start educating ignorants


Well-Known Member
The man's attacking doctors for making money, attacking insurance providers for making money, attacking car companies for making money, attacking wall street for making money, but hey he MAY (FAT CHANCE) legalize weed.... keep on smoking and dreaming, even after the purple urkel i'm still intelligent enough to know better than to believe this nonsense...Guantanamo closed yet? oh wait... he postponed that... left my people in New Orleans standing with there hands in there heads wondering what happened cause he was in and out of town so fast, and where'd he have to go? a $34,000/per person fundraiser in San Francisco when people in New Orleans are struggling to find housing...hmmm..... meanwhile ABC news displays stories about how sad it is to see magazine/newspaper companies go out of business??? wtf, what happened to the people in new orleans that supposedly BUSH wasn't taking care of??? now Obama's slapping them in the face?? so WHO actually cares about the people???