I lost track and my jewlers loupe

The capitalization was the least of the issues. Not trying to pry just saying. , Is a comma. Use it to break the sentences up. If you don't this run on sentence won't make as much sense. Think of a paragraph as the advanced comma. You double space this, and indent the first sentence (not really necessary as this is informal.). But minor punctuation marks like commas and periods are just necessary.

Try and hear, in your own mind, what you're typing. That helps. I credit my 3rd grade teacher for that secret.

I agree totally it's about respecting the reader. I don't care how "lit" you are or were basic English language fundamentals should be habits.

This is just to help you in the future because I bet I'm not the only one who skipped over the post.

Anyway I'll shut up now.
I don't care how "lit" you are or were basic English language fundamentals should be habits.
lol. In his defense, I have met some people that get so high so easily they can't even make sense speaking. Just a string of random noises and facial expressions. When that happens I have to grab a trash can because they invariably vomit.
lol. In his defense, I have met some people that get so high so easily they can't even make sense speaking. Just a string of random noises and facial expressions. When that happens I have to grab a trash can because they invariably vomit.
Lol I've heard of people like that. Usually people who don't smoke, but have tried it, say they're like that. Musta been some daaaaank lol
Shit I was so fried on LSD once I looked at my phone and was like, "Man, they should make more of these!" Of course it's the same phone I had before I took the LSD and they made a lot of them, but that one was pretty fucking special.
Lol I've heard of people like that. Usually people who don't smoke, but have tried it, say they're like that. Musta been some daaaaank lol
Yeah I had a dude and his buddy off the net back in the 90's, drove to KC from Manhattan KS to score a QP of my home grown. One dude took one hit, coughed, puked, tried to say something that came out like gibberish then just sat there drooling. His buddy took a hit and he was like really high and paid for the QP and we sat around playing video games while we waited a couple hours for his buddy to wake up.
Only time I have ever been that high was off a sativa edible I made last year using butter. Estimated that I took a couple grams of decarbed product. I was holding on to the bed so I wouldn't fall off because the world was like an ocean to me and the room was spinning. My girl got me a xanax and I slept it off.
Yeah I had a dude and his buddy off the net back in the 90's, drove to KC from Manhattan KS to score a QP of my home grown. One dude took one hit, coughed, puked, tried to say something that came out like gibberish then just sat there drooling. His buddy took a hit and he was like really high and paid for the QP and we sat around playing video games while we waited a couple hours for his buddy to wake up.
That's awesome haha. Speaks to the quality of your bud! I hope mine knocks people off their feet this run.

Never had edibles before but I wanna try to make some butter