I know...F**K LED lights and everything about them..


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it was said before, noone cares if you want to compare your LED to CFLs...that has nothing to do with this thread, Or the quality of LEDs.

That being said. CFLs are WAY Better for growing weed than LEDs anyway.

Your beating a dead horse. Like I said before your invested in the LEDs so your going to defend them. Just like how every stoner loves their bong no matter how crappy others may think it is.
ur a fucking idoit if u think im backing it up simply because i paid for one...if u really want to kno the gov paid for it so i dont give a fuck whether it sucks or not..i have it, i grow with it, and it works perfectly fine(for now)..so yeah im gona back it up to ppl who havent grown with them and just bash on them...u guys need to realize LED is here to stay with marijuana growing and ppl are gona be experimenting over the next few years...


Well-Known Member
ur a fucking idoit if u think im backing it up simply because i paid for one...if u really want to kno the gov paid for it so i dont give a fuck whether it sucks or not..i have it, i grow with it, and it works perfectly fine(for now)..so yeah im gona back it up to ppl who havent grown with them and just bash on them...u guys need to realize LED is here to stay with marijuana growing and ppl are gona be experimenting over the next few years...

Big words from a little man. I somehow doubt the Government bought you an LED UFO...

You call me a fucking idiot. Iv actually done research on all types of lighting, you should do that sometime. And Iv done research on LEDs. If your knew more about different types of lighting you would have a much better concept of what plants Need for photosynthesis.

It bugs me when someone, who cant grow shit, keeps backing up LEDs, your exact words, for people who have not grown with them.

Man I would not recommend ANYONE to waste money on an LED UFO. Thats such a dick move, especially when you know first hand the quality just isnt up to par.

I have seen UFO grows, Iv been to the stores and talked to retailers about them. Hydro shops wont even stock these things because they arent worth it.

You need to go to the begging of this thread and read it word for word before making stupid statements. I clearly said on page 1 or 2 that LED is a waste if time and money, and the technology just wont be there for at least a few more years until theres another major breakthrough in LED technology. But for now, growing weed with LED lights is a novelty.

You should tell your "government" to take the money they wasted on the UFO, and buy a real light.


Well-Known Member
Hey, man,
IF your curious,
watch some youtube videos on it,
from my sense it was a good idea,
that hasn't been developed enough yet.
From what I've read and seen a CFL grow is 8 times better for growing your plant than with LEDS.
I think you should revisit this idea in the next 2 years,
By that time it might be possible to grow wicked LED bud,
for less of a cost,
and it might be developed enough to combat or even surpass CFL's.


Well-Known Member
Big words from a little man. I somehow doubt the Government bought you an LED UFO...

You call me a fucking idiot. Iv actually done research on all types of lighting, you should do that sometime. And Iv done research on LEDs. If your knew more about different types of lighting you would have a much better concept of what plants Need for photosynthesis.

It bugs me when someone, who cant grow shit, keeps backing up LEDs, your exact words, for people who have not grown with them.

Man I would not recommend ANYONE to waste money on an LED UFO. Thats such a dick move, especially when you know first hand the quality just isnt up to par.

I have seen UFO grows, Iv been to the stores and talked to retailers about them. Hydro shops wont even stock these things because they arent worth it.

You need to go to the begging of this thread and read it word for word before making stupid statements. I clearly said on page 1 or 2 that LED is a waste if time and money, and the technology just wont be there for at least a few more years until theres another major breakthrough in LED technology. But for now, growing weed with LED lights is a novelty.

You should tell your "government" to take the money they wasted on the UFO, and buy a real light.
1.doubt all u want...
2.look at my thread of the UFO closet and u will see over 20 pgs of this stupid argueing and u think i havent done my research..
3.ill out grow u any day
4.i dont suggest ppl buy them unless they have the money and want to experiment and deal wiht ppl like u
5.i asked my hydro shop and they said they gave 2 LEDs to some of thier frequent growers and they did fine..
6. u should go and read every pg of my thread and ull learn alot more then this thread
7.keep doubting...


Well-Known Member
The problem with YOUR thread is YOUR not producing ANY GOOD RESULTS.

You said yourself you have Not fully flowered any plants yet.

I have seen first hand plants grown and flowered under LEDs, and a UFO, they were shit.

Man you act like your preaching the word of LED but you dont have anything to back it up, your threads are WEAK! Have you ever seen bud flowered under LEDs first hand?

Im not trying to argue with you, just give it up. LEDs are a waste of money. Period.

We know they Will grow plants, that does not make them good.


Well-Known Member
The problem with YOUR thread is YOUR not producing ANY GOOD RESULTS.

You said yourself you have Not fully flowered any plants yet.

I have seen first hand plants grown and flowered under LEDs, and a UFO, they were shit.

Man you act like your preaching the word of LED but you dont have anything to back it up, your threads are WEAK! Have you ever seen bud flowered under LEDs first hand?

Im not trying to argue with you, just give it up. LEDs are a waste of money. Period.

We know they Will grow plants, that does not make them good.
where have i acted like i preach??? i said they work for veg..suck for flower...theyre not worth the money..they dont penetrate well...there wrong spectrum..there not powerful enough...what else do i need to say????and how many times???u guys just bash them to no end adn it doesnt take 20 ppl saying how much they suck...


Well-Known Member
dude, you should really remember what you type. . you have been trying to make the LED argument all along, to the point where youre calling us dumbass's saying you want proof hps provides the superior light spectrum over LED. you must realize now how weak of an argument you had. . you dont have to say anything anymore. . if you would have said. . "they are not worth the money", "they dont penetrate well", "wronge light spectrum" like you just stated in your previous post, this wouldnt have been such a long argument.


Well-Known Member
dude, you should really remember what you type. . you have been trying to make the LED argument all along, to the point where youre calling us dumbass's saying you want proof hps provides the superior light spectrum over LED. you must realize now how weak of an argument you had. . you dont have to say anything anymore. . if you would have said. . "they are not worth the money", "they dont penetrate well", "wronge light spectrum" like you just stated in your previous post, this wouldnt have been such a long argument.
if u look at my thread which i said do a number of times u would see that ive said that many times...but i was saying watt for watt my UFO will beat a HPS thats the comp i wanted to do..90w hps vs 90w led..they do work for veg and they do well, they dont create skinny lanky weak plants like bctrippn and u try to say...


Well-Known Member
Littlegrower..... you are a weak little douchebag. Your arguements are weak. I started this thread with the hopes that it would draw in some half intelligent people who actually used the 300-600 watt LEDs, and to see their results. If you would've read any of my posts in this thread, you wouldve noticed that everyone already saw the results from the 90 watt UFO, and that they didnt care. I just wanted know if anyone had any experience with the higher wattages out there. This post is not a canvas for you to go back and forth about how great your UFO is. As it stands, most 100watt HPS lights make 12,000 lumens. The 600 watt LED system I saw on fleabay says it is only 6000 lumens. Big diff... do the math. Instead of disgracing my thread with "LED's Rule!! and HID Sucks!!!" . How old are you? Show us your dried buds then we'll talk. Until then, I only want to know if anyone has EVER had ANY experience with 300-600 watt, expensive as fuck, LED panels... O.K.?


Well-Known Member
Even the 6000 lumen rating is BS. You cant increase lumens by adding more lights, your just covering more area with the same low lumens.

Count how many lights are on the UFO, divide 90 by that number. Each light cant be more than 5-10 watts....

So who in your "gov" bought you the UFO...? lol


Well-Known Member
Littlegrower..... you are a weak little douchebag. Your arguements are weak. I started this thread with the hopes that it would draw in some half intelligent people who actually used the 300-600 watt LEDs, and to see their results. If you would've read any of my posts in this thread, you wouldve noticed that everyone already saw the results from the 90 watt UFO, and that they didnt care. I just wanted know if anyone had any experience with the higher wattages out there. This post is not a canvas for you to go back and forth about how great your UFO is. As it stands, most 100watt HPS lights make 12,000 lumens. The 600 watt LED system I saw on fleabay says it is only 6000 lumens. Big diff... do the math. Instead of disgracing my thread with "LED's Rule!! and HID Sucks!!!" . How old are you? Show us your dried buds then we'll talk. Until then, I only want to know if anyone has EVER had ANY experience with 300-600 watt, expensive as fuck, LED panels... O.K.?
i didnt post on here for u to look at my results..i posted due to how many threads started on LED that turn to a bash on the technology..and if u learned how to quote i said i love LED, CFL sucks..


Well-Known Member
Even the 6000 lumen rating is BS. You cant increase lumens by adding more lights, your just covering more area with the same low lumens.

Count how many lights are on the UFO, divide 90 by that number. Each light cant be more than 5-10 watts....

So who in your "gov" bought you the UFO...? lol
more like all u tax payers..


Well-Known Member
more like all u tax payers..

All us tax payers? That doesnt even make sense. You said you never paid for the UFO and that your "Gov" bought it for you. I asked who bought it (what government agency)

And FIY I live in Canada...so not my taxes.

I call BS. You probably paid full price and now that you realize it was a wasted investment your pissed off.

And seriously stop preaching like your the ONLY person who thinks LED is not going away. Your literally arguing nothing, read the beginning of the thread, it clearly says LED technology just isnt up to par YET. We are NOT bashing LED technology, We are bashing YOU, and your BS review of current LED technology, mainly the LED UFO.


Well-Known Member
hey man, i wouldnt be holding your head so high talking about taxpayer bought piece of shit lights.. even though i really doubt any govt. bought it for you. . if its true, im glad to see my hard earned tax dollars are going to such a weak grow.. not!


Well-Known Member
All us tax payers? That doesnt even make sense. You said you never paid for the UFO and that your "Gov" bought it for you. I asked who bought it (what government agency)

And FIY I live in Canada...so not my taxes.

I call BS. You probably paid full price and now that you realize it was a wasted investment your pissed off.

And seriously stop preaching like your the ONLY person who thinks LED is not going away. Your literally arguing nothing, read the beginning of the thread, it clearly says LED technology just isnt up to par YET. We are NOT bashing LED technology, We are bashing YOU, and your BS review of current LED technology, mainly the LED UFO.
ok wow do u even realize how the us gov makes it money and funds????its through tax payers money...so it does make sense u canadian bitch...and its FYI not FIY..it was paid for in full price but not by me..so still not pissed off whether i have a shitty light or not...and once again where am i preaching????ive said everything wrong with LED and u keep saying im backing it up to no end...i dont get it..whats my bs review of LED tech????it doesnt work for flower, doesnt work for good penetration, doesnt compete with HPS, except for watt for watt IMO, the lights too directional and in the wrong spectrum, what the fuck else do i need to say???? u keep argueing after i say that it basically sucks...


Well-Known Member
hey man, i wouldnt be holding your head so high talking about taxpayer bought piece of shit lights.. even though i really doubt any govt. bought it for you. . if its true, im glad to see my hard earned tax dollars are going to such a weak grow.. not!
ya lets see ur sweet ass grow with ur 3x3 tent that ur cheap ass wont even pay for adn that a buddy has to give u..if it wasnt for him u wouldnt be on this site trying to learn how to grow and what should be grown in it...ur a fuckin dip shit and dont kno shit about growin so push off and find a dif thread to try and talk shit..


Well-Known Member
Dude, when I said that doesnt make sense, I was referring to the fact that you avoided my question, I said who in your gov bought it for you....You tell me gov makes money of taxes? Man your a retard, you really think you need to point that out for me.

Stop avoiding the question, you claim your gov paid for it, who in your gov paid the bill buddy?

NO ONE, cause your full of SHIT!

You need to go back and read your own fucking posts, your digging your own grave around here, you have lost ALL credibility in the RIU community with your constant BS.

Its funny how much your answers have changed, every post you make, you say more and more that I ALREADY FUCKING SAID!

I dont know why you keep posting, and you keep making asshole comments to people for no reason. We are just calling you out on your BS, get used to it or go away.

People arent stupid around here, you seem to be one those people who thinks Everyone is an idiot but you...Think about that one for a while.

Multiple negative rep saying LED sucks, does not mean anything, well it means people dont like you, but it doenst mean anyone is bashing LED technology....Again, we are just bashing You.

Im not arguing with you after you say it basically sucks, Im calling you out on your constant BS. You have the weakest, most pathetic grow I have seen in a long time, and you tell people they dont know shit.

Man grow up. Go start a new account and stop acting like a douchebag and Maybe, just Maybe you might get accepted around here one day..


Well-Known Member
Dude, when I said that doesnt make sense, I was referring to the fact that you avoided my question, I said who in your gov bought it for you....You tell me gov makes money of taxes? Man your a retard, you really think you need to point that out for me.

Stop avoiding the question, you claim your gov paid for it, who in your gov paid the bill buddy?

NO ONE, cause your full of SHIT!

You need to go back and read your own fucking posts, your digging your own grave around here, you have lost ALL credibility in the RIU community with your constant BS.

Its funny how much your answers have changed, every post you make, you say more and more that I ALREADY FUCKING SAID!

I dont know why you keep posting, and you keep making asshole comments to people for no reason. We are just calling you out on your BS, get used to it or go away.

People arent stupid around here, you seem to be one those people who thinks Everyone is an idiot but you...Think about that one for a while.

Multiple negative rep saying LED sucks, does not mean anything, well it means people dont like you, but it doenst mean anyone is bashing LED technology....Again, we are just bashing You.

Im not arguing with you after you say it basically sucks, Im calling you out on your constant BS. You have the weakest, most pathetic grow I have seen in a long time, and you tell people they dont know shit.

Man grow up. Go start a new account and stop acting like a douchebag and Maybe, just Maybe you might get accepted around here one day..
hahahaha....i like this thread for a good laugh...but for anything else its useless..read my thread from page to page, u will learn more on LED than u think u already kno, ive got over 30 pgs of reasons LED suck and reasons there good but yet u think i kno nothin about the lights..wheres my constant bs????quote it show me what im doing to argue the side for LED..i came on here said i love LED, fuck CFL, u then come on and bring up my thread saying its useless and then make a joke about where u magically got it from...ive never said anything thats bs for u to begin actin like alittle bitch, but i guess u were already crying about how bad LED is to notyourkind u couldnt resist another arguement on the topic.. and u think ur almighty bctrippin god of RIU who decides when ppl come and go and who has respect in the almighty RIU community..and where do u get from the fact ppl are saying LED sucks isnt bashing LED???that makes absolutely no sense..and once again ill outgrow u ne day ur nothing special(except mayb alil retarted)..