I know...F**K LED lights and everything about them..


Well-Known Member
Notyourkind your a small minded fool. Don't come on a PUBLIC forum asking what people think of LEDs then tell them to fuck off when they give you the Right answer, even though its not what you want to hear. What part of "LEDs are a waste of time and money" Dont you understand.

Get out of your thread? Public forum dude, if you dont want to hear what I have to say then dont start a thread in a public fucking forum.

Im not forming my opinions on nothing. I gave you the one fact that makes LEDs worthless. They can NOT penetrate the canopy of flowering bud. I clearly said you can probably grow good weed, but it will be loose, fluffy, and very low yield.

Your not going to magically get thick juicy buds with light that cant penetrate.

Dont tell people to fuck off and call them retards, especially when they are trying to help you. I dont know the other dude, but obviously he knows what hes talking about. You will notice a common theme among experienced members.....they know what they are talking about and they arent douchebags who try to kick people out of a thread....ahahahaaa

So dont come around here with a mesely 22 posts and no rep and start mouthing off because someone tells you what you dont want to hear.

Noones gonna show up with pics of there fat LED grow because it doesnt exist.

Your going to get absolutely Nowhere acting like an idiot, I never called you stupid, I said stop asking the same stupid question over and over. LEDs have been proven to be a waste of money over and over again, Try searching the forums...


Well-Known Member
thats what ive been saying. . to get a nice haverst im thinking atleast a 400hps for flower. . 50,000-55,000 lumens. . which covers about a 4'X4' area max.. and thats if you veg for a short period.. let them get any bigger and you'll have to cut down many lower branches becuase they will not get enough light. . in all of LED ad's there is no mention about lumens. . none!! all they try to promote is their wattage, and how much less it uses than HID. . kind of like their sales pitch. . sounds like an infomercial. .


Well-Known Member
Im sure LEDs are great for growing lettuce and other leafy plants, but once you to flower a thick bush of bud the "ideal spectrum" is useless. I stick with my 1000w HPS per 4x4ft any day.


Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ.. BCTrippin cant shut the fuck up about this. I am not telling "people" here to fuck off - I was telling you to fuck off. Understand? You are an insulting dickhead who doesnt know how to talk to people. And if you're going to degrade someone here you should probably learn how to spell... I'm surely the creator of the word "measly" is turning in his grave. I believe you used the words "stupid" and "dumbass" to describe my questions. Those were insults, and you'll get no respect from me.

You boast about having 478 posts here on RIU like everyone under 400 posts are garbage - they are probably all kiss-ass type posts the quickly say things like, "Those are some fat buds DOOOd!" - "Nice job dude" - "Dude this is a public forum, dude!!".. You dont get my respect for having a big mouth. Your posts are insignificant. And you are too lame to post in my threads... Yet, you come back for more? Who's the small minded moron here?

And you dont even have any experience with LEDs... Yet you still talk about them like you know something. You are a stupid idiot..... And you probably subscribed to this thread.....What a sorry bastard you are. End of story.


Well-Known Member
Now THAT was funny Cannabox!

I guess my LED journey was all in vain. I just read a journal on another forum that showed how weak the UFO was. Yeah it grows stuff... Yeah you can smoke the end product... he said his smoke from the HPS was way better than the UFO - they were both clones of the same mama.
I will focus my efforts on cooling my hotter than fuck :fire: 400 watt HPS. I have allocated the smallest space in the world for my grow. And it got up to around 95 degrees with the light on and I couldnt do anything about it. Had to take it all down and now doing more research.. I appreciate everybody's positive input here, I just wanted to see it with my own eyes rather than just takes someone's word for it....just because they had 487.2 posts! that doesnt mean shit to me. Maybe I'll just do the CFL thing and be done with it. I guess thats why I posted here. Thanks again!

-NYK (narrow minded fool with a "mesely" 24.827 posts)


Well-Known Member
Led lights for growing dank are a joke. . sorry notyourkind. so what piece of crap lights have you spent so much money on?? ide like to see your facts on HPS lightning not working to product fat dense sticky buds. . I cant find anything about how many lumens these led lights have. . a 400w hps has 50,000-55,000 do the math however you want. . save a few bucks a month on electricty and waste 3 months for a weak harvest. . i dont think so. . fuck ebay and thier LED scams, i want to see one legit hydro place, or respectable grower pushing these so called lights. . i guarantee its not gonna happen

Hey Waldo..
I didnt spend any money on them yet. I wish I had the disposable income to find out for myself though. Nobody has ever tried them and posted any report yet (300 + watt ones).
As for HPS, I never said they didnt work. They work awesome! I already have a 400w HPS. I just keep reading that people with little 400 + watts are getting poped from the sky. If the whole house is 75 degrees and one room is 85+, it makes sense that they are getting found out. Was only looking for a cooler alternative without cutting holes in the walls of a rental home... thats all. Some people got outright mad that I even asked. But No... I like the end result of the HID lights. They are the best for yeild and potency. Just not when one is seeking to keep things cooler..



Well-Known Member
Notyourkind I dont know what to say. Your acting like an idiot. Period. If your gonna act like an ass, your gonna get treated like one.

Again, its a public forum, go start a blog if you want to kick "people" out, me out, whatever.

Where does it say you cant kick me out of "your" thread....ahah

Its been explained clearly to you, people have tried LEDs to grow weed and it doesnt work, search UFO LEDs for christ sake.

Im sorry but your beating a dead horse, People have asked about LEDs and the answer ALWAYS ends up being that the technology just isnt good enough and wont be for at least a few more years.

The LEDs can not penetrate flowering weed. Thats the ultimate problem with LEDs they can probably work fine for veg, or growing loose fluffy buds.

I dont know what you expect, noone is going to show up here with pics of there amazing LED grow because it doesnt exist. Im not trying to offend you man, no need to be such a dick.

As far as LEDs being cooler vs HPS with all the heat. Get an AC and some aircooled hood like everyone else, the amount of money you waste on LEDs is ridiculous, you can get a 1000wHPS kit and an AC for the same price.

And Im sorry if your OCD cant handle a few spelling mistakes. I could care less about spelling mistakes in an online forum..


Hahahaha, and I seriously suggest you go read my posts, see how many one liners you can find...Maybe you will learn something.


Well-Known Member
Well here's what I have to say about all this, LED's will be better just not yet cuz it cost too much to produce ones powerful enough at a reasonable price. As for fluffy nugs I'm not sure about that I was told I wouldn't get shit from my CFL's and was laughed at by my buddy with 2 1Ks and 4x8 tables but now he's patting me on my back and shocked at the quality and the size of the buds I pull out of my 2.5 sq ft micro cab so I wouldn't underestimate the LED growers just yet I'll try to find it but I saw a dudes grow that he did and it was the 12" LED pannels you put together for $30 and he had them all the way around the cab and he said he got just as good a yield and better quality that his 250w HPS so I thinks it's all in how it's done.


Well-Known Member
Well here's what I have to say about all this, LED's will be better just not yet cuz it cost too much to produce ones powerful enough at a reasonable price. As for fluffy nugs I'm not sure about that I was told I wouldn't get shit from my CFL's and was laughed at by my buddy with 2 1Ks and 4x8 tables but now he's patting me on my back and shocked at the quality and the size of the buds I pull out of my 2.5 sq ft micro cab so I wouldn't underestimate the LED growers just yet I'll try to find it but I saw a dudes grow that he did and it was the 12" LED pannels you put together for $30 and he had them all the way around the cab and he said he got just as good a yield and better quality that his 250w HPS so I thinks it's all in how it's done.

Noones saying you can grow with CFLs...lol Iv seen dome decent CFL buds, but the main reason is having the light so close to the plant. With LEDs another huge proglem is that you are Forced to keep the LED pannels at least a certain distance or else the spectrum wont blend evenly and you will get red and blue spots on your plants, and that couldnt be good giving your plants different spectrums on different leafs.

Im sure if you spent like $4000 on LEDs and completely surrounded a plant you might get some decent buds, but theres really no point. In the end, HID systems are cheaper, and have been proven to produce more.

And noone ever mentions just how HOT the high wattage LED lights get. If anyone actually gets a chance like I did, feel the back of a UFO after its been running for 8 hours, they get pretty damn warm. Nothing compared to the heat of an HID light, but enough heat that if you were running multiple LED pannels, you are absolutely going to Need an A/C or cold air intake anyway.


Well-Known Member
noyourkind, thats a good point if in fact they are busting people becuase of different room temps, if that was the case ide make sure i had a nice exhuast system though to keep the temps cooler . . and either way, that can be anything heating up the room. . what if someone just has they fireplace on. . or a heater on in a room?? i dont think they can get a warrant for different room temps. . dude. . and another reason i wouldnt want to use them is here in san diego i just saw in the news. . they decorated thier damn xmas tree in town with LED lights!! what kind of shit is that?

i dont know BCtrippin. . why is it so hard to get the point accross that LEDs are good for a little kids science projects maybe but not high quality dank. . and yes, why would you go to all the trouble of spending a ton of money surrounding your plants with all these colorful cheezy looking lights. . when you can just invest that in a top of the line hps with cooltube??


Well-Known Member
Alright BC... I am tired of fighting wit you. I am sure you know your stuff on the dope scene. Although my lack of rep points doesnt get me very far on the boards here, I actually know a bit about MJ and what it takes to grow some good dope..... I was just hoping I had stumbled across something worth while since they were 300-600 wattages. I still havent seen a grow using these... Just the 90 watt bullshit. I mean come on, 90watts of HID isnt gonna do much for penetrating floral matter either.

Telling someone to fuck off is only fun when it bothers them, so I'll stop for now. And you have to admit that people who come off as down right arrogant, especially the first time you talk to them, should be told to "fuck right off". If someone entered my bar and tried to school me on beer, per say, just because he had on a Guinness T-shirt, I would tell him to go fuck himself too. Not with anger, but with a smile

You seem like an alright "dude" though, and I have listened to your advice. If I could get a 400w HID to behave at 77 degrees F, while shining that same powered light down on my women, I would be one happy motherfucker.....and probably sleep alot better... Fair enough?



Well-Known Member
Jezzo, I would but I already lent them to your mom for the weekend... Although the spectrums arent too good for growing dope, they seem to be perfect for growing monster pubic hair bush (who knew)... Which your mother already has, so I think she is going overboard....



Well-Known Member
Hey man, no worries, at least you stand up for what you believe is right.

We wouldnt learn much around here without a few good arguments.

Yeah I dunno about the LED wattages, every one I see seems to add up weird, or else they advertise as "equal to 300w or 600w" And even if if the panels using 600w, if theres only 25 lights on the panel, each light would be equivalent to only 24w per light, and if they are that low you would need them inches away from the plant which brings you back to the other problem...You gotta keep the panels far enough to blend the spectrum.

I think its a great ideal in theory, but for now its just gonna be a novelty until theres another breakthrough in LED technology. If you want the perfect spectrum, just run 2 HPS for every 1 MH in flower.