I am soliciting your best advice for being a dad....

My wife has been colonized by a harmless (to adults) Strep Group B. usually not a problem as long as the mother has IV antibiotics. This is why we went into the hospital when we thought her water broke, for the antibiotics.

What we didn't know was that they need to be administered four hours before birth. So all day Sunday, we were being told not to come in by the midwives. At one point, they said we could come in for the epidural but the wife was thinking she wasn't going to do the epidural. They said that their big concern was that they didn't want her to come in on a false alarm and send her home. What they should have said was "get in here, those antibiotics need to be in you". We figured that as long as she had the IV during birth, that things would be cool. So we get there at 3ish, they pop in the IV, she's already 9.5cm dilated. But later we find out that no antibiotics were given through the IV. Reason: we waited too long to come in (!!!!!!!!!! This is when I start to get pissed off). My guess is that the midwife wanted to make sure SHE wasn't going to be at the hospital all day, or at least until the first playoff game was over.

So by being exposed during birth, he could pick up several different horrible things. And his blood tests show that he did start to fight some type of infection. So they have had to poke him, prick him, catheter him, spinal fucking tap him (unsuccessfully), etc. rather than taking another crack at a spinal tap, we opted to leave him for a week. So I am not so much concerned about his long term health as I am the things he has had to go through. I am concerned about my wife. She is sweet and kind but prone to depression (or we would live down the street from @Hookabelly ). Leaving our little guy will be tough on her. So I will be by her side until he gets home. We had her folks stay back East until he gets home. I know that my wife needs the rest I order to not fall apart. Parents would complicate things too much.

He's really cute. I keep thinking about Holly Hunter in Raising Arizona. "Oh Hy, I love him so much!"

UB sorry I am so very sick and I only signed in to answer this and GWN's offered loan of a Holland (I accepted gratefully).

Get that kid home ASAP. Get it on it's mama's breast. Her body will keep the beta hemolytic strep in check as it did for her. Do this before they pass the kid MRSA. If he needs antibiotics they can be given at home. As for the jaundice you can rent a light but it's not usually that necessary for bilirubinemia this far out unless they had to transfuse and even THAT they can do on an out patient basis.

I am resident for all kinds of flora and fauna you guys have not even heard of, Serratia Marcescens anyone? My kids are all old and mean now and I had the last 2 at home because of a hauntingly similar experience with my first and I am from the medical community, surprisingly many of us had our children at home! LOL

Nothing Holly carries can even compare to what we do not get off from under our fingernails at work even when we wash our hands, get that kid home! Do everything you can outpatient.

Simply EXPECT a good dose of post partum from Holly, with all this hubub etc.. Get her a grow light too it will help :) Get her out and walking that kid in the sunshine :)
oh pain killers for u when she is given birth ..........u might come out with battle scars .....freaky strong wear a cup
and do not freak out if she rips from v to a they do good work in out 5 days

c section trust me do not look over the curtain u never want to see your wife like that .......keep your back to it keep talking to her stay clam ....she will be in hospital for a good bit 2 3 weeks

no sex until she jumps u can be a few months so tell her she still looks good and have a porn site on file somewhere ...........if it goes more the n 4 /5 months seek help from talk doctors it can be a sign something is messed up with chemicals from given birth
My dad was 30 firefighter EMT first responder. I remember a many a wreck as a kids I would hand him things while he was elbow deep in blood and gore. A chain saw hit metal on inside of wood and kicked and hit me in the head. I calmy walked in put a towel on it and asked for a ride to the hospital.

They told me I could see my first one I stood up and my wife was layed open. I almost passed out.
My dad was 30 firefighter EMT first responder. I remember a many a wreck as a kids I would hand him things while he was elbow deep in blood and gore. A chain saw hit metal on inside of wood and kicked and hit me in the head. I calmy walked in put a towel on it and asked for a ride to the hospital.

They told me I could see my first one I stood up and my wife was layed open. I almost passed out.

yah man i am telling u it is not something u ever want to see wife laid out still talking to u.....u look over all her insides are on a tray and they are pulling out a little butt

got one to beat the chainsaw .....buddy had a machete and was wacking his shoe it bounce off went into his shin ......like a 8 inch cut u see his bone when the skin split then blood just gushing out u see yell shit bend down and try to hold the skin from peeling anymore ...........so we wrap towel around him and duck tape it on ...........here is the best part we are at the hospital waiting ......his mom and sister walk in point and just start laughing at him
I ende
yah man i am telling u it is not something u ever want to see wife laid out still talking to u.....u look over all her insides are on a tray and they are pulling out a little butt

got one to beat the chainsaw .....buddy had a machete and was wacking his shoe it bounce off went into his shin ......like a 8 inch cut u see his bone when the skin split then blood just gushing out u see yell shit bend down and try to hold the skin from peeling anymore ...........so we wrap towel around him and duck tape it on ...........here is the best part we are at the hospital waiting ......his mom and sister walk in point and just start laughing at him

I ended up with 4 6-7 inch scars with over 40 stitches and staples each. I saw a splitting maul hit a guy in the leg. Not pretty.

In my teenage days I would cut pine post and fire wood. Dangerous work.
I ende

I ended up with 4 6-7 inch scars with over 40 stitches and staples each. I saw a splitting maul hit a guy in the leg. Not pretty.

In my teenage days I would cut pine post and fire wood. Dangerous work.
life is so much fun when u are young and dumb

the worst thing i did would be rent a hatchback car and for 3 days driving it down deer paths in the woods to make 4 wheeler path .....hahaha u should of seen the car we ened up reporting it was stolen and setting it on fire

we rolled it a few times and after the 2nd day no paint was really left on the sides
life is so much fun when u are young and dumb

the worst thing i did would be rent a hatchback car and for 3 days driving it down deer paths in the woods to make 4 wheeler path .....hahaha u should of seen the car we ened up reporting it was stolen and setting it on fire

we rolled it a few times and after the 2nd day no paint was really left on the sides

I was living on my own at 16 and totaled my car. That's the reason I went in the service. To proud to go home.

We used jack to raise the roof of the car back in position. We would ride logging trails with before I left.
hummm.... fatherly advice??? after the divorce/break-up, try and maintain a relationship with the kid/kids, even when they move to the opposite coast...
UB sorry I am so very sick and I only signed in to answer this and GWN's offered loan of a Holland (I accepted gratefully).

Get that kid home ASAP. Get it on it's mama's breast. Her body will keep the beta hemolytic strep in check as it did for her. Do this before they pass the kid MRSA. If he needs antibiotics they can be given at home. As for the jaundice you can rent a light but it's not usually that necessary for bilirubinemia this far out unless they had to transfuse and even THAT they can do on an out patient basis.

I am resident for all kinds of flora and fauna you guys have not even heard of, Serratia Marcescens anyone? My kids are all old and mean now and I had the last 2 at home because of a hauntingly similar experience with my first and I am from the medical community, surprisingly many of us had our children at home! LOL

Nothing Holly carries can even compare to what we do not get off from under our fingernails at work even when we wash our hands, get that kid home! Do everything you can outpatient.

Simply EXPECT a good dose of post partum from Holly, with all this hubub etc.. Get her a grow light too it will help :) Get her out and walking that kid in the sunshine :)
Yeah I know. He's coming home very soon. He'll be squirming around at home soon. Just so you know, he's been on his Mom's breast most of the time. We are pretty much always there. When we are not, he gets occasional bottle feelings with Mom's best in it.

Sorry to hear that you are feeling punk. Is CN back yet? Hope you feel better.
Yeah I know. He's coming home very soon. He'll be squirming around at home soon. Just so you know, he's been on his Mom's breast most of the time. We are pretty much always there. When we are not, he gets occasional bottle feelings with Mom's best in it.

Sorry to hear that you are feeling punk. Is CN back yet? Hope you feel better.

Thank you, CN's back and we all got sick from him. He brought home some horrid euro super virus. I'm starting to feel good enough I'm afraid I won't die.

I'll exhale when you get that baby home :) While you wait may I recommend a fun read, "The House of God" by Samuel Shem.
Thank you, CN's back and we all got sick from him. He brought home some horrid euro super virus. I'm starting to feel good enough I'm afraid I won't die.

I'll exhale when you get that baby home :) While you wait may I recommend a fun read, "The House of God" by Samuel Shem.

We are just about to leave to pick up our wee Trilobite and bring him home. Pulling him out sooner would have voided the warranty. We are over the moon about bringing him home. Yay.
We are just about to leave to pick up our wee Trilobite and bring him home. Pulling him out sooner would have voided the warranty. We are over the moon about bringing him home. Yay.

Oh gosh they got you for the extended warranty too!!?? They saw you coming :) Please tell me you did not buy under coating and scratch protection and god knows you don't need Scotch Guarding for the upholstery since it's all leather!.

I can't wait to meet young Master Baldrick. I've already picked out my nickname for him, Tribble, sort of rhymes with trouble and ........
Ok, we are at the hospital. Waiting. My darling is in bed with a baby heart monitor on. Everything seems good. She's not really having contractions but her water broke. I'm guessing we are not leaving here without a baby even if they have to induce. So we agreed on the first name, not quite the middle name.

So please give me your best advice for the next 30 years. You don't have to be a parent and you don't need to be serious.
I don't think there is any real advice, trying to tell someone what it's like to be a parent is like trying to describe a colour to a blind person.
Enjoy every minute man, the time flies and they grow sooooo fast once you get past the first 9 months of poop and sleep deprivation.
My daughter is my greatest joy in life, now 3 she never fails to shake me loose of any 'grown up' stresses. A smile can be like Devine intervention.
With love in your heart and your time and attention, all else comes fairly naturally.