Well-Known Member
Cuckoldry is as old as time itselfRight? So hip, so modern, so sexually advanced, while simultaneously complaining that he can't do thing the archaic thing anymore.
Cuckoldry is as old as time itselfRight? So hip, so modern, so sexually advanced, while simultaneously complaining that he can't do thing the archaic thing anymore.
Again, this was not a random guy coming out of nowhere and kissing her. They were at a wedding party and enjoying each other’s company.You are at a party and some dude pushed up on you and started making out with you, how would you react?
What about not sneaking in a kiss, but stuffing his tongue down your throat rubbing up on you? And not someone that you had known well for a long time, but say someone who you were relying on for a big real estate deal when you were just starting out in your career.Again, this was not a random guy coming out of nowhere and kissing her. They were at a wedding party and enjoying each other’s company.
but if some dude I was hanging out with tried kissing me, or even snuck a kiss in, I wouldn’t call it assault, I’d call it a misunderstanding. And it has happened so I’m speaking from experience.
Same here, it doesn't mean that everyone in the same situation would feel the same or have had the same life experiences.Lol, you really need to be the little social justice warrior and throw all common language out with the bath water don’t you. I have had men and women grab my ass/cock and have had people I don’t want try to kiss me. I have never once thought it was assault. Now if at any time that lady was forced, cornered or threatened then that’s a different story.
This thread needs a good recipe.This thread should be moved to sexuality and stupidity
I would respond horribly but I would also ask my wife how they created a dynamic where a man just thought it was OK to kiss her
Did you come here to just attack me Jesus man leave me the fuck alone fucking trollYou’d sit in the closed closet and record it on your phone, while jerking your little 3 incher
Same here, it doesn't mean that everyone in the same situation would feel the same or have had the same life experiences.
And she obviously felt uncomfortable in the situation right? Can you at least understand that in your machismo haze? She didn't ask for it, and really at the end of the day that is what it comes down to.
Did you come here to just attack me Jesus man leave me the fuck alone fucking troll
I would never disparage a woman from coming forward about any type of sexual assault or weird sexual situation that she was involved with that was not wanted. but sometimes I think things get taken a little overboard and the situation becomes something that it was never actually meant to become for instance that lady saying she was sexually assaulted by a man who attempted to kiss her for all we know he simply leaned in and didn’t really do anything and because of the world we live in today that lady can come forward spin that scenario in her favor be awarded a bunch of money and completely ruin that person‘s life and career I just think it’s crazy how the word assault and rape are so easily used not that I am downplaying rape or sexual assault at all those two things are very serious things I just think the words anymore are used very loosely to describe basic unwanted interactions that get deflected and are no more than thatShe did, the question is, is it sexual assault? Cause that’s a legal term, arrests etc.
Agreed that’s what I’m saying it’s nuts how in the world we live in today people are so quick to label those things as a type of sexual assaultA misunderstood attempt at a kiss and then backing off when it's clear the situation was misread is not the same thing as sexual assault.