Human Rights vs Civil Rights Cultivates into National Security Complications

Yes even killer whales will toss a seal in "play" before eating or maybe not eating, but your observations are so completely surface that it makes me wonder?
There are reasons for all behavior, cause and effect.
That "play" as described is far more than "play", it is practice.
Things must learn to live, thats part of whats born into us, part of the natural "law", the bottom line.
The need for "printed rules" in itself reflects the anomaly of disconnect.
well which is it...first you say
"Even "wild animals" recognize and respect natural rights (if you will).
Predators will kill to eat (= natural right), but if not hungry, the same critter will be perfectly peaceful in letting normally prey animals drink at the water hole (also natural right)."
then you say
"Yes even killer whales will toss a seal in "play" before eating or maybe not eating, but your observations are so completely surface that it makes me wonder?"
whose observations are "surface"...i don't have to keep back and qualifying what i said...

then you say
" There are reasons for all behavior, cause and effect.
That "play" as described is far more than "play", it is practice.
Things must learn to live, thats part of whats born into us, part of the natural "law", the bottom line.
The need for "printed rules" in itself reflects the anomaly of disconnect."
after saying
We simply just have it born into us to "respect" certain natural rights.
Most critters will adopt an orphaned new born, humans tend to do the same, because there is something in us all that knows the bottom line and keeps driving us and all critters to try to stay consistent with that line.
All species have individuals who for whatever reasons seem to lose track of the bottom line rules of existence, such is also a natural, yet for the most part an anomaly phenomena.

so are these instincts "born into us" or are they developed by observing the world around us?
i can't argue with an inconsistent opponent...pick one argument and stick with it, please

This is getting at the heart of the problem.
i'm not watching that...i went to the website and it told me not one fucking thing about who these people are or what they fuck their video.
people with nothing to hide tell you who they are and what they want right up front, they don't put up slick websites with absolutely no actual information on them...
"Gravity doesn't exist", and the world is flat. Ok idiot,
I don't care wtf words you use, the fact remains that there are prevailing realities of nature that exist with or without human constructs. You are clearly so obsessed with your lack of understanding that maybe it's just that words don't mean anything to you now.
this is the exact opposite of what you tried to tell me...get a mind, make it up, then come argue....
Here on earth there is some kind of physical force at play that keeps things moving towards the ground.
Out in space there is some kind of physical force at play that keeps the things humans call planets spinning in orbit around great balls of fuel. Then that whole ball of wax continues to spin around some even greater physical force that many humans have decided to call a "black hole".
I don't make up the words, I just use the words others have made up and agreed to use in effort to communicate.
The word most people understand as representing the "force" described above is "gravity". Sorry if that offends you.
While the meaning of the word "gravity" may transform along with a better understanding of the nature of it, it is still just a descriptive word that if you choose not to use, you will simply need to make up some other word to take its place in any effort to describe this physical force at play keeping our feet on the ground.
OK, so you don't understand what we perceive as gravity is. Got it. Most don't. I don't either to be honest.

Moving along, There is no "natural law" or "rule of biology" that says animals shall only kill for food or other good reason, which is where this whole discussion about your ignorance began. As with gravity, people make up theories that they then use to explain why and how the world or universe is what it is. Some theories, like Newton's law of gravity is factually wrong but still useful because it can be used to predict the motion of objects with mass. I don't see how your "rule of nature" or whatever you want to call your idea is useful or based upon anything factual.
i'm not watching that...i went to the website and it told me not one fucking thing about who these people are or what they fuck their video.
people with nothing to hide tell you who they are and what they want right up front, they don't put up slick websites with absolutely no actual information on them...
I did watch it...and TBH I support many of their positions
Taking money out of politics is the answer but we have a system that money talks
I did watch it...and TBH I support many of their positions
Taking money out of politics is the answer but we have a system that money talks

It's interesting that you want to take money out of politics. (that might be a good thing)

Yet, you didn't mention taking involuntary inclusion out. Why should people who simply want to live their lives peacefully and respectful of others wishes be automatically included in others politics ?

It's like you're trying to make a hearty beef stew, by omitting the beef and putting more potatoes and carrots in.

We have a system where none are allowed to peacefully opt out. That's the root source of the problem.
I was so looking forward to hearing more about natural laws that wolves and bacteria all observe. Are there ten of them? Is there a mini bible for paramecium? It's real, just like gravity. LOL

Well, let me help you out with one then, "Reproduce or perish."
Seriously @squarepush3r, you are a living example of how Naziism swept a civilized country.

The bombings were an attack on a bunch of people in church on Easter Sunday and now that some asshole has put together a few examples of some journalists using the most obvious phrase possible to describe them, "Easter worshipers", you are being led by the nose to spread some bullshit conspiracy theory of media coordination. Wow, what a smoking gun. How many journalists are there that wrote about this huge story? How many used the phrase? How many didn't? You don't know or care because some well executed propaganda piece targeting people of sub-average intelligence did all the thinking for you.

Because some dipshit put together some easily digestible graphic for you, it is now what you believe.



and I am sorry to say that there are many more like you. Trump may love the poorly educated but I think you are a piece of shit.
I was so looking forward to hearing more about natural laws that wolves and bacteria all observe. Are there ten of them? Is there a mini bible for paramecium? It's real, just like gravity. LOL

If you want serious, then act like it.
As far as "natural law" goes, these are just words used to help describe that which, for the most part is beyond our understanding.
What can be understood, are the consequences of "natural law".
A good example is from Rob Roy (as usual, and clearly not a RIU politics idiot), "Reproduce or perish.".
Get to hot, you die, get to cold, you die, don't eat, you die, don't drink, you die, and all are consequences of "natural law".
If human laws and behaviors are not in step with "natural law", there is always consequences.
If you are truly oblivious to these realities then I would imagine there will eventually be serious consequences.
Many human laws and behaviors are out of step with "natural law", and so we see many consequences every day at every level.
If you want serious, then act like it.
As far as "natural law" goes, these are just words used to help describe that which, for the most part is beyond our understanding.
What can be understood, are the consequences of "natural law".
A good example is from Rob Roy (as usual, and clearly not a RIU politics idiot), "Reproduce or perish.".
Get to hot, you die, get to cold, you die, don't eat, you die, don't drink, you die, and all are consequences of "natural law".
If human laws and behaviors are not in step with "natural law", there is always consequences.
If you are truly oblivious to these realities then I would imagine there will eventually be serious consequences.
Many human laws and behaviors are out of step with "natural law", and so we see many consequences every day at every level.

You don't know what you are talking about. Just like when you talked about gravity.

"Reproduce or perish", for example. Are you talking about people? If you are, then you don't account for the examples shown by psychologists and anthropologists where people who don't have children help those who do to successfully raise the next generation. The children benefit and society benefits because the next generation thrives. So, how useful is that "law" you cited?

Also, Rob Roy has it completely wrong when he says that children can give consent to have sex with an adult even below the age of 14. The unequal relationship often produces children who become adults that fail to thrive in later life. So don't quote Rob to me. He's nuts and probably pedo.
You don't know what you are talking about. Just like when you talked about gravity.

"Reproduce or perish", for example. Are you talking about people? If you are, then you don't account for the examples shown by psychologists and anthropologists where people who don't have children help those who do to successfully raise the next generation. The children benefit and society benefits because the next generation thrives. So, how useful is that "law" you cited?

Also, Rob Roy has it completely wrong when he says that children can give consent to have sex with an adult even below the age of 14. The unequal relationship often produces children who become adults that fail to thrive in later life. So don't quote Rob to me. He's nuts and probably pedo.

TardDog, what you have described here is just another example of "natural law" and the internal need to raise our young, yet, your statement was intended to disprove "natural law", so I am concluding that the idiocy you have displayed here has wholly exceeded my initial estimations and expectations.
In a world where you were king, no doubt I would need to return to save the crops.

If you want serious, then act like it.
As far as "natural law" goes, these are just words used to help describe that which, for the most part is beyond our understanding.
What can be understood, are the consequences of "natural law".
A good example is from Rob Roy (as usual, and clearly not a RIU politics idiot), "Reproduce or perish.".
Get to hot, you die, get to cold, you die, don't eat, you die, don't drink, you die, and all are consequences of "natural law".
If human laws and behaviors are not in step with "natural law", there is always consequences.
If you are truly oblivious to these realities then I would imagine there will eventually be serious consequences.
Many human laws and behaviors are out of step with "natural law", and so we see many consequences every day at every level.
holy motherfucking goddamn're a rob roy fan...i thought you were a mythical beast...
if you EVER want to be taken even close to seriously, never, ever...fucking ever, use rob roy as a citation source...he's a semi psychotic anarchist dumbass...and a probable pedophile...can't you pick someone more reputable to quote? ted bundy? the unabomber? jim jones?