Well-Known Member
at least his education isn't based on warm fuzzy or cold prickly feelings....
you make shit up and try to defend your imagination constructs as reality...you haven't said one factual thing in this entire thread, it's all been shit you've pulled out of a hat...a hat you apparently wear on your ass, since it's always full of shit..or maybe that's just because you don't take it off when you put your head up your ass every morning...
animals follow rules...they don't play with other animals for fun...they'll let prey pass to the water hole unmolested...
you believe in "self evident naturally endowed human rights"...a nonsensical string of words if there ever has been a nonsensical string of words...rights aren't naturally endowed or god given...they're granted to people by other people, in the hopes that those other people will respect the same "rights" in ourselves..."rights" are a completely and totally human concept...animals neither expect or receive rights...the only right they require from us is for us to fuck off and quit fucking up their homes.
Apparently you don't know the difference between being fucked with and understanding when someone puts a serious example in your path.
Surprisingly though, you have finally brought something valid to the table, all be it very shitty, it stinks of "natural law".
Man's law cannot determine if you shit or not, you will crap it out eventually regardless, as is exampled in your post quoted above.
Don't feel embarrassed, it's a simple natural act...