Human Rights vs Civil Rights Cultivates into National Security Complications

at least his education isn't based on warm fuzzy or cold prickly feelings....
you make shit up and try to defend your imagination constructs as haven't said one factual thing in this entire thread, it's all been shit you've pulled out of a hat...a hat you apparently wear on your ass, since it's always full of shit..or maybe that's just because you don't take it off when you put your head up your ass every morning...
animals follow rules...they don't play with other animals for fun...they'll let prey pass to the water hole unmolested...
you believe in "self evident naturally endowed human rights"...a nonsensical string of words if there ever has been a nonsensical string of words...rights aren't naturally endowed or god given...they're granted to people by other people, in the hopes that those other people will respect the same "rights" in ourselves..."rights" are a completely and totally human concept...animals neither expect or receive rights...the only right they require from us is for us to fuck off and quit fucking up their homes.

Apparently you don't know the difference between being fucked with and understanding when someone puts a serious example in your path.
Surprisingly though, you have finally brought something valid to the table, all be it very shitty, it stinks of "natural law".
Man's law cannot determine if you shit or not, you will crap it out eventually regardless, as is exampled in your post quoted above.
Don't feel embarrassed, it's a simple natural act...

Apparently you don't know the difference between being fucked with and understanding when someone puts a serious example in your path.
Surprisingly though, you have finally brought something valid to the table, all be it very shitty, it stinks of "natural law".
Man's law cannot determine if you shit or not, you will crap it out eventually regardless., as is exampled in your post quoted above.
Don't feel embarrassed, it's a simple natural act...

i'm not embarassed...if there's any shit on me, it's on the lower half of my anatomy, while you're covered from the neck up....
the only thing i ever really learned from buck is what an ass you actually are...guess i owe him a beer for that revelation...
Buck is a classic demagogue; he screams at and insults anyone who doesn't agree with him, doxxes them etc until he drives them off. I've caught him outright lying on many occasions and he knows it.

That you fell for his schtick says more about your weakness of character in a debate than it does about me.
Speak for yourself. Blowhard opinion covering badly for a lack of research.

Smoke another bowl, calm down and start finding corroborating sources.
So nice that you two have met. I look forward to watching two people who can't communicate talk to each other.

Actually, @DNAprotection is just making shit up. He cites "Natural Law" in a manner and with a meaning that is completely different from the commonly used term. That's OK but he can't simply expect people to understand him or his explanations when they don't make sense. For example he says its "like gravity" and it's "like how animals only kill for food or other purpose" (not true) and "it''s what is necessary" (LOL).. Compounded with that idiocy, he made it clear that he is using the word "gravity" wrongly too. Gravity isn't even a thing. Just like his "natural law"

Speaking of making shit up, what do you mean when you use the word "progressive"? The context in which you say progressive doesn't match the common use of that term.

Oh, and speaking of idiotic arguments, please confirm if I understand your argument about Democrats: Summing up your argument, is it true that "because Clinton signed NAFTA into law in 1993, Trump is just like Booker". Don't tax yourself with an explanation, a simple yes or no would be fine.
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Actually, @DNAprotection is just making shit up. He cites "Natural Law" in a manner and with a meaning that is completely different from the commonly used term. That's OK but he can't simply expect people to understand him or his explanations when they don't make sense. For example he says its "like gravity" and it's "like how animals only kill for food or other purpose" (not true) and "it''s what is necessary" (LOL).. Compounded with that idiocy, he made it clear that he is using the word "gravity" wrongly too. Gravity isn't even a thing. Just like his "natural law".

Truly only an idiot would think or express that I'm making shit up. With the exception of justifiably chumming the water with a tiny bite of idiot bait, I've only been stating the shit that is.
You on the other hand do not seem to see or understand the shit that is, maybe your dogged eye's are blocked with CCCS (corporate college curriculum shinola)?
Shit or shinola, the problem here is that you wouldn't recognize either one unless some book instructed you on such, not withstanding typos.

Truly only an idiot would think or express that I'm making shit up. With the exception of justifiably chumming the water with a tiny bite of idiot bait, I've only been stating the shit that is.
You on the other hand do not seem to see or understand the shit that is, maybe your dogged eye's are blocked with CCCS (corporate college curriculum shinola)?
Shit or shinola, the problem here is that you wouldn't recognize either one unless some book instructed you on such, not withstanding typos.'ve been stating the shit that exists in your mind...but that's the only place on earth most of it exists...
shit or shinola? doesn't matter when you'll eat either one
@DNAprotection "Natural law is real, just like gravity."

It turns out that "gravity" thing you talked about is a bitch of a physics problem.

The universe is younger and expanding faster than we thought, a new study found — and we may need new physics as a result

The universe is younger and expanding faster than we thought, a new study found, scientists think we may have to work on new physics as a result.

A new study lead by Nobel Prize-winning scientist, Adam Riess, found that the universe is expanding 9% faster than previous calcultions that were based on studying the aftermath of the Big Bang.

NASA astrophysicist John Mather, who has also won a Nobel Prize, said that the two different expansion rates could be down to two things, "1. We're making mistakes we can't find yet. 2. Nature has something we can't find yet."

But Reiss downplayed the idea that the results could be the result of human error. He said that the "mismatch" between the two rates "has been growing and has now reached a point that is really impossible to dismiss as a fluke," he said. "This is not what we expected."

So, some high school dropout takes the term "Natural Law", makes up some ooga-booga pseudoreligion, dresses the religion with sciency stuff comparing it to gravity and links it to attributes of animal behavior that don't exist as a general rule and then derides education.

LOL, Don't tell me you work at Subway. We had another fool who sounded like you who turned out he worked at Subway. Not that there is anything wrong with working there, it's just that Subway isn't normally the place where one finds physicists who work on holistic laws of nature that combine gravity with animal behavior and wraps it up with "whatever is necessary" as the final argument.

Actually, Subway probably IS the place to look for somebody like that.
You are an idiot.
Nothing you've posted here is relevant.
I will state this one more time very slowly as it seems that possibly your brain moves at the speed of darkness.
The fact remains that humans have named a thing.
The definition of that thing can change as human understanding evolves, but you will still need a name for the thing.
In this case humans still use the word "gravity" when describing the thing that keeps a blinddog from floating away on his last adventure.
“My number two does not look like a number two. I don’t know what to call it. Is there a number three?”
Serious replies only, moron.

Uh hum. Natural law is like gravity and animal behavior.

You are entitled to make up your own religion. It kind of sounds like Star Wars' The Force. Why don't you call it that?
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Who said anything about religion besides you?
In fact you seem to be primitively obsessed with religion.
Here, I will throw you another bone to scroll around with...

Your "natural law" is pseudo religion. It is based on your belief alone. I've been doing you the favor of pointing out your factual errors. You should be thanking me. Instead you say:

Your "natural law" is pseudo religion. It is based on your belief alone. I've been doing you the favor of pointing out your factual errors. You should be thanking me. Instead you say:


The natural physical reality is no more mine than it is yours, and is just as much yours as it is mine.
We cannot escape it, or legislate our way out of it, it simply is, we are born from the laws of nature, we live under the laws of nature, and we will all die by the laws of nature.
The natural "law", the "law of the jungle", or whatever label one uses, has no religion, therefore it's idiotically ridicules to call such a "religion" or in any way hang a religious tie on the physical laws of nature.
Religion is a human construct that tries to account for all that is, but falls pathetically short, not unlike all your posted responses on this thread.
The only one making shit up is you.
The world according to Garpdog is entirely a wish or a denial coming from Garpdog.
I am thankful, I absolutely appreciate your willingness to be the idiot on display, I couln't have placed an order for a more perfect example.
The natural physical reality is no more mine than it is yours, and is just as much yours as it is mine.
We cannot escape it, or legislate our way out of it, it simply is, we are born from the laws of nature, we live under the laws of nature, and we will all die by the laws of nature.
The natural "law", the "law of the jungle", or whatever label one uses, has no religion, therefore it's idiotically ridicules to call such a "religion" or in any way hang a religious tie on the physical laws of nature.
Religion is a human construct that tries to account for all that is, but falls pathetically short, not unlike all your posted responses on this thread.
The only one making shit up is you.
The world according to Garpdog is entirely a wish or a denial coming from Garpdog.
I am thankful, I absolutely appreciate your willingness to be the idiot on display, I couln't have placed an order for a more perfect example.
"Natural law is like gravity. "

"There is a natural law that say animals never kill unless for food"

"Natural law is about what's necessary"

I can't make shit like that up. But you did.

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