How to let the athiest know our God is real

Where exactly in the old testament or the new testament does it discuss "angels raping little kids". A virgin is not necessarily a child, is that what you are referring to? I don't recall the Virgin birth of Jesus ever saying that angels or God himself having any sexual relations with Mary, just that she was a virgin and miraculously gave birth to Jesus. My question is why do you rearrange words and concepts to fit your own beliefs, that is confirmation bias.
Most prevalent issue IMO is, Christians simply cannot read. Most were never taught to properly read in any capacity, and do not understand the importance of context.

Willful Ignorance is also a formidable weapon.
TL;DR...To believe in some omnipotent being goes against all logic and reason. There isn't a single shred of evidence that Jesus ever existed. The book of tales, we, the bible is not proof
Burden of proof. Just bc there is no evidence does not mean he never existed. An omnipotent being can be perfectly logical and backed by sound reasoning but that doesn't mean that is the truth. The fact is that whoever is responsible for the words that the character jesus speaks in the four gospels was very wise. Just because you do not comprehend the wisdom yourself does not discredit the wisdom in any way, you must experience an awakening within your self before you can recognize such wisdom.
Burden of proof. Just bc there is no evidence does not mean he never existed. An omnipotent being can be perfectly logical and backed by sound reasoning but that doesn't mean that is the truth. The fact is that whoever is responsible for the words that the character jesus speaks in the four gospels was very wise. Just because you do not comprehend the wisdom yourself does not discredit the wisdom in any way, you must experience an awakening within your self before you can recognize such wisdom.

Previous religions are responsible.
why are there so many Jesus characters long before the christian version surfaced. samo flood, samo space noids coming down for the sky and making us slaves to them, samo samo, cept the christians are late to the boat and sold a bunch of extra embellishments to boot. all the jesus' probably loved on bingo, so...
why do you need to let the atheist know anything? religion is a personal decision, and should be between yourself and god. if you're trying to make someone believe something they don't want to believe, it leads to terrorism, either by you trying to force your beliefs on someone, or by people trying to defend their own beliefs.
God is supposed to be loving and accepting, about the end of the old testament he got some anger counseling, and has been a lot mellower since.
why are there so many Jesus characters long before the christian version surfaced. samo flood, samo space noids coming down for the sky and making us slaves to them, samo samo, cept the christians are late to the boat and sold a bunch of extra embellishments to boot. all the jesus' probably loved on bingo, so...
because they're the latest thing, in terms of religious history. they took what worked for them from the previous religions, used it to recruit from the older religions, and they kept expanding.
some religions might actually start because one person has a personal epiphany, and hes really trying to make the world a better place, but as soon as he starts spreading his message, there will be con men, lazy bastards, power hungry asshats, and just plain morons who will jump aboard for various reasons, and the founders message and mission gets buried in the bullshit people cause where ever they go.
just keep god to yourself, anyone who wants to find him should be able to
because they're the latest thing, in terms of religious history. they took what worked for them from the previous religions, used it to recruit from the older religions, and they kept expanding.
some religions might actually start because one person has a personal epiphany, and hes really trying to make the world a better place, but as soon as he starts spreading his message, there will be con men, lazy bastards, power hungry asshats, and just plain morons who will jump aboard for various reasons, and the founders message and mission gets buried in the bullshit people cause where ever they go.
just keep god to yourself, anyone who wants to find him should be able to

then that would make at least the very last "jesus", the ones christians subscribe to, a fraud since there were ones hundreds of years prior to his appearance? this seems very telling as far as christianity goes
every "messiah" so far has been a fraud, unless you're one of the people who believe in that particular one.
except for the very first guy to come up with the idea, all religions pick the bones of their predecessors. They build on prior mythos to establish their own "legitimacy", and tailor the tales to fit their own needs.
why do you need to let the atheist know anything? religion is a personal decision, and should be between yourself and god. if you're trying to make someone believe something they don't want to believe, it leads to terrorism, either by you trying to force your beliefs on someone, or by people trying to defend their own beliefs.
God is supposed to be loving and accepting, about the end of the old testament he got some anger counseling, and has been a lot mellower since.
Saying that God is supposed to be loving and accepting is like saying it is supposed to rain today bc that is what the forecast said, at least the forecast is based on science and not on faith alone but either way it is not supposed to be anything, it will either rain or it will not I have come to believe that the only reason in this world is causal not a means to an end. As a psychopath I have very different opinions on what the creator might be I believe that God like me is also a psychopath, not recognizing good and evil which have no real objective existence. "Do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" The Torah
because they're the latest thing, in terms of religious history. they took what worked for them from the previous religions, used it to recruit from the older religions, and they kept expanding.
some religions might actually start because one person has a personal epiphany, and hes really trying to make the world a better place, but as soon as he starts spreading his message, there will be con men, lazy bastards, power hungry asshats, and just plain morons who will jump aboard for various reasons, and the founders message and mission gets buried in the bullshit people cause where ever they go.
just keep god to yourself, anyone who wants to find him should be able to
If not for the wise words of the prophet Eckhart Tolle I would not be here today, I am glad he did not keep the message to himself. I agree there will always be those who pursue selfish agendas and destroy the message but if not for the prophets many would never find god on their own including myself. Some people have taught themselves calculus in a few short months but the vast majority have to spend a few years in school rigorously studying the material before they finally catch on, a teacher who already understands will go a long way for these people.
you are not a psychopath, if you were, you certainly wouldn't belong to this website, you would be too busy plotting and carrying out mayhem to have time to grow weed. take it from a certified sociopath, with commitment papers to prove it.
i've never needed the words of anyone else to keep going, my relationship with god is personal and private, and does not require any kind of intermediary. i haven't set foot in a church since i was a child, and feel no need to start now, nor do i feel the need for spiritual guidance.
i don't think god needs a prophet, if you seek him on your own, he's there to find.
when eckhart tolle gives all his books and videos away for free, then i might read one of them, but i doubt it. anyone who tries to make any kind of profit off of religion is no prophet
Is this conversation about faith or religion?

Because if it is about religion you are spelling prophet incorrectly. Try profit.

The Romans figured it out best. Combine church and state for the most wealth going to the least people.

I guess they modeled their business of religion after the Egyptians. But found many made up gods too confusing for the masses. So they incorporated the successful Jewish people and their mysterious "one god" concept and then forced them to write the New Testament to their specs at swordpoint.

They didn't have to sell the new book like the earlier prophets sold their version. They had the ultimate sales force. The roman army.

That is a well managed company. Their territory became the whole world pretty much at the time.
you are not a psychopath, if you were, you certainly wouldn't belong to this website, you would be too busy plotting and carrying out mayhem to have time to grow weed. take it from a certified sociopath, with commitment papers to prove it.
i've never needed the words of anyone else to keep going, my relationship with god is personal and private, and does not require any kind of intermediary. i haven't set foot in a church since i was a child, and feel no need to start now, nor do i feel the need for spiritual guidance.
i don't think god needs a prophet, if you seek him on your own, he's there to find.
when eckhart tolle gives all his books and videos away for free, then i might read one of them, but i doubt it. anyone who tries to make any kind of profit off of religion is no prophet
I've never spoke with my psychiatrist about it bc I don't want him to think that I am a danger to society but I have done a lot of research and I am quite certain I am. Did you know that it is estimated that 5 % of the population are psychopaths and the majority being functioning and not at risk of causing harm to people or social order. Unfortunately I am also schizophrenic and if my doctor feels that I am having thoughts about harming others he may institutionalize me so I try to stay away from the subject of psychopathy.

The reason I was so close to suicide was bc I was in the early stages of the budding process and what was left of my conscience was telling me that I should kill myself before I caused great evil and harm to others. I was not a born psychopath I was a budding psychopath and once had a very solid conscience as well as emotions both of which are gone now. The book "A New Earth" was given to me in this time of chrisis and clearly showed me the way out of that situation. "You shall not charge a mean price for the word" Muhammad. Even prophets have to make a living and prophets are not concerned with religion but enlightenment. I highly recommend the book to anyone who would like to transcend suffering but since you are a sociopath I assume you are not suffering at all.
Is this conversation about faith or religion?

Because if it is about religion you are spelling prophet incorrectly. Try profit.

The Romans figured it out best. Combine church and state for the most wealth going to the least people.

I guess they modeled their business of religion after the Egyptians. But found many made up gods too confusing for the masses. So they incorporated the successful Jewish people and their mysterious "one god" concept and then forced them to write the New Testament to their specs at swordpoint.

They didn't have to sell the new book like the earlier prophets sold their version. They had the ultimate sales force. The roman army.

That is a well managed company. Their territory became the whole world pretty much at the time.
The conversation can be about whatever we like the OP has abandoned the thread.

Yes I agree with everything you've said except the Jews writing the bible at sword point do you have any peer reviewed data to support that? A very good book about the writing of the new testament is God Against the Gods I forget the authors name and much of the material I do not recall if the authors were Jewish or not.