How to let the athiest know our God is real

I will do my best to keep this rational. I will start with your last statement "you are the god of your own existence, now go create" very well said and I agree 100%. IMO you are the effortless creator of the cosmos, you created Paradise just to be alive, it can not possibly get any better than this just open your eyes it is paradise. Unfortunately God does not always realize that it is god, do to an influx of constant thought and emotion god can very easily come to the belief that it is a mortal human being, the Light of awareness becomes cover in darkness and the world becomes dull and lifeless. The immortal genius that creates entire universes and created the human brain falls from grace and loses itself to the illusion of time and mortality. There is a way to for God/Goddess to return to grace and realize it's true power which is Love, not the sappy emotional love the love of which I speak is a very light and easy thing, it should take an effort that is not there to hold it back. That is why you created this world, because you could not experience or express love without the human experience.

Always be Aware of Space : Can you become directly aware of all the empty space around you?

Time is an illusion but the Earth is very Real : there is no time all that exists is the universe at this present moment. Eternity

All things come and go but the Light remains Eternal : you are the Light, Awareness, the stillness, the Silent Witness, not fleeting, Unwavering, Eternal, immortal.

The world is not hell it is actually a very peaceful paradise

"if I err, I err only against my own soul, for in the Light i know Allah's will as my own will. Muhammad

"it is not I but the Father in me that does the works" JC
I agree with ya dude it's hard to explain to people. I don't bother mostly, people are so brainwashed nowadays they can barely see their hand in front of their face.
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Except maybe the whole this is paradise of those things that's hard to reason. Like how can this be paradise? Bc of its potential? Yes we have the potential to be in paradise. But we ruin it by letting ourselves be controlled and used. I also kind of agree about nothing being important. At the end of the day nothing is really more or less important than anything else. It's all fleeting, everything is just moment, a simple effect of the Big Bang. Still unwinding and expanding, I pretty much just envision the universe as a chemical reaction. Something that happened and will eventually end and even tho it seems like an eternity to us it's really just a blink of eye.

So pretty much either perfection does not exist or everything is perfect. There is no in between, how can something have "flaws" if it's exactly as it was meant to be? I wish we a people would stop throwing rocks and trying to trying to take all the sand in the sandbox for ourselves and realize that all the things we stress ourselves out over on a daily basis don't mean shit. We suffer for nothing.

I'm guilty of stressing over things that I shouldn't. But I'm trying to transcend this madness.

Ps: it's difficult trying to explain things with this point of view. Bc either everything matters or nothing matters. Bc everything is connected, we all have the same origin. We just choose what to care about.
By supernatural I mean not anything normally found on earth. You could say that non-physical entities are a part of nature and therefore natural. I just couldn't think of any better way to describe discarnate entities, though I guess I could use that term instead.

YHWH was clearly a revised version of the Egyptian high god Amun. He dwelled in a holy mountain, Jebel Barkal today, much like YHWH on Mt Sinai or whereever it was. Let's face it, any normal modern person can easily see that YHWH is a made up character just like his prototype Amun and all the other gods of the region. None of them get special status as being not made up, why would they when they obviously are.

For instance, if YHWH were in fact a real entity and had limitless power then why would he let the Babylonians destroy his temple? And the convenient excuse of "to punish the Israelites" won't wash because how does the temple benefit them? With the temple gone, they didn't have to waste animals anymore, because that was the only place acceptable to do the sacrifices. The temple getting destroyed hurt nobody but YHWH himself, so why did he let it happen?

There are no gods because a god is a thing that you do things for in hope of deriving personal benefit, usually bountiful harvests and military success. So obviously that would not be an advanced entity capable of creating universes. Sounds more like something you would summon up with a Ouija board. Obviously a real "Creator" would not be involved in petty deals with humans like that and would have no use for worship or sacrifices whatsoever. If you want to test whether a god is real then an easy method is to ask yourself if the entity ever asked for anything. If the answer is yes, it isn't the Creator if one exists. It's some dude making shit up.
I agree with this. I don't believe in Christianity or any other religions view of god but I do believe in a "higher" power. Something that is so far out of our scope of reality that we can't comprehend it. I don't believe in some petty tyrant in the clouds. The god is described in the Bible does not sound like a "god" to me or a..... Since my definition of a god is different than most peoples I will use a different placeholder for my definition which will be "demi-god" so this will be less confusing. I will be using everyone else's definition for the rest of this post.

So the god in the Bible and most other religions sound like the pettiness of man to me. No god would care for such pettiness as being worshipped. Sounds like they are trying to make us worship a demon to me.

In my own opinion religion is nothing but a tool for control the masses.

Heaven or Hell.......this is heaven and hell you can't exist in only one. Shadows are created from light and there is always a light on the darkness. There is no yin without yang.

I also don't really believe in death, just transformation. We humans are made up of a bunch of things. A bunch of things that are found on this planet. A bunch of things that we can write down on paper and say this is what you are made of. Except for what's in the mind.....that which controls our bodies..... pretty much everything that existed when the Big Bang happened is stil here. There is no more of less matter in the universe.

I think the same applies to our souls. Which I simply refer to as "life energy". And energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
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And by Paradise I am referring to the beauty and serenity of the earth and the heavens. I realize that is subjective. If you want to transcend suffering I would highly recommend the book " A New Earth " by Eckhart Tolle. Very wise man well worth the $ 15.
I agree with this. I don't believe in Christianity or any other religions view of god but I do believe in a "higher" power. Something that is so far out of our scope of reality that we can't comprehend it. I don't believe in some petty tyrant in the clouds. The god is described in the Bible does not sound like a "god" to me or a..... Since my definition of a god is different than most peoples I will use a different placeholder for my definition which will be "demi-god" so this will be less confusing. I will be using everyone else's definition for the rest of this post.

So the god in the Bible and most other religions sound like the pettiness of man to me. No god would care for such pettiness as being worshipped. Sounds like they are trying to make us worship a demon to me.

In my own opinion religion is nothing but a tool for control the masses.

Heaven or Hell.......this is heaven and hell you can't exist in only one. Shadows are created from light and there is always a light on the darkness. There is no yin without yang.

I also don't really believe in death, just transformation. We humans are made up of a bunch of things. A bunch of things that are found on this planet. A bunch of things that we can write down on paper and say this is what you are made of. Except for what's in the mind.....that which controls our bodies..... pretty much everything that existed when the Big Bang happened is stil here. There is no more of less matter in the universe.

I think the same applies to our souls. Which I simply refer to as "life energy". And energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
The first evidence of a "BELIEF" The Bird Man Cult, seems to track on a sorta, kinda, parallel path to your thinking on a basic level, I do not know what big brains have written/researched it, Dr.Joseph Campbell mentions it in his original lecture series. Could be enough info around to be interesting. You might check it out.
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The first evidence of a "BELIEF" The Bird Man Cult, seems to track on a sorta, kinda, parallel path to your thinking on a basic level, I do not know what big brains have written/researched it, Dr.Joseph Campbell mentions it in his original lecture series. Could be enough info around to be interesting. You might check it out.
Lol the bird man cult.......great I feel insane now. I'll check it out, thnx tho.
Lol the bird man cult.......great I feel insane now. I'll check it out, thnx tho.
Think about it,"Bird Man Cult", has primitive written all over it. Don't say "great I feel insane now". Say "Great I feel Stone-age now". Or on a higher plain say "I know my views may not be mainstream but to learn they are arguably paleolithic, that's insane". LOL.
Think about it,"Bird Man Cult", has primitive written all over it. Don't say "great I feel insane now". Say "Great I feel Stone-age now". Or on a higher plain say "I know my views may not be mainstream but to learn they are arguably paleolithic, that's insane". LOL.
Yeah I made that statement before I looked it up. It sounded like some current crazy cult in my head. Still can't find anything in their beliefs tho.
Yeah I made that statement before I looked it up. It sounded like some current crazy cult in my head. Still can't find anything in their beliefs tho.
Yes ,I've tried to research it in the past, Campbell shows art from different caves one dated to 30,000(?) yrs., another much older 80,000(?), showing dead in the bird man state. They know it was dispersed. The art shows it has after-life aspects. I can't remember the rest of the lecture. I am thinking more is known about the cult.
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Yes ,I've tried to research it in the past, Campbell shows art from different caves one dated to 30,000(?) yrs., another much older 80,000(?), showing dead in the bird man state. They know it was dispersed. The art shows it has after-life aspects. I can't remember the rest of the lecture. I am thinking more is known about the cult.

It's down to common sense.

Man, throughout it's history, has always had basic, common sense...until recently, of course.

Man has always seen things in a very cut and dry manner: Things above them beyond reach (the sun, stars, birds, etc.) are "heavenly" and "good". Things beneath them (lizards, snakes, ravines, dark place, etc.) are "bad" and "evil".

It has nothing to do with any greater power. It has to do with basic perception.

The mythology of Egypt is far, far older than that of the Bible, yet the stories are nearly identical. To wit:

The one great God has a great woman give birth to God's power on earth that will avenge the father by destroying the serpent of evil and bring peace to the world.

That sounds like the story of Jesus, son of God and Mary, getting rid of Lucifer, doesn't it?

It isn't.

That is the story of Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis, killing Set. It was told around 1,000 years before the Bible was ever written.

Man has always looked to the sky for what is good and the ground for what is beneath them and used the symbols of each accordingly. It has nothing to do with gods. It's simple, basic, common sense with a little imagination thrown in for a good story. Nothing more.
It's down to common sense.

Man, throughout it's history, has always had basic, common sense...until recently, of course.

Man has always seen things in a very cut and dry manner: Things above them beyond reach (the sun, stars, birds, etc.) are "heavenly" and "good". Things beneath them (lizards, snakes, ravines, dark place, etc.) are "bad" and "evil".

It has nothing to do with any greater power. It has to do with basic perception.

The mythology of Egypt is far, far older than that of the Bible, yet the stories are nearly identical. To wit:

The one great God has a great woman give birth to God's power on earth that will avenge the father by destroying the serpent of evil and bring peace to the world.

That sounds like the story of Jesus, son of God and Mary, getting rid of Lucifer, doesn't it?

It isn't.

That is the story of Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis, killing Set. It was told around 1,000 years before the Bible was ever written.

Man has always looked to the sky for what is good and the ground for what is beneath them and used the symbols of each accordingly. It has nothing to do with gods. It's simple, basic, common sense with a little imagination thrown in for a good story. Nothing more.
Shame we don't live close. I would challenge to a Taco eating contest. 3 of 5 match, different place each time. I knew tribals had two realms but didn't think they dumped all their head aches on Terra Firma's side of the Ledger.. Guess that tornado hit was a chilied up Wind God having a gas attack? The Bird Cult fits well with above ground burials. the posers are, was he reincarnating as a bird, about to fly to the Happy Hunting Grounds, Going elsewhere. I don't think they can do much more. CREATORS OF A RELIGION, What should the Attitude be towards the assemblers of a religion? Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. Plagerism abounds but hasn't been concepted yet so we're good to go.Vast scarcity of original thinking. Or, the masses went for it once, let's run it by again.
if I wanted to I could lead all you straight to God .But its all yalls shitty attitudes and fucked up ways yall grew into . It's a rigid gap yall are so hard headed its impossible for God to use any of you .an that one so called Christian in here . Isn't a Christian I couldn't tell him apart from the athiest .He just follows the crowd .I can't understand why you just refuse to believe its so wierd .
That's me you are talking about. Yea. I cut up and joke. I'm made in gods image. If I have a sense of humor so does he.

You don't know me though.

Go ahead and be like a lot of Christians. Think you are better and look down your nose at everyone.

I think its funny. Someone asks you how you see the spec in your brothers eye but can't see the log in yours and all you have in answer is question marks.

You don't even know the bible.
Go ahead and be like a lot of Christians. Think you are better and look down your nose at everyone.

That's the only reason they're Christians to begin with - so they can berate others and look down their noses at them. It makes them feel better about their own failed and miserable lives.
That sounds like something a Godly leader would type.((SMH))

And yes,your definitely on drugs.
I know of a preacher that is known to let some four letter words fly in a sermon.

That's the only reason they're Christians to begin with - so they can berate others and look down their noses at them. It makes them feel better about their own failed and miserable lives.
I agree that there a lot of Christians like that. Not all though. I try my best not to.

I used to think somewhat like that. I now am more of a live and let live type person.
I'm on here for entertainment. If someone wants to have a serious conversation about then I will.

I don't like organized religion because of those very reasons stated.

I've seen some things happen in church that are not very Christian.

Jesus is the way to heaven, not church.

Those are my beliefs though. You and anyone else is allowed to believe as they wish and its not my place to condemn or judge.
I know of a preacher that is known to let some four letter words fly in a sermon.

I agree that there a lot of Christians like that. Not all though. I try my best not to.

I used to think somewhat like that. I now am more of a live and let live type person.
I'm on here for entertainment. If someone wants to have a serious conversation about then I will.

I don't like organized religion because of those very reasons stated.

I've seen some things happen in church that are not very Christian.

Jesus is the way to heaven, not church.

Those are my beliefs though. You and anyone else is allowed to believe as they wish and its not my place to condemn or judge.

When I was a kid I was sitting in church and the preacher who never used any profanity all the sudden started dropping bombs bro .....he was actually pissed because I guess before service he heard some of his elders and ushers cussing up a he explained this situation and repeated it never forget it.....I remember I was in junior high goofing off with my buddy in the sound room .....and the pastor says .....I heard one if my elders say Fuck could almost feel a slight vacuum from everybody gasping at the same time LOL....he had to give a formal apology to the congregation an the PCofG had him on there shit list for a while after that one.
When I was a kid I was sitting in church and the preacher who never used any profanity all the sudden started dropping bombs bro .....he was actually pissed because I guess before service he heard some of his elders and ushers cussing up a he explained this situation and repeated it never forget it.....I remember I was in junior high goofing off with my buddy in the sound room .....and the pastor says .....I heard one if my elders say Fuck could almost feel a slight vacuum from everybody gasping at the same time LOL....he had to give a formal apology to the congregation an the PCofG had him on there shit list for a while after that one.
Reminds me of this song. Its funny.

I don't know
you don't know
where not gonna know
learn to live with it

and stop telling other people what they can and cant do to themselves

its my right to ingest or consume any substance I want as long as im not endangering anyone else
its my right to drive with my seat belt off or without a helmet
its might right to kill myself if I so choose
and so on...................

my 2 cents