How much in your area?

And imagine, just down the road, sky high prices at he rec/med shops..mean while farmers can't get much more than 700 a lb?? Something doesn't add up..
I would love to buy some killer weed for 700.00 a pound and I would buy lots at that price and sell it for 2 grand a pound as fast as I could sack it up.if your that cheep send me a pm and we will do busness.
I don't like indoor weed. It smokes weird and gives me headaches.

It's all they sell in CA dispensaries, which is shame because there is some absolute killer outdoor.

I understand the "regulation" to keep the from liability, but haven't people been smoking outdoor pot for like 20,000 years or something?

Something about the sun man.. Putting smoke rays in yo mind.
I don't like indoor weed. It smokes weird and gives me headaches.

It's all they sell in CA dispensaries, which is shame because there is some absolute killer outdoor.

I understand the "regulation" to keep the from liability, but haven't people been smoking outdoor pot for like 20,000 years or something?

Something about the sun man.. Putting smoke rays in yo mind.

There is no comparison between indoor cash crop dispensary weed and home grown connisour weed.
I have never in my life sean indoor as good as outdoor weed,
I’ve seen good and bad from both but I’m slowly going back to my roots as an outdoor grower. Just seems more responsible to me and cheaper lol. The stuff that was coming out just as the big Asian house grows were starting up here was amazing, I retired actually about then lol
@Budley Doright I am locked out of the 2 threads last night for upsetting the head troll and his babysitter apparently so I will answer your pestering question here before all my posts are deleted.

Notice the other members insulting Buck back are still allowed in the thread. They are the pet republicans so they stay. I am not one. Now they will slander me when I can’t defend myself. Watch how they call me alt. right in my absense.

The answer is no I did not come here to slander someone. This is my first ever online account. The crap you are remembering happened over at rm3 site and in Colorado in real life. And it overlapped here. All I did was give rm3 my honest opinion like he asked. He didn’t like it. And he had a good friend of mine go far out of his way for supposed meds that simply sucked. They didn’t want his review posted. You saw the result of posting it.

I think it’s funny the old members who post the lies are the ones defended.

But that was my point in the first place.

No place on riu politics for honesty. This is a spam site. I disagree with what they are spamming. This is how they deal with it. If I was wrong they would just leave me be.
Well, I live in Canada and prefer to order from BestPot so you can just visit the website and see what are the prices. But lately, I think that it's time to give up smoking and stick to sbd oil because I have some problems with lungs. So what do you think, is it a good idea?
3/4 Of everything i grow, goes to making Oil.It what works best for me,and my wife.All though she pref,to smoke has well, last thing at night .for sleeping.When you say,you end up with 2 lb of dry material at the end of every 8 week,I dry it and store it in jars till its needed.Unless i'm out then i will make Oil from fresh Flowers.I use Oil twice a day,Morning at night.Oil has been brilliant for me medical wise,its helped so much,with Anxiety,Depression.I also use to have a problem with hard drugs,this is what started me out using oil.And it worked great,I make 1/4 lb batches.It will blow your Nut of if your not used to it so be careful,Go with a Strain Like Cheese,G Glue,Strawberry Glue.Strawberry Glue i have found to be one of the best Medical strains i have tried,cant praise that enough.It also works well with some of the Older strains like,Trainwreck ,Mk Ultra,Arjons Hazes.I have tried the cbd strains in Oil form,but to be honest it really did not work no where near has much, has much has the thc strains.I would love to try it in vape oil ,but every batch i have ever made,just kill you .So harsh its unreal.

Good Luck,Hope you Find something that works for you,
There is no comparison between indoor cash crop dispensary weed and home grown connisour weed.
Do these places buy the odd bit from the Indoor small time grower,Or is it not worth it to the small time grower price wise.I was on about this on a other Thread,I think if the Uk ends up Legal,And i do think it may not be long now,to be honest.I think it will kill the small time seller of the stuff,Because i'm pretty sure massive investors will just do big units ,and do it at a real low price.But will the Quality, still be the same.Do you think the Quality is sill high grade ,from these big growers,Or is the smaller grow ,where more love is put into each strain.More care and Attention paid to each plant,Better Grade.
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I don't like indoor weed. It smokes weird and gives me headaches.

It's all they sell in CA dispensaries, which is shame because there is some absolute killer outdoor.

I understand the "regulation" to keep the from liability, but haven't people been smoking outdoor pot for like 20,000 years or something?

Something about the sun man.. Putting smoke rays in yo mind.
That’s because nobody out here wants outdoor weed. In our eyes that’s the bottom of the shelf. You’ll get laughed at for even pulling those airy buds out.
I have never in my life sean indoor as good as outdoor weed,

I agree with you on the outdoor... This is 2 different killer kush phenos grown organic, in soil.... They taste as good as they look, and running about $90/oz .... as cheap as $65/oz in bulk... Good times to be in Eastern WA :) both together 2.JPG d pinky 1.JPG doodle 1.JPG
I saw an article that in Oregon there is so much unsold weed that the price is down to $7/gm?

I'm in eastern washington, and I hear that the average is about $5/gm out of dispensaries. Crazy, huh? Not as cheap as that in my state, but still a LOT better than the prices i'm seeing. Medical organic, soil grown going for $90/oz, or as cheap as $65/oz in bulk. Crazy, huh? and that's for this: doodle 1.JPG
300 oz midwest, coming from CO, obviously outdoor, not sure if keifed or not. Problem is, batches vary so much, many are put off. One or two great, 4 ok, 1 great, 5 ok. People go elsewhere when that happens. Wish I still knew my bros in OR., lol coin to be had

I know lots of Washington medical growers on the east side of my state, and am consistently seeing this quality (multiple strains) of medical grade (organic, soil grown, no pesticides of any sort) not kiefed or messed with at all for $90/oz, or as cheap as $65/oz in bulk. both together 2.JPG d pinky 1.JPG
I know lots of Washington medical growers on the east side of my state, and am consistently seeing this quality (multiple strains) of medical grade (organic, soil grown, no pesticides of any sort) not kiefed or messed with at all for $90/oz, or as cheap as $65/oz in bulk. View attachment 4221086 View attachment 4221089
Med grade should fetch as much or more than top shelf Imo. Every fucking bud in my local dispo is Rock solid and completely identical .Very very little difference, in trems of looks. Very obviously hit w pgrs and I'm certain they r hammered w pesticides.
To see this sell for double and triple boutique med grade blows my fucking mind.
@Budley Doright I am locked out of the 2 threads last night for upsetting the head troll and his babysitter apparently so I will answer your pestering question here before all my posts are deleted.

Notice the other members insulting Buck back are still allowed in the thread. They are the pet republicans so they stay. I am not one. Now they will slander me when I can’t defend myself. Watch how they call me alt. right in my absense.

The answer is no I did not come here to slander someone. This is my first ever online account. The crap you are remembering happened over at rm3 site and in Colorado in real life. And it overlapped here. All I did was give rm3 my honest opinion like he asked. He didn’t like it. And he had a good friend of mine go far out of his way for supposed meds that simply sucked. They didn’t want his review posted. You saw the result of posting it.

I think it’s funny the old members who post the lies are the ones defended.

But that was my point in the first place.

No place on riu politics for honesty. This is a spam site. I disagree with what they are spamming. This is how they deal with it. If I was wrong they would just leave me be.
do you have to drag drama into EVERY thread you participate in? even this innocuous, harmless thread isn't safe from your shit. no one fucking cares about your arguments with people except you and the asshole you're arguing with. make a "fuck you" thread and dramatize it all you want...quit dragging the shit around the whole website like a retarded cat showing off a mauled mouse
do you have to drag drama into EVERY thread you participate in? even this innocuous, harmless thread isn't safe from your shit. no one fucking cares about your arguments with people except you and the asshole you're arguing with. make a "fuck you" thread and dramatize it all you want...quit dragging the shit around the whole website like a retarded cat showing off a mauled mouse
I agree but...he has been gone since October first
at least under that moniker