@Budley Doright I am locked out of the 2 threads last night for upsetting the head troll and his babysitter apparently so I will answer your pestering question here before all my posts are deleted.
Notice the other members insulting Buck back are still allowed in the thread. They are the pet republicans so they stay. I am not one. Now they will slander me when I can’t defend myself. Watch how they call me alt. right in my absense.
The answer is no I did not come here to slander someone. This is my first ever online account. The crap you are remembering happened over at rm3 site and in Colorado in real life. And it overlapped here. All I did was give rm3 my honest opinion like he asked. He didn’t like it. And he had a good friend of mine go far out of his way for supposed meds that simply sucked. They didn’t want his review posted. You saw the result of posting it.
I think it’s funny the old members who post the lies are the ones defended.
But that was my point in the first place.
No place on riu politics for honesty. This is a spam site. I disagree with what they are spamming. This is how they deal with it. If I was wrong they would just leave me be.