How much in your area?

Damn. I'm in Washington and I had hoped to become one of those "For Connoisseurs Only" growers in my retirement, supplying my elite clientele with the very best... *cough*...and all that. But the recreational scene is set up to be "For Corporations Only". No room for the little guy here. You would think, with all that invested money, one of these big grow ops would catch a few good strains and corner the market....but...I have been buying and testing bits and pieces of everything around here for years, and from every "company", too, and absolutely none of it is anything to write home about. It is all pretty much the same kind of ho-hum weed that never seems to take me to the next level. You can't smell it because it's all pre-sealed in airtight packages, so you just have to take a chance and hope that you stumble onto something buy luck or attrition.

The "battle" among the competing companies seems to be more in the way of advertising and packaging. I know that stuff costs a lot of money. But the weed, itself, seems to have become less consequential. And people buy into the idea that they are getting something really special based on the packaging and advertising. Customers become like the images they are being sold, too. I swear the other day, a clone of Wiz Khalifa was standing next to me at the rec store. He had the whole look and "act" down cold. I think he bought a single "blunt"...grrrr!!! ;) I just wish I could stay at home, tend my own garden, and never have to look at another ad or another sealed package of dried-out, bunk-weed -or any of the caricature of the blunt-crowd, again.

Interestingly, just the other day, I looked over on the shelf and I saw BAGGIES of weed for sale for $60 an oz. That's retail price. It reminded me of how old-school weed looked and it brought back lots of memories. It was brown, too! heh heh... But I have no idea how the growers are making any money on that kind of thing. I mean, if $60 is retail, then I assume that wholesale is less than half of that, $30 an ounce...ONE DOLLAR per gram!?!?! How can any small-time grower pay the bills at that price? They can't. But mega-grow ops in huge greenhouses, can, with "sturdy" strains that are hunted for genetic qualities that have more to do with bug-resistance, yield, speed of growth, light, water and nutrient requirements, etc., than they have to do with bringing out smells and flavors and the real, "lost" old-school psychoactive strains. I'm not even certain that many of these corporate owners even smoke weed -or have ever smoked it.

Prices are all over the place. I've also seen grams selling for near $20 per gram, too....and not even close to being worth that price.

I can't grow atm, but when I can, this will all become a thing of the past and a non-issue.
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Damn. I'm in Washington and I had hoped to become one of those "For Connoisseurs Only" growers in my retirement, supplying my elite clientele with the very best... *cough*...and all that. But the recreational scene is set up to be "For Corporations Only". No room for the little guy here. You would think, with all that invested money, one of these big grow ops would catch a few good strains and corner the market....but...I have been buying and testing bits and pieces of everything around here for years, and from every "company", too, and absolutely none of it is anything to write home about. It is all pretty much the same kind of ho-hum weed that never seems to take me to the next level. You can't smell it because it's all pre-sealed in airtight packages, so you just have to take a chance and hope that you stumble onto something buy luck or attrition.

The "battle" among the competing companies seems to be more in the way of advertising and packaging. I know that stuff costs a lot of money. But the weed, itself, seems to have become less consequential. And people buy into the idea that they are getting something really special based on the packaging and advertising. Customers become like the images they are being sold, too. I swear the other day, a clone of Wiz Khalifa was standing next to me at the rec store. He had the whole look and "act" down cold. I think he bought a single "blunt"...grrrr!!! ;) I just wish I could stay at home, tend my own garden, and never have to look at another ad or another sealed package of dried-out, bunk-weed -or any of the caricature of the blunt-crowd, again.

Interestingly, just the other day, I looked over on the shelf and I saw BAGGIES of weed for sale for $60 an oz. That's retail price. It reminded me of how old-school weed looked and it brought back lots of memories. It was brown, too! heh heh... But I have no idea how the growers are making any money on that kind of thing. I mean, if $60 is retail, then I assume that wholesale is less than half of that, $30 an ounce...ONE DOLLAR per gram!?!?! How can any small-time grower pay the bills at that price? They can't. But mega-grow ops in huge greenhouses, can, with "sturdy" strains that are hunted for genetic qualities that have more to do with bug-resistance, yield, speed of growth, light, water and nutrient requirements, etc., than they have to do with bringing out smells and flavors and the real, "lost" old-school psychoactive strains. I'm not even certain that many of these corporate owners even smoke weed -or have ever smoked it.

Prices are all over the place. I've also seen grams selling for near $20 per gram, too....and not even close to being worth that price.

I can't grow atm, but when I can, this will all become a thing of the past and a non-issue.

Which side of washington, are you on tstick.... I'm on the East side, and there's a LOT of good medical rolling around .
Which side of washington, are you on tstick.... I'm on the East side, and there's a LOT of good medical rolling around .
But here's the thing....and I mean no offense to you....but I am old and I always assume that anyone who claims that today's strains are good, is a lot younger than myself! ;) If you were raised with modern, medical strains and recreational strains, then your perspective might be different from mine....that's all I mean. :) I was fortunate to have been "brought up" with some of the real-deal landrace strains - the "God-made" (lol) strains....strains that had evolved to stink to attract something (or someone) to come and interact with them! If today's recreational market could get ahold of one of those old strains....and manage to grow it properly...then it wouldn't matter what kind of packing it was in because it would stink right through the container! And there wouldn't need to be all the diversity of strains and names because the ~10 landrace strains that existed back then would cover the whole spectrum of tastes, smells and body-melting stony highs! But, as it is, I have to break open a bud and put it up to my nose to smell anything....and when I do smell something, it's usually flowery and lemony and sometimes like pine trees -some kind of "hard-to-describe" thing. But, in the old landrace days, there were strains that stunk really really bad....good bad....but bad!
But here's the thing....and I mean no offense to you....but I am old and I always assume that anyone who claims that today's strains are good, is a lot younger than myself! ;) If you were raised with modern, medical strains and recreational strains, then your perspective might be different from mine....that's all I mean. :) I was fortunate to have been "brought up" with some of the real-deal landrace strains - the "God-made" (lol) strains....strains that had evolved to stink to attract something (or someone) to come and interact with them! If today's recreational market could get ahold of one of those old strains....and manage to grow it properly...then it wouldn't matter what kind of packing it was in because it would stink right through the container! And there wouldn't need to be all the diversity of strains and names because the ~10 landrace strains that existed back then would cover the whole spectrum of tastes, smells and body-melting stony highs! But, as it is, I have to break open a bud and put it up to my nose to smell anything....and when I do smell something, it's usually flowery and lemony and sometimes like pine trees -some kind of "hard-to-describe" thing. But, in the old landrace days, there were strains that stunk really really bad....good bad....but bad!

Hey man, i'm 'old' too (45), and grew up with a hippie mama :) I am familiar with the old school weed, and LOVED land races like the Durban Poison or Maroc. As far as the 'reek'... a lot of that comes from properly developing the terpenes in any given strain (but I do miss that skunk's ass smell). <Tips fat imaginary joint of Skunk #1>
Ok, ok! I guess 45 AND a raised by a Hippie Mama qualifies you! ;)

It's not just the terpenes, though. New studies have shown that there are things called "volatile esters" that are associated with many of the old school strains. Volatile esters are the scent-molecules that hang in the air -like when you're driving down the highway in the summer and suddenly you catch a whiff of a dead skunk a mile before you see it! These chemicals, in regards to weed, have been bred out of most of the genetics that modern-day strains have come from. Now that legalization is increasing across the nation, many growers are trying to get back to the genetics that made plants stink. But so far, I have been led down many rosy paths with people guaranteeing me that they had a lock on some of the real deal weed....and it's all ended in disappointment.

I am keeping my eye on a grower named Kevin Jodrey....another old guy....He is one of the guys trying to bring back those old qualities. I'll tell you right now....I'd pay $20 a gram IF I could find the real deal -and never complain about the price. But, as it stands, what sells for $15-20 now, in most rec stores, is insulting.
In West Michigan anyone connected won't pay more than $200 an O for the best of the best. $150 is the most common price. Street level can get $10 a G all day.
ky, is not legal yet and I get 250.00 to 300.00 a oz all day long but if you get cought that's a nuther story.that is for out doore weed.been a lot of weed sent to ky from co.and its shit weed and indoor.I have never in my life sean indoor weed as good as my outdoor weed and have bought it from many states.
ky, is not legal yet and I get 250.00 to 300.00 a oz all day long but if you get cought that's a nuther story.that is for out doore weed.been a lot of weed sent to ky from co.and its shit weed and indoor.I have never in my life sean indoor weed as good as my outdoor weed and have bought it from many states.

Many, many similar stories to yours. It's al about the genetic starting material. People who don't grow their own, don't know how much better it can be compared to most of the placebo-bud that's on the recreational market at the moment. In complete fairness, there are one or two things out there that are ok, but you have to beware of what to look for and what to avoid.

If you roll into town and want to go into a recreational store, then expect a tourist experience like any other. There are all kinds of packaging schemes to choose from. For example: If a strain comes in a glass container with a natural cork top and a wax-stamp seal, then you will be paying a premium price. The idea behind it all is that you will believe the buds inside that sealed container are going to be great and you are already halfway high just from the anticipation of the smoke. But when you smoke it, you're going to be underwhelmed -even though you might not admit it for awhile. ;)
2.5$ a gram for western genetics (stuff you guys get at dispensaries), 1.8 for local genetics which are AWESOME and named after the city they come from!