300 oz midwest, coming from CO, obviously outdoor, not sure if keifed or not. Problem is, batches vary so much, many are put off. One or two great, 4 ok, 1 great, 5 ok. People go elsewhere when that happens. Wish I still knew my bros in OR., lol coin to be had
Flower material just became available less than 2 months ago in PA dispensaries, so prices are still high right now. $12-20/gram or $40-$65/3.5 grams are the current rates @ my local dispensary.
Eastern Canada. 120 oz top notch hydro.
I just had a guy cut my price , he was charging $150 and I told the buyer to go ahead and buy it but I'm not coming off $200
He took two of mine
Premium still will command premium priceYou better get ready for rec. the caregivers are charging as low as $100 in Muskegon already.
I decided to stay competitive and be fair. But I only supply friends and family.
Greed is the killer in his business now.
Premium still will command premium price