How Concerned Are You About Class Warfare In This Country?

How Concerned Are You About Class Warfare In This Country?

  • Not as much as Jack

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • Very Concerned

    Votes: 10 31.3%
  • Don't Care

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • Not very Concerned

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Somewhat Concerned

    Votes: 5 15.6%
  • Fuck George Soros

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • I like the smell of naplam in the morning

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • Not concerned at all

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • Gravy French Fries

    Votes: 2 6.3%

  • Total voters


New Member
[h=1]How Concerned Are You About Class Warfare In This Country?[/h]


George Soros calls for "an oppressive political system"...Jack asks "How concerned Are you about class warfare in this country?


Well-Known Member
So far any skirmishes between occupyers and anybody else have been with law enforcement. If/when citizens with an opposing view join them on the streets is when you'll see problems.


Well-Known Member
the only thing left to save humanity is a meteor. All that we have created has done us no good. Well except that sweet purple kush strain.

really comfy slippers

Active Member
I personally believe the idea of class warfare was designed by the elite to make the people turn on each other and become blissfully ignorant to the real evils. Misdirection


Well-Known Member
What I don't really get is the support the GOP gets from middle class people (or those who used to be middle class). The people who Romney and Gingrich and Boehner really work for are very wealthy or big business. I know people, I have friends who are very conservative and support these people and hate Obama and all that. It baffles me that they don't realize that what the GOP wants (destruction of the middle class) hurts them too.


Well-Known Member
What I don't really get is the support the GOP gets from middle class people (or those who used to be middle class). The people who Romney and Gingrich and Boehner really work for are very wealthy or big business. I know people, I have friends who are very conservative and support these people and hate Obama and all that. It baffles me that they don't realize that what the GOP wants (destruction of the middle class) hurts them too.
The government wants to grab more private equity money and the rich want to keep it so they can invest in jobs and business.

Nobody wants the destruction of the middle class.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
the mind set that money separates someone from me by class, is ludacris and the only people who talk/care about it are those who believe in it

distinctions can be made about everything, dont let the human factor turn you into a tool


Well-Known Member
Yo NLXSK1 you're still on that jobs creation bs? Give us a personal example or gtfo with that that bs. You tell me how the money you or anyone you know saved in taxes was used to put someone to work. And please tell me how much that person now makes O generous captain of industry. Tell me how that huge flatscreen you just bought was made in an American factory or that Gucci bag or that Range Rover.


Well-Known Member
Yo NLXSK1 you're still on that jobs creation bs? Give us a personal example or gtfo with that that bs. You tell me how the money you or anyone you know saved in taxes was used to put someone to work. And please tell me how much that person now makes O generous captain of industry. Tell me how that huge flatscreen you just bought was made in an American factory or that Gucci bag or that Range Rover.
What do you think the rich do with all their money? Do they keep it under the mattress?


Well-Known Member
All those jobs created by the luxury economy have disappeared because the fake housing economy it was built on has collapsed. The economy built by unscrupulous bankers who only paid 15% taxes on the money they stiole from us. How many aromatherapists alternative health practitioners and masseuse do you see still see employed? The rich always spend that money, its the true middle class, when they can afford it that drives that expansion. Its the middle class.that wants a nail salon in their neighborhood when they can afford it. Its the middle class that hires day care centers i


Well-Known Member
and you still havent given me a personal example. I have seen the greed, irresponsibility, and ignorance, that jaundices rich peoples minds firsthand. That's the problem with people nowadays, you believe what you are told, not what you see.


Well-Known Member
and you still havent given me a personal example. I have seen the greed, irresponsibility, and ignorance, that jaundices rich peoples minds firsthand. That's the problem with people nowadays, you believe what you are told, not what you see.
A personal example of what?

You clearly do not understand how private business works and the role that private investment plays in that.

You want the government to grab more money from the rich because you think that somehow it will be more fair (which is simply fucking insane) while ignoring the rampant overspending, monetizing of the debt and sheer stupidity going on in Washington.

You want to believe that if the rich just paid a little bit more that everything will be honky dory.... Yep, it has been those damn evil rich that caused everything.

I believe you are drinking the coolaid and have been re-directed to some petty bullshit argument while missing the core of the problem.

But yeah, hate the guy that is sucessful because your life sucks and you think the government is going to fix it for you. Have fun with that...


Well-Known Member

  • A personal example of what?​

of what I asked for. You tell me you know someone who owns a business who went out and hired people at a LIVING wage, with this low tax rate they have lobbied so hard to keep and I will agree with you. I listed a personal example of a corporation I worked for that gets tax breaks to hire people at minimum wage, with no regard to the success of the company, yet still cashing bonus checks that get taxed the same as those same minumum wage employees. Who the hell is that helping? The money is coming from the government, not out of those corporations pockets.

GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE or your just blowing more Republican smoke up peoples asses.


Well-Known Member
Right...the supply side trickle down lie perpetuated for the last 30 years. No one is buying it anymore.


Well-Known Member
You want the government to grab more money from the rich because you think that somehow it will be more fair (which is simply fucking insane) while ignoring the rampant overspending, monetizing of the debt and sheer stupidity going on in Washington.

You want to believe that if the rich just paid a little bit more that everything will be honky dory.... Yep, it has been those damn evil rich that caused everything.

The rich have always paid historically more and kept the jobs here and the country was way more prosperous. Those are FACTS.


Well-Known Member
The government wants to grab more private equity money and the rich want to keep it so they can invest in jobs and business.


No they don't. If there is no money to be made in job creation, the rich won't try. Nothing wrong with that at all, but don't portray the rich as benevolent job creators who only want the middle class to be happily employed.