Well-Known Member
Its like a marriage man. If it fails it both sides fault. I respect your opinion, and I'm telling you what I see. The news, and the conspiracy theorist videos trying to nay say... look at it all and decide. Thats what I'm saying. Do I believe it? Why not? Its not that far out of reach honestly. Thats just being realistic. But to say the videos that defend Trump and show "the truth" are also a tactic of the right side. So I stick witb the American people and say dare to question everything. Thats all brother. Im not attacking you bud. Im just looking at the whole pot of shit soup not just a spoon full. Feel me?
Why not. Because they are lying to you and being paid to do it. When someone lies to you, it is time to stop trying to think you are sophisticated enough to figure out when they are and when they are not, because everything being presented is propaganda aimed to get people to 'feel' the truthiness of something without actually just going to AP news or Reuters to see whats really known about the situation.
The right wing propaganda machine not only pays for those videos on YT that get spread everywhere. They also pay for the websites that con people into thinking that they are talking to other people and not just a few trolls acting like they are, and the actual news producers like Fox and Hate radio to harden people's beliefs in the lies.I dont have the velvet tongue to say this the way it is in my head so just work with me please. I have a point I don't know if I'm conveying it correctly. The right side probably pays conspiracy theorist for videos like the left pays people to riot...(accusations not what I feel) however I say it makes sense that fire is fighting fire...with fire. If I said that right lol
I am calling bullshit, and saying that it is this kind of nonsense that is being used to trick people into these 'both sides' garbage.
Even the rioting that occurs during the social justice protests is part of this propaganda. Take the white nationalist that was breaking windows dressed in black and holding an umbrella that gets filmed and later that night the buildings start burning painting a false narrative for people on the right to get to point to when they are arguing with their family.
The 'both sides' shit needs to be seen for what it is, the same lies that anyone who has tussled with a bully hears when they have to be in the principles office next to a crying brat.