Well-Known Member
Having just watched a gathering of intellectuals (Which I can safely say you're not) discuss reason and the cornerstones thereof, Emotion which you seem to so loath is the prime ingrediant for reason. So it is no wonder that your reasoning abilities are so limited. Your wit it limited to sarcasm and lame cut and pastes from the likes of such blunderbusts as Ann Coulter. It's hard to believe that you achieved the 70 year old mark without gathering any wisdom, but there is always the possibility that you may still learn, even though I'm pretty sure your mind is closed tighter than a bulls ass in fly time. Since you are not reading my posts, I don't expect a response, but maybe the other members on this site can glimpse an insight into your caustic and vitriolic attacks on liberals, of which I happen to be. No I am not a commie pinko as you often refer to me but rather a liberal thinker, a progressive if you must. What does that mean you ask? It means that I use my emotions (Which you neo-cons don't obviously posses) to reason out the best possible solutions to complex problems, instead of sticking to some time honored failed policy. So next time you go on a rant about liberals, take the time to actually do some investigation into the area of "Reason".
Wait, wait, wait, more importantly....what the fuck did you just say??? I see you fall far to the left which basically means you like to sound intelligent and also love the sound of your own voice.