Hillary Clinton

Having just watched a gathering of intellectuals (Which I can safely say you're not) discuss reason and the cornerstones thereof, Emotion which you seem to so loath is the prime ingrediant for reason. So it is no wonder that your reasoning abilities are so limited. Your wit it limited to sarcasm and lame cut and pastes from the likes of such blunderbusts as Ann Coulter. It's hard to believe that you achieved the 70 year old mark without gathering any wisdom, but there is always the possibility that you may still learn, even though I'm pretty sure your mind is closed tighter than a bulls ass in fly time. Since you are not reading my posts, I don't expect a response, but maybe the other members on this site can glimpse an insight into your caustic and vitriolic attacks on liberals, of which I happen to be. No I am not a commie pinko as you often refer to me but rather a liberal thinker, a progressive if you must. What does that mean you ask? It means that I use my emotions (Which you neo-cons don't obviously posses) to reason out the best possible solutions to complex problems, instead of sticking to some time honored failed policy. So next time you go on a rant about liberals, take the time to actually do some investigation into the area of "Reason".

Wait, wait, wait, more importantly....what the fuck did you just say??? I see you fall far to the left which basically means you like to sound intelligent and also love the sound of your own voice.
Wait, wait, wait, more importantly....what the fuck did you just say??? I see you fall far to the left which basically means you like to sound intelligent and also love the sound of your own voice.

Damn. I bit below the belt. I'd say. Anyone posting here can be hit with the same attack, so remember...those that live in glass houses....
Hillary (and her advisors) made a huge mistake in taking the "politics of destruction" approach again. They underestimated, or more than likely didn't realize, that the country is sick and tired of divisive politics. Obama is carrying the message, fluffy as it is, of "Hope." His followers don't have a clue as to where he stands on the issues, but for the emotion based leftists, "Hope" is a good enough reason to elect the next leader of the most powerful nation on earth. The Dems do know one thing ... if Hillary is the next president, they will have Bill back in the White House trying to massage his tainted legacy into something presentable to history. Not even the hard-core Dems want that. Look for Obama to be the next Democrat presidential nominee.


Me personally, I'm a hard issue guy. But if I ran as a Dem I would be doing the exact thing that Obama is doing. He gets all the attention with none of the risk of saying the wrong thing.
Look for Obama to be the next Democrat presidential nominee.



Call me crazy, but I think Edwards might have what it takes to win a general election. The South will spit and kick dirt all over Hill's Pills and Obama isn't even doing well in the polls with African Americans. I Hope for a Ron Paul vs. Joe Biden faceoff. Talk about a beatdown lol. That's not gonn ahappen, though. I am calling John Edwards vs. John McCain as probable. Call me crazy, but obviously I am not betting my top dollar on this, I just think that in the end, the tides change after Florida.
Wait, wait, wait, more importantly....what the fuck did you just say??? I see you fall far to the left which basically means you like to sound intelligent and also love the sound of your own voice.
What I said is: emotion is a very important part of reason. You can't reason without using emotion or you would be a robot. Just the fact that you are human ensures you an emotionsl base. I was not talking to you specifically, but if the shoe fits..............................
Originally Posted by Wavels
Well, med this certainly explains your inability to think clearly.
Your thought process is clouded by your emotions.
Thinking and feeling are two different things. Emotions by definition are devoid of logic. Feeling is not thinking.
Thanks for explaining the inherent logical fallacy of liberal "thinking".
This is the primary reason liberals embrace demonstrably failed policies, the majority of which are indeed abject failures!

Also, I have never seen you post even one substantive criticism of Ann Coulter; you react with pure emotion, which enables you to do nothing but call her childish names!

Taking reason as an abstract, I see you have infused the insanity of ann cuntler into the conversation. Reason is a process of using all your faculties, including the prime one, emotion. If you are so un-emotional, why do you take such humbridge at my posts. Emotions are the underlying embodiement of every thought process. How you can deny this, just shows your lack of understanding of the primal being. An infusion of reason into any discussion must include emotions or it is just robotic response.

Gentlemen, may I be the first to suggest 44 cal hoglegs, twenty paces, at dawn on Pelican Island.
uh oh.... :mrgreen:

is this true?

Well, according to a focus group on intelligence and reason, by many notables, yes it's true. There can be no reason without emotion. Emotion drives the mind. The very process of thought is based in emotion. You can't think without feeling or you wouldn't be human. I'm not saying that extremes of emotional outbursts need be exhibited to complete a thought process, just that emotion is a part of that process. Those on this site that try and trample on the emotions of arguements, are themselves infusing emotion into the fray. To call one a "little bitch of a man" and then to rage about emotions, is emotional. Sorry all you want to be He-Men. Links, Links, OK Link TV.
Emotions are part of the thinking process. Logic filters out the bullshit. Lack of logic and an abundance of emotion is what drives the liberals to distraction and the rest of us, if we let them, to destruction.

Exactly, that is an outburst of unchecked emotions, but then are you saying there is no crying at funerals, weddings or other pressing human events? Of course not. Crying is a release of built up tensions and does the soul good. It's not true that grown men don't cry, at least real men. The very act of crying shows you are confident enough to show your emotions without fear of any recourse. A person that is afraid to show emotion is not a whole person. something is twisted inside.
Exactly, that is an outburst of unchecked emotions, but then are you saying there is no crying at funerals, weddings or other pressing human events? Of course not. Crying is a release of built up tensions and does the soul good. It's not true that grown men don't cry, at least real men. The very act of crying shows you are confident enough to show your emotions without fear of any recourse. A person that is afraid to show emotion is not a whole person. something is twisted inside.

True. I think that her consistent laughing and crying and play of emotional lines is just a part of her political motives, not sincere. She has older women wrapped around her finger and this is just a stunt. Your right about everything in that post, but I don't think this applies to Hill's Pills.
Have you noticed that Hillary was touting her experience(?) and her toughness for so long, and then when the voters start liking Obama because he emficised change..........all of sudden hillary has spewing the change rhetoric too.....just another example of doing what ever it takes to get elected.......she doen't seem to understand that american people are through with insicerity of the politics of the past...........the people want politicans to be honest about there views, whatever they are. Mitt romeny on the repucs side does the same thing....with this change thing....a couple of months ago he was talking about continuing the regan legacy. Thats why McCain and Obama resonate with the people because they actually believe what the say themselves. I have alot more respect for politians who believe what they say, even if I don't agree with them. but I have no respect for somebody who will say whatever they think the people want to hear just to get elected. we dont need to elect robots .......we need to elect leaders
Genuine or contrived, thats the question. If the former, meds right, its endearing. I believe it to be the latter.
Miss Congeniality would swap spit with the Pope if she thought it would get her back into 1600 Penn Av. She is the MOST insincere candidate ever.
Watch out for Obama. To date all he's said is that he's for "Hope" and "Change." Has he said what he's "hoping" the "changes" will be? Has he said how his "changes" will bring "hope?" Has he said to whom those "changes" will bring "hope?" :confused:
