High Pressure Aeroponics

Not much information about the composition. It has some MPK, but other than that, they don't list any active ingredients. I bet they want to keep their "ancient Chinese secret", huh, maybe we should ask Calgon.
Update: I can hardly type with my swollen hands. I've been working with 10 gauge wire for the last few days. I'm installing two 20A circuits in the grow area. Previously I had the LED's on a single 220V line, but a few charred power cords prompted me to consider splitting up the loads. I've wired in about 12 outlets on a relay so that I can control all the lights with a single timer. It will be great once it's all finished, but for now I can hardly close my hands. I can't wait to get into the main breaker box, but that's for tomorrow.
Update: I can hardly type with my swollen hands. I've been working with 10 gauge wire for the last few days. I'm installing two 20A circuits in the grow area. Previously I had the LED's on a single 220V line, but a few charred power cords prompted me to consider splitting up the loads. I've wired in about 12 outlets on a relay so that I can control all the lights with a single timer. It will be great once it's all finished, but for now I can hardly close my hands. I can't wait to get into the main breaker box, but that's for tomorrow.

What kind of pliers were you using? I like lineman’s for that kind of work.
Lineman's, defiantly. I don't think I could have made it without them. Still, 10 ga is a PITA. I could have gotten away with 12 ga, but I wanted the option of upgrading to a 30A if I need it in the future.
Lineman's, defiantly. I don't think I could have made it without them. Still, 10 ga is a PITA. I could have gotten away with 12 ga, but I wanted the option of upgrading to a 30A if I need it in the future.

Yeah 10ga was the right call with so many receptacles.
I figured something out today, you can't tell your girl that your playing with the strippers. Not even jokingly. ... now my head hurts too.
Progress report-

Here are a few shots of the plant development and grow area construction. Here are the three "seedlings" and the resurrected monster. They are progressing nicely, and it looks like the growth is normalizing on the big guy. The growth is interesting because it is shooting branches out everywhere. The florigen hormone released when it was stressed looks like it triggered the monster type growth. I think a few more weeks in veg will get the growth back on track and minimize the risk of hermaphroditic development. This pic is taken inside the 4x4 grow tent.
Here are the clones. They are three days in the cloner. I just removed the humidity hood. The RH is 80% inside the tent. The temperature is a little low, about 65F. I might increase the temp by adding a 70W HPS light, but I don't want to add too much light yet.
Here is the wiring of the two 20A circuits. There are 8 outlets on a circuit. Each circuit should handle 2KW of load, Each circuit contains two outlets that are always hot. The other six are controlled by the relay box. The second relay box, the gray 6"x6" box, controls the 220V outlets. The 220 can easily handle 3KW. There are two other 15A circuits in the vicinity, so the total load should not exceed the capacity and will be dispersed over all of the circuits.
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This week I'll get the 10x10 tent erected and start installing the air handling and lighting. Hopefully, the clones will root and I can get them started on their veg cycle.
I'm trying to work out the rough volume consumed per day by the HPA system. I'm going with Tefen 1GPH nozzles, and I figure the each of the two RZC's will have about 1,210 L of volume. Based on 1mL per 100L volume, two nozzles per plant, and 1sec/3min timing:

( 4' x 8' x 16" = 42.7 cu ft ) ~ 1,210L which translates to approx. 12.1 mL
1 GPH nozzle x 3800mL/3600 sec/hr = 1.05 mL/sec
1sec x 12 nozzles per RZC = 12.7 mL per dispensation
25.3 mL for both RZC's x 480 dispensations/day (1sec/3 min) =
about 12.2 L or 3.2 gallons per day, if I'm shooting for about 1mL for every 100L of volume.

This is all theoretical. In reality, I'm going to have to test the system for coverage and true volume at pressure. It's a good starting point, and I think the accumulator will provide days of working solution once it's charged. The total volume seems a little low, and I feel that the plants will transpire more than this amount, I'll have to see it in action.
Also, I am considering building in stop valves so that I can turn off/on nozzles to accommodate plant root size, if saturation becomes a problem.
Tested the system with one nozzle last night and was happy in general. The only thing I didn't like was the noise of solenoid shutting off. And it's only one ATM. 4 of them will have a proper bang:o

Here is how mist looks in the chamber:



Tested the system with one nozzle last night and was happy in general. The only thing I didn't like was the noise of solenoid shutting off. And it's only one ATM. 4 of them will have a proper bang:o

Here is how mist looks in the chamber:

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You can fix that with a pressure wave dampener, aka a “water hammer arrestor”. And by securing any loose plumbing that can whack stuff when the solenoid shuts.
I wish I was testing the high pressure system right about now. Alas, I'm still a week away from that point. There have been some developments though. The clones all perished, but the environment is progressing.
The clones became mushy and the roots were slime laden. They basically rotted in the cloning chamber. This could be attributed to a reduction in growth rate in the low temperatures, bacterial contamination, apoptosis and/or asphixation. There are just too many confounding variables to assign causality. Regardless, I put new cuttings into Root Rioter's and began work on the grow tent.
The last few days have been devoted to construction. The majority of the recessed COB LED's are installed. The side lighting will get in the way, so it will have to wait until the root chambers are positioned. The internal electric and circulation fans are in place. The exhaust system is scheduled to arrive this week. The plants crowded the 4x4, so one plant had to be moved to another tent to make some space. The new tent needs to be ready soon... Hopefully I'll be testing the spray nozzles this week and getting the system online.


You can fix that with a pressure wave dampener, aka a “water hammer arrestor”. And by securing any loose plumbing that can whack stuff when the solenoid shuts.
Some solenoids can generate a decent thump when they close even without water. I`d suggest routing the tubing through a neoprene puck to completely isolate it from the chamber. If its in direct contact, the chamber can act as a sound box and amplify the thump ;)
Nice progress I see! Awesome!
How are you planning to adjust your lights according to canopy?
Sorry to hear about your clones. I'm rockwool man myself and tbh i find it hard to get it wrong.
@dstroy Cheers man! I've already have one installed. However, I didn't tied up my tubing yet so it might improve after all in place.
@Atomizer My thoughts exactly! Was even thinking of sort of boxing the solenoid in foam, but not sure how will it affect the work of solenoid itself... will it heat up and burn? I quess with short ON times it should be fine. I might run a test with a spare solenoid....
You shouldnt have any heat problems from boxing it in. I`ve crammed solenoids into some pretty compact spaces, more for practical reasons than noise. Couple of examples, one embedded in 2" thick pir insulation and then covered by a panel. Another parked with some other stuff in an IP68 rated watertight box ;)
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How are you planning to adjust your lights according to canopy?

Hey Kytaez,
I set those so that the majority of the heat is directed outside the tent, but they are immobile. I have other LED units that I will hang on adjustable ratcheting clips. I'll hang them after I install the RZC's. I think they will just get in the way right now. The carbon filter just arrived today, so once I figure out where I'm going to hang it, I can start on the chambers!
These are in the 4x4 right now;
These I have yet to hang;
Here is the carbon filter;
It will look a lot better once I have them in place.
You shouldnt have any heat problems from boxing it in.
Cool! I really appreciate your help with HPA technical side of things!
I'm sure I'll have some problems running the system and I'd like to prevent most of them at the designing stage.

Hey Kytaez,
I set those so that the majority of the heat is directed outside the tent, but they are immobile.
Is your plan to start with adjustable lights first and run the top ones later in flower when the canopy is closer?
I'm finally starting on the RZC's. The exhaust system is in. I placed the carbon filter outside of the tent so that it wouldn't be in the way and there is that much more space. The flood tables needed to be reinforced and put on an angle, so a 3/4" ply ramp did the trick. The tables are pitched 2/3"/ft, which should drain the water well.
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I worked on the PVC frame today. The difficult part was cutting different lengths to account for the pitch. This is the first of the two chambers. The net baskets show the approximate spacing of the plants once the sprayers are in place.

I have three different angles to the nozzles; 120, 105, and 80 degree, conical. The 80 degree nozzles are not non-drip, so I'm thinking of placing them on the sides. The 105's might do well in the corners, and the 120's positioned in the middle. These will spray down, and the sides and corners will spray laterally.
Before I test the spray and coverage, I have to put up the polypropylene walls. That is for another day.
If anyone has any suggestions, ideas, or thoughts, the system is still pliable at this phase. Any and all feedback is appreciated, and will be thoroughly considered and contemplated. Wishing everyone well, - ZXC
I made dripper tubes to compliment the system. This way I will be able to integrate three methods, and be able to go from clone to flower in one place. The dippers have their own pump and ball valves, so they are isolated and independent. I'll post a few pic's in this weekend when I'm testing the system.