I'm finally starting on the RZC's. The exhaust system is in. I placed the carbon filter outside of the tent so that it wouldn't be in the way and there is that much more space. The flood tables needed to be reinforced and put on an angle, so a 3/4" ply ramp did the trick. The tables are pitched 2/3"/ft, which should drain the water well.
I worked on the PVC frame today. The difficult part was cutting different lengths to account for the pitch. This is the first of the two chambers. The net baskets show the approximate spacing of the plants once the sprayers are in place.
I have three different angles to the nozzles; 120, 105, and 80 degree, conical. The 80 degree nozzles are not non-drip, so I'm thinking of placing them on the sides. The 105's might do well in the corners, and the 120's positioned in the middle. These will spray down, and the sides and corners will spray laterally.
Before I test the spray and coverage, I have to put up the polypropylene walls. That is for another day.
If anyone has any suggestions, ideas, or thoughts, the system is still pliable at this phase. Any and all feedback is appreciated, and will be thoroughly considered and contemplated. Wishing everyone well, - ZXC