Heads up guys watch your power consumption


New Member
Hi there, just a heads up re power consumption.
The Power companies pass on information to police on a regular basis when power consumption increases at a property.
The police also use keys and private information that the power companies hold..
FYI the new Air Force Choppers that fly around on training maneuvers have cameras that can see easily heat signatures and any outdoor crops grown close together emit an electronic signature that is like a beacon to the fly boys..
Hi there, just a heads up re power consumption.
The Power companies pass on information to police on a regular basis when power consumption increases at a property.
The police also use keys and private information that the power companies hold..
FYI the new Air Force Choppers that fly around on training maneuvers have cameras that can see easily heat signatures and any outdoor crops grown close together emit an electronic signature that is like a beacon to the fly boys..
My buddy got busted that way. Watch for a meter swap. He had the old analog spinny meter and they changed it to a digital one. Those can monitor how much power you use and when creating a nice graph of your 12/12 cycle lol. I told him they were on to him and will be coming soon and he ignored me. He is now serving a 20 year stint in federal prison. The guy that worked at the POCO got a $10,000 reward for the tip (according the the discovery papers).
Hi there, just a heads up re power consumption.
The Power companies pass on information to police on a regular basis when power consumption increases at a property.
The police also use keys and private information that the power companies hold..
FYI the new Air Force Choppers that fly around on training maneuvers have cameras that can see easily heat signatures and any outdoor crops grown close together emit an electronic signature that is like a beacon to the fly boys..
There's nothing new with the choppers. They have been using infrared to detect grows for decades. Cannabis doesn't emit any electronic signature, haha, but it gives off more heat than most plants and that's how they recognize it outdoors. And indoors it's pretty obvious if a room in someone's house is way hotter than the rest when they see it on IR. But the power companies notice when there is a massive energy increase, and can report it.
There's nothing new with the choppers. They have been using infrared to detect grows fro decades. Cannabis doesn't emit any electronic signature, haha, but it gives off more heat than most plants and that's how they recognize it outdoors. And indoors it's pretty obvious if a room in someone's house is way hotter than the rest when they see it on IR. But the power companies notice when there is a massive energy increase, and can report it.
Yeah ppl have been busted because they have the only house on the block that all the snow melted off the roof. lol aside from the black mold, another good reason not to vent into your attic lol.
My buddy got busted that way. Watch for a meter swap. He had the old analog spinny meter and they changed it to a digital one. Those can monitor how much power you use and when creating a nice graph of your 12/12 cycle lol. I told him they were on to him and will be coming soon and he ignored me. He is now serving a 20 year stint in federal prison. The guy that worked at the POCO got a $10,000 reward for the tip (according the the discovery papers).
What state? And when?
Shit, here in California PG&E won’t even rat you out to the cops anymore if they catch you spankin their power.

They want their money. They get you sent to jail they ain’t gonna get money.

They used to easily rat on us, so many people spanked the power to avoid that. Now their power is so god damn expensive but they don’t rat you out to the cops for high usage.

Another fucked up thing they did last year besides burning down my house and town was they started reporting to the IRS cash payments of $1000 and more and every 10K. That fucking sucks. It is actually a form of ratting on us.
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Not in todays day and age.
Unless of course youre talking about like a huge 1000 plant whse full.

But no, they dont care about hydro spikes in a house. More $$ for hydro company,
Hi there, just a heads up re power consumption.
The Power companies pass on information to police on a regular basis when power consumption increases at a property.
The police also use keys and private information that the power companies hold..
FYI the new Air Force Choppers that fly around on training maneuvers have cameras that can see easily heat signatures and any outdoor crops grown close together emit an electronic signature that is like a beacon to the fly boys..
It's also winter in many places, a lot of people run things like electric heaters (usually 750-1500w) and christmas lights on timers. As people have said this isn't the 80s any more and many states it is already legal, they don't really bother with the helicopter nonsense for cannabis any more especially for small closet/tent growers. They want to catch the big dogs.

The 3 golden rules of growing to prevent you from getting caught:

- No Tell
- No Sell
- No Smell

Does no matter who it is, even your "friends" or family could rat you out. People get jealous very easily, especially when someone else is making easy money and they are not.

Hi there, just a heads up re power consumption.
The Power companies pass on information to police on a regular basis when power consumption increases at a property.
The police also use keys and private information that the power companies hold..
FYI the new Air Force Choppers that fly around on training maneuvers have cameras that can see easily heat signatures and any outdoor crops grown close together emit an electronic signature that is like a beacon to the fly boys..
dude, you are so fucking out of date...that's all old news, and mostly inaccurate.
the cameras in most helicopters are old as fuck and require expensive cooling methods to work, so 90% of the time, they're not using them, they're just trying to freak people out...looks like they succeeded with you...
and some electric companies will cooperate with law enforcement if asked, some will require a warrant. but none of them volunteer information to the cops, the cops have to come to them and ask....
don't do stupid shit, and the cops won't fuck with you...not hard to figure out
It's also winter in many places, a lot of people run things like electric heaters (usually 750-1500w) and christmas lights on timers. As people have said this isn't the 80s any more and many states it is already legal, they don't really bother with the helicopter nonsense for cannabis any more...

@sneekyhunter -- this is your very first post here at Roll It Up?? Why?

I did a quick Google search after I read your post. Most of the articles that pop up about busts in 2019 are in California. Not one mentioned the use of electricity as the trigger. Looked like a lot of these busted grows were outside and they seemed to involve large operations with dozens of arrests which makes me think someone did something stupid to get caught and not their use of power.

Can you offer an example? Maybe just one arrest in 2019 of a regular Joe who got busted for growing, say for their personal use, because their utility company rated them out?