Canadian Government Rips off medical marijuana patients

Fantastic find buddy, maybe that 328$ per kilogram can be a starting point for LPs ;) i dont see why not. PPS is fully operational and im sure making great profits.
This is where the real money exchanged hands..."• Reports to date have cost taxpayers $5,556,963 representing 54% of the entire
contract cost to date. "
So how can I find these reports? Have they been made public or would I need to file a freedom of information claim?
Fantastic find buddy, maybe that 328$ per kilogram can be a starting point for LPs ;) i dont see why not. PPS is fully operational and im sure making great profits.

sweet prices for the drug dealers.....I mean health Canada....
they probably have a covert diversion unit....and sell to the Menonites.....who in turn sell to the bikers....
looks like PPS makes the world go round.....
So those government of Canada tv ads about protecting teens from pot(lol Harper idiots) say pot is 300-400 times stronger then in the 70's. So weed for then had .25% thc and now we're at a even 100% thc now right? Makes total sense. Go photoshop the canada arm some more Harper that's what really important.
If that were true I would literally be crawling on the floor with every toke. I started smoking pot when I was 16 years old and at that time we were smoking what we were told was things like panama red, Acapulco gold, Maui Wowie.....holy fuck I used to be messed up for hours from that shit!
So those government of Canada tv ads about protecting teens from pot(lol Harper idiots) say pot is 300-400 times stronger then in the 70's. So weed for then had .25% thc and now we're at a even 100% thc now right? Makes total sense. Go photoshop the canada arm some more Harper that's what really important.
The study they are using is flawed and has been dis-proven. The conservatives are literally throwing our money away in a "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" style play when in reality they are putting it in the hands of our kids with their laws.
The study they are using is flawed and has been dis-proven. The conservatives are literally throwing our money away in a "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" style play when in reality they are putting it in the hands of our kids with their laws.

...They must be getting info from the Simpsons instead of science...

That is too kids bitch about all the stoners at the other day for shits and giggles when they were telling me about it, I said so if I drug test you all will be well? They told me to giver....I'm not even worried about my children. When did being responsible for teaching your children about the dangers in life became the business of the federal government? Oh that's right....11 more months....tic toc Stephen!