Drink up Trudeaux..your kids are!..

I agree, it is not a failsafe system, but it will reduce access somewhat. If you are going to be taken seriously by the establishment, you are going to have to display some care (more than what is really warranted even).
Agreed. But, its not the government's job to tell people how to raise their kids. No need for laws to solve problems that dont exist, it adds an unnecessary level of beurocracy. Be responsible or face consequences, pretty simple. Has nothing to do with being taken seriously. Id say we are taken seriously, considering legalization is around the corner and none of it thanks to anyone in parliament. Just civilly disobedient Canadians
First off:
How would trudy know what regular teenagers do? He was far from a regular teenager. When your Dad is or was the Prime minister...you will not grow up in the same world as 99% of other kids/teens.
With the amount of booze laying around in society of course it's easier to obtain...what a dumb fucking thing to even think....duh. Seems an easy guess even.
This proves how out of touch he is with real life.......he's a runway model at best.
At what age did you start stealing your parents' drugs? Cause it sounds like you have a short somewhere.
Never stole my parents drugs - they didn't do drugs. I did however help myself to their extensive alcohol stockpile many times. Alcohol caused a lot of headaches in my life and I would prefer that IT was illegal. In the meantime, if you want to save the kiddies... lock up your booze in a safe like you do guns. Cannabis has never killed anyone, alcohol kills kids every day.
Never stole my parents drugs - they didn't do drugs. I did however help myself to their extensive alcohol stockpile many times. Alcohol caused a lot of headaches in my life and I would prefer that IT was illegal. In the meantime, if you want to save the kiddies... lock up your booze in a safe like you do guns. Cannabis has never killed anyone, alcohol kills kids every day.
I can relate to that. My old man still thinks weed is the devil, yet he used to drink every night with his friends or by himself if none of his drinking buddies were available. He's been sober 15 years, and yeah none of those "buddies" come around anymore. You sure find out who your friends are when you decide to change your lifestyle.
It discouraged me from drinking in my teens, and I didn't try cannabis until I started experimenting with alcohol after I graduated high school. Didn't take long after that before I put down the bottles and picked up the bongs.
I can relate to that. My old man still thinks weed is the devil, yet he used to drink every night with his friends or by himself if none of his drinking buddies were available. He's been sober 15 years, and yeah none of those "buddies" come around anymore. You sure find out who your friends are when you decide to change your lifestyle.
It discouraged me from drinking in my teens, and I didn't try cannabis until I started experimenting with alcohol after I graduated high school. Didn't take long after that before I put down the bottles and picked up the bongs.
My old man was a career military man, so same deal. He'd tell you all about the dangers of pot while he was drinking his whiskey!
Unfortunately the easy access to booze was too hard to resist! I didn't try cannabis until halfway through high school. I wished I'd done what you did and put the bottle down then...It'll be nine years sober on Oct.7 for me.
Really? How old ARE you? LOL! I didn't toke until my mid teens but I knew what it was by 12 or 13.
he's close in age....just lived a sheltered life lol kidding old mom ;)

I knew about weed and tried it in grade 6.... took a puff. didn't feel anything.
grade 7 was a different story after two dubes personal of panama red back to back :lol:
...... everything went snowy .... lol
My old man was a career military man, so same deal. He'd tell you all about the dangers of pot while he was drinking his whiskey!
Unfortunately the easy access to booze was too hard to resist! I didn't try cannabis until halfway through high school. I wished I'd done what you did and put the bottle down then...It'll be nine years sober on Oct.7 for me.
That's awesome, I have seen first hand how alcohol can affect a family. The best ppl can treat their own like shit yet give the shirt off their back to a stranger.

I didn't get hard into alcohol, but as a young man when I was chasing tail it seemed to help with the courage. Now and then the odd beer on a thirsty night after work but don't really drink it to get drunk.

March it'll be 9 years cigarette free for me. Only smoked seven years, after they charged $11/pack and took it out of bars and restaurants, I said screw it. Still miss smoking hash oil off the cherry though. At least now a guy can get more ripped smoking it off a domelessnail.
we smoked non filter exports so no one would ask for one lol
or player non filtered :)

38 censt a pack LOL


I quit when I was 30... I think I could buy a carton for under a buck a pack when I started and 4 when I stopped.
we smoked non filter exports so no one would ask for one lol
or player non filtered :)

38 censt a pack LOL


I quit when I was 30... I think I could buy a carton for under a buck a pack when I started and 4 when I stopped.
I'm not sure why I said ouch lol
I'm remembering less than 50 cents a pack :o