Ct. teachers busted growing. Police give exact details about power consumption

Alot of states have ditch-weed all over the place.. The problem is that the name is quite accurate regarding quality, and LEO's know how to observe suspicious activity in the boonies quite well.. They can spot the differences between ditch-weed and tended plants, and if you're unlucky enough to get caught holding either one you're in trouble....
yeah , go throw down 1k seeds in the "wild" and come back 4 months later to see how many made it..you would be lucky to get a few zips loaded with seeds.
For those from CT looking here to see if their electrical ussage could trigger an investigation....

A recent report from CL&P categorized residential electrical usage into three Groups: Low, Moderate and High. The average power consumption was 1,414 kwhr/month or about $117 billed. The sample in the High group averaged 2,573 kwhr/month, or about $213 billed per month.

So a bill of $175 would not justify any investigation, since that would only put you in the lower part of the top third of customers. Even having a bill in the middle of the 'high' group at $213 per month would not even put you close to suspicious.

Here's the report I used for this analysis:
http://www.ctenergyinfo.com/Draft Interim CLP Billing Analysis Report 030912.pdf
I noted this, too. But, the police noted the 'smell of marijuana' when the couple answered the door. Even if it is a lie, it could justify an immediate search. The deal here is that if you have an indoor garden, do not open the door for police. If the couple had not opened the door, the police would have gone away and they could have cut down all the plants and saved their skins.
really the cops had no warrant ? if they didn't have a warrant then those people are dumbasses and they where asking for it
Didn't anyone but me notice the cops didn't get a search warrant until AFTER the perps let them in the house and showed them their shit?
they were not asking for it..a piece of shit snitch ratted them out..as is the majority of any grow house bust..some big mouth pussy.
ya if they don't have a warrant you should tell them to go and while they try for a warrant you can destroy a bunch of shit If they even produce one. letting them into your grow and confessing to it aint the way to go they probally couldn't even get a warrant otherwise they would have kicked in the door not knocked.
it takes more than a snitch to say your growing or selling they need you on tape or more evidence then what some jack ass say's but ya snitches are the #1 cause for investigations the cops use it to make you think your screwed so you'll fess up cause your fucked anyway or so you think cops lie their asses off for conffesions and they act like you'll get off easier if you confess to them
they were not asking for it..a piece of shit snitch ratted them out..as is the majority of any grow house bust..some big mouth pussy.
That is why you do not answer the door for the police...they will let themselves in if they have a warrant...you answer they say..smells like weed..come outside while we get warrant.
That is why you do not answer the door for the police...they will let themselves in if they have a warrant...you answer they say..smells like weed..come outside while we get warrant.

So true, you won't get the chance to destroy evidence if you ever open that door. If they hear sounds of movement and the smell of pot they can kick your door down on the spot without a warrant too. See the recent US Supreme Court decision on that...