Have made a small pc grow box


Active Member
I still cant tell the sex but they are coming along nicely, they are about a month a week right nowI am giving them about 12/12 lighting now cus i am getting impatient, I also started LST'ing one of them



Active Member
So if a ball with 2 hairs coming out of it is a female then I for sure have a one female, the other two aren't showing yet but should be anyday as I have switched them to 12/12 lighting. I'll have to take a pic so you all can confirm if its femmy or not


Active Member
I think I have confirmed another one of the plants as a female I do think I'll be able to get a decent pic to share of it for a couple days whens its showing a little more, I almost think all three of them are females! But I think they are getting to big for the box :S


Active Member
i would suggest that you bend your plants as far down as you can with out breaking them. judging by the way you have tied them you are not going to get the growth you want. if you bring the top down and the bottom will grow taller. it has to due with auxins and hormones that you are trying to disrupt in the plant when you lst. and if you dont bend them far enough you are defeating the purpose. so just bend the top as far down to the side of you pot and you will see a huge difference in the growth of the bottom branches. its just a suggest that maybe you try it on so you can see the difference and judge for yourself. and by pulling them down farther it allows you to get the light closer with out as much heat and spread light evenly over your plants.


Active Member
ok long time since update. I have been lazy about this:joint: but my plants i found today have tiny almost microscopic bugs in the soil they look silverish white color WHAT ARE THEY???! also the leaves on my plants have been dying like crazy The three plants got so big I cant fit them in the box anymore, should i just get rid of one or two. the one in the box is the only one really going anywhere I need helpIMG_0033.jpgIMG_0026.jpgIMG_0031.jpgIMG_0027.jpgIMG_0030.jpgIMG_0032.jpgIMG_0029.jpgIMG_0028.jpgIMG_0034.jpg


those bugs might be maggots..thats how a lot of maggots look. chop em down before all those maggots mature. lol. cant be sure tho w/o seein em.


Active Member
pot.jpgpot2.jpgafter 6 months I chopped down one of the plants I am hanging the herb in a shoebox thing i made closing it gonna let it hang there a few days before curing. Does this drying set up look ok. Next grow I am only focusing on one plant and am going to try to incorporate nutes which i didn't do at all this time and really hope for better results!


Active Member
need some help with my last plant, i tossed the other one so I only have the one in the box it is flowering but looks no where near close it is over 5 months old I am now shutting it completely in the pc box so it should be getting sufficient light now, unlike before when all the plants we in and just outside the box! eek! SHould I give the plant and types of nutes to speed this up these plants are suppose to be fast I don't know what I am doing wrong will post pics here in a bit