Have made a small pc grow box


Active Member
OK so 4/5 are standing up and abigail is already showing her two leaves!! I game them all female names to better the chances they will be females. The other seed looks like it will catch up. I have have the seeds on that 24 hour dim lighting. Do you think it would be okay to turn the lights off for 8 hours? or should I just keep them on?

I am super excited they are all sprouting. I haven't given them any Nutes. I don't know what to give them or when or how much ANY advice would be helpful!!! I also gave them all a little bit more water because the top look pretty dry, They seem to like the Happy Frog Soil by Fox Farm so Far :weed:



Active Member
They look good. I've got a similar set up, I've got four 26W daylight cfl's on two plants, one thing I can say, if that's your set up is I would def move those lights Down almost an inch above those babies. Mine are almost going on 4 weeks on veg, with my four bulbs about an inch or two away. Just make sure ur temp is around 80 degrees more or less, from the canopy of ur plants. Don't be scared to put them close, just not too close so they are burning the leaves.. Ud prob need to make contact though in order for that to happen. My light cycle has been on 18 hours and off for 6hrs every day. From seedling. U will still get good growth.

Also, do not worry about nuts yet. U are a few weeks away from that. They only need nutes when they get bigger, mine r about 4 inches tall and haven't seen any nutes yet. Just good waterfrom a natural well.
And, don't stress watering too much, u do not want to overwater, just wait till the cup is real light to pick up. They grow far better on less water.. As someone told me, when it's more dried out, the roots spread and seek out any water they can find in the soil. Hope this helps and good luck!


Active Member
They look good. I've got a similar set up, I've got four 26W daylight cfl's on two plants, one thing I can say, if that's your set up is I would def move those lights Down almost an inch above those babies. Mine are almost going on 4 weeks on veg, with my four bulbs about an inch or two away. Just make sure ur temp is around 80 degrees more or less, from the canopy of ur plants. Don't be scared to put them close, just not too close so they are burning the leaves.. Ud prob need to make contact though in order for that to happen. My light cycle has been on 18 hours and off for 6hrs every day. From seedling. U will still get good growth.

Also, do not worry about nuts yet. U are a few weeks away from that. They only need nutes when they get bigger, mine r about 4 inches tall and haven't seen any nutes yet. Just good waterfrom a natural well.
And, don't stress watering too much, u do not want to overwater, just wait till the cup is real light to pick up. They grow far better on less water.. As someone told me, when it's more dried out, the roots spread and seek out any water they can find in the soil. Hope this helps and good luck!
I was planning on putting them close to the light but they have just come out of the soil today so tomorrow I think I am starting them with the full 3 cfls and going to move them closer to the lights they should all be showing there 2 leaves by then. I am in love with them I could stare at them all night


Active Member
Lol dude I kno. This is my first grow. They are like children. Also, forgot to say, if u wanna squeeze all ur bulbs in there go to home depot or lows n get urself some y sockets, screw them into one socket n make two. I've only got one lamp socket, with 3 y sockets screwed together to have all four running. Totally safe and works grrrrreat. And saves u from running mad wires


Well-Known Member
if you don't want to mess around with the light, find a little shoe box or something that you can put them on to raise them to the light. 12/12 from the start?


Active Member
Day 4 in the grow box. But day 2 on the full light cycle of about 16/8 with all 3 bulbs, they are looking really good in my opinion the soil is pretty dry I didn't water them at all yesterday when the soil was dry looking so I think today I'll give them a drink I am so excited that all 5 seeds have made it so far. :weed:I need to rig up my LST shelf I have a feeling they are going to grow very fast :joint: Here are the updated pics of the gals


hey!? im a first time grower and planted my germinated seed 2 days ago, now they have grown their first two circular leaves, im just wondering if youve had any problems yet? anything that you can help me avoid? i have only planted one seed so im hoping i dont have a male, it would ruin my year haha. anyway any tips would be welcome! thanks


Active Member
I wonder how long it will take for My lowryder 1 to start flowering in my small box. 2 weeks or so? is anyone familiar with the lowryder strain
This is my first post on this website, and I plan on book marking your thread as I'm about to start germinating my seeds for my first pc grow very soon. As you said, building that pc grow box was a PAIN IN THE ASS!!! I ended up cutting up the windshield to fit each section of the pc tight, and used that reflective duct tape to seal all around so that no light escaped. I'm only planning on growing two plants at a time and plan on going with 2 x 6500 k cfls.

how are you powering your fan? I seen a pc power supply - I think I'm going to go with that if I can figure out the wiring, otherwise I'm going to depend on a ac/dc converter if I can get my hands on one. I like how you kept the pc power unit on the outside - I'm thinking that will help control the heat. What are you using for intake? I'm going to use a 120 mm fan for exhaust, and hoping on leakage for intake (i built a light trap around one of the old fan casings). Does this sound like I'm in the right direction?


Active Member
This is my first post on this website, and I plan on book marking your thread as I'm about to start germinating my seeds for my first pc grow very soon. As you said, building that pc grow box was a PAIN IN THE ASS!!! I ended up cutting up the windshield to fit each section of the pc tight, and used that reflective duct tape to seal all around so that no light escaped. I'm only planning on growing two plants at a time and plan on going with 2 x 6500 k cfls.

how are you powering your fan? I seen a pc power supply - I think I'm going to go with that if I can figure out the wiring, otherwise I'm going to depend on a ac/dc converter if I can get my hands on one. I like how you kept the pc power unit on the outside - I'm thinking that will help control the heat. What are you using for intake? I'm going to use a 120 mm fan for exhaust, and hoping on leakage for intake (i built a light trap around one of the old fan casings). Does this sound like I'm in the right direction?

Yeah I am using a power supply. And my intake Fan is on the top of the PC thats why you can't see it in most of the pics. And deffinatly sounds like you are on the right path. I had to cut the metal out of the pc because I had no tool to get it off it took me 2 hours and I was bleeding....not so fun. But seems to be going well now. I already see a couple of the plants ready to start pushing up 2 more leaves and its only been 2 days!!! Thats 6 leaves if were counting the starter leaves. I don't know when I should repot them I hope they start showing sex when they are in the cups so I know which one to save :? .


Active Member
2 of the plants are really starting to show that they are pushing out another set of leaves! How exciting the rest of them are showing activity in the middle of the plant so I'm sure they'll be showing another set in no time. I was reading the lowryder strain may take a while to show sex and they also have a high male ratio (aledgedly) so I don't know what to do I think I may have to put them in bigger pots before they start showing sex, but I deffinatly cant fit 5 plants in big pots in my PC. SO I may have to choose between some plants before knowing whether or not they are girls. Although I am have sending vibes to make them all girls so I guess I am not too worried. ;-) Also I put another book layer in the PC to get them a tad closer. They look really healthy so far :-)


Active Member
I only want to keep the ones that might be females but the dilemma is they arent showing sex yet and I am afraid I need to put them in bigger pots. I can only fit 3 plants in bigger pots in the PC so that means 2 would have to go before knowing if those are the 2 that could have been females. See my dilemma. Or can I keep them in the small cups till they start flowering?



Active Member
I have replanted 3/5 plants since that is all I can fit :-( I transplanted tigerlilly (left) Oda(middle) and Abigail(right) into bigger pots tigerlilly was moved to a bigger pot about a week before the other 2 that is why she looks the best I think that the other two will perk up after they have been in there bigger pots for a little bit100_0406.jpg100_0404.jpg100_0407.jpg100_0408.jpg100_0411.jpg100_0409.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey dude just saw you grow and lookin good so far.

So a couple of things
-usually cant see sex until at least 2 to 3 weeks in flowering.

-and to put them in flowering they need to be on a 12 /12 light cycle.

-if they are low ryder auto flower than they can be on 18/6

-in the notches of the stems and branches coming off you will see 2 white hairs coming out if its female and if its male you will balls forming in the notches.

-you will not see unless you put to flowering so that being said.

i have just started a indoor grow but have researched the past like month non-stop on how to grow and everything you need.

That happy frog soil im using it too and its awesome and cheap.

If you have any more questions im subscribin to your thread. to finish watchin ur grow