Harley Davidson moving to Thailand....thanks trump MAGA

It's difficult to avoid being blunt and insulting when a person defends Trump by stating a belief that stands in opposition to facts. You essentially said that Harley Davidson was using Trump's tariffs as an excuse to move jobs overseas. You said this even though HDMC said exactly the opposite. As if somehow this excuses Trump for his blunder on trade policy.

Face up to the facts. Trump's tariffs are doubly damaging to the US because they are both recessionary and inflationary in their effects. Virtually every economist and even most conservatives predicted that companies are going to do exactly what Harley Davidson is saying they are going to do. That is, they will move jobs away from the US to avoid retaliatory tariffs.

Oh, no. Shitty motorcycles will be made even shittier. How will people ever commute to the local bar now?


sucks to be you.jpg
Clever girl.

Or not:

"On Tuesday, Mr. Trump accused Harley of using the trade dispute as an excuse to send offshore more jobs following the recent construction of a plant in Thailand. The suggestion echoed the sentiment expressed by one of the unions that represents Harley workers."

unlike in video games, construction takes time and is not completed at the click of a button. Try harder.
The manufacturing facilities have been there for years.

Do your fucking homework, stupid.
You use words like you almost understand what they mean.

so tariffs are fascism but no comment on the whole locking kids in concentration camps thing, eh?

pretty obvious you are one of the more unhinged and extremist white supremacists out there
What do you expect from a guy who lived next door to Ted Kaczynski's cabin?

"25 May 2017"

You're the sorriest excuse for a troll I have ever seen. Go back to whatever swamp you crawled out from.
Oh, so you are beginning to understand but still can't get it right.

You are confusing Asia with the EU. :dunce:

Yes, Harley Davidson said more than a year ago they were going to build bikes in Thailand for the Asian market. They haven't changed this plan. It does highlight the fact that HDMC is an international company who isn't constrained to build bikes in the US if Trump makes manufacturing here unprofitable.

YESTERDAY, they said because of the tariffs they will expand production in non-US sites to built the 40,000 bikes destined for sale in the European Union. They said they were doing this because Trump's trade war made building the bikes in the US too costly.

I am bad at trolling because I stick to facts. You are bad at trolling because you aren't very smart.
Oh, so you are beginning to understand but still can't get it right.

if Trump makes manufacturing here unprofitable.


Looks like those tariffs are bringing back jobs and pumping billions into investments across the steel, aluminium, engineering, mining, energy and financial services sectors. In the meantime the UK is feeling the sting and losing money. I guess "magic wands" do exist.


Looks like those tariffs are bringing back jobs and pumping billions into investments across the steel, aluminium, engineering, mining, energy and financial services sectors. In the meantime the UK is feeling the sting and losing money. I guess "magic wands" do exist.
This thread is about Harley Davidson moving production offshore to both Asia and Europe, and even clearly calling out the tariff issue as the cause.

Either you are too stupid to read, or too stupid to realize you can't fool anyone who does.

Which is it, fascist clown?
Looks like those tariffs are bringing back jobs

no, jobs are leaving america faster under trump than under obama


The number of U.S. jobs eliminated due to foreign competition since President Trump's election last year has largely kept pace with previous years, according to a new report.

An analysis of Labor Department data by the labor coalition Good Jobs Nation found that more than 93,000 U.S. jobs have been eliminated since Trump's election due to foreign trade.

That's roughly on par with the previous five years, which saw an average of 87,500 jobs per year eliminated.