Harley Davidson moving to Thailand....thanks trump MAGA

Did the rider require repairs? Lol
Actually not a scratch. It was a freak accident. A trail that went over a large culvert, big enough for a car to drive through, gave way. It had soil on top of it and was a trail used for years. It was close to the edge and just gave out.

The rider jumped off and grabbed a tree.

It was odd to have to swim and pull an upside down ATV floating in the water.
Actually not a scratch. It was a freak accident. A trail that went over a large culvert, big enough for a car to drive through, gave way. It had soil on top of it and was a trail used for years. It was close to the edge and just gave out.

The rider jumped off and grabbed a tree.

It was odd to have to swim and pull an upside down ATV floating in the water.
Good to hear. I've generally liked Hondas, even if a few of their quirks were annoying.
My grandparents lived in Texas and I visited them, spending several summers there.

My grandfather held a PhD, yet he was a classist, racist, arrogant Texan bastard.

My grandmother more than made up for it. She was a saint.

If America did the same thing to Texas that we've done to Syria, it might change a lot of Texan's minds about what we do in their name.
Is it the State that makes the person or the person themselves? My family on dads side were from both the north and the south, all quite racist, but my paternal grandfather was the worst, a transplanted Canadian to south Florida. His to the point of being in the clan, although very rarely was it talked about and there was no pressure to conform to their thinking......my mom would have kicked thier nut sac clean off.
Actually not a scratch. It was a freak accident. A trail that went over a large culvert, big enough for a car to drive through, gave way. It had soil on top of it and was a trail used for years. It was close to the edge and just gave out.

The rider jumped off and grabbed a tree.

It was odd to have to swim and pull an upside down ATV floating in the water.

i've actually flooded a honda 4 wheeler too...

thought i could cross a low level pond. 4 wheeler floated, then died after it sucked water in. i jumped off and floated it back to shore. got it started and it spit water from the tailpipe for a good 10 mins. my buddies were laughing at my ass and watching the tail pipe spit water for a while.

changed the oil after that weekend away and she still runs like a champ

would recommend honda 4 wheelers. oh, btw, mine is over 10 years old also...
Is it the State that makes the person or the person themselves? My family on dads side were from both the north and the south, all quite racist, but my paternal grandfather was the worst, a transplanted Canadian to south Florida. His to the point of being in the clan, although very rarely was it talked about and there was no pressure to conform to their thinking......my mom would have kicked thier nut sac clean off.
Product of their environment means a lot of peer pressure to confirm it at least accept the status quo.

That can be positive or negative, depending on one's circumstances and location.
i've actually flooded a honda 4 wheeler too...

thought i could cross a low level pond. 4 wheeler floated, then died after it sucked water in. i jumped off and floated it back to shore. got it started and it spit water from the tailpipe for a good 10 mins. my buddies were laughing at my ass and watching the tail pipe spit water for a while.

changed the oil after that weekend away and she still runs like a champ

would recommend honda 4 wheelers. oh, btw, mine is over 10 years old also...
me and my friend both flooded honda 4 wheelers on the same day. a 400EX and a 300EX. my 400 took a bit but ran perfect again. my friends 300 not so much.. he had to take it apart and clean it out. i forget what it was but i think it was the casing had a crack in it so it took in a bunch of water.

we thought the pond was way more shallow than it was.. we were trying to hydroplane across the pond lol

i sold that quad a long time ago...the 400...but im sure it still runs well. that thing was unbreakable
I’ve had 3 polaris’s and cheaped out on the last one, 500 Arctic Cat, worst one ever lol. But I drive it like I stole it so I can’t blame it all on the machine :(.