Harley Davidson moving to Thailand....thanks trump MAGA

reporter: so you lost your job because of trump tariffs
trump voter: well yes, but i still believe in trump. he's gonna make america great again
reporter: what will you do for work?
trump voter: i must just run for office on trumps coat tails... yea, that's it, fuck muslims, 'mercia !!!!!!!!!!!!
Harley Davidson announced today that they're shifting production from America to a plant in Europe due to tariffs.

Bet that didn't show up on the Oval Orifice white board lol
trump and his dumbasses are criticizing harley for this decision.

i hope donald keeps fucking his voters.

this shit is gonna get good.

maybe his own supporters will get his ass before he leaves office.
trump and his dumbasses are criticizing harley for this decision.

i hope donald keeps fucking his voters.

this shit is gonna get good.

maybe his own supporters will get his ass before he leaves office.

harley is part of the fabric of the Land of Tea. harley=USA to them now they're traitors. they'll add a line item to the postcard tax return giving US buyers a rebate.
Harley Davidson announced today that they're shifting production from America to a plant in Europe due to tariffs.

Bet that didn't show up on the Oval Orifice white board lol

Harley Davidson whined in the '70s (early '80s? ) for tariffs to stop imported Japanese motor cycles from cleaning their clock and exposing their shitty bikes.

If there were real free trade and government extortion was removed from the equation consumer choices would increase. Then the free market would serve in a kind of regulatory function without all the forcible extortion etc.
i'm an asshole when it comes to politics.

i will be honest, trump and his supporters have brought out the absolute worse in me...

i want revenge and justice for america

If you are looking for "the right politician" to bring you a happy ending, you're going to the wrong massage parlor.
i'm an asshole when it comes to politics.

i will be honest, trump and his supporters have brought out the absolute worse in me...

i want revenge and justice for america

the thread started in May..the decision was made and reported in January. <schuylaar ducks for cover>
we've known this for months..its a slow news cycle.
Their announcement in Feb was regarding expanding operations in Thailand to service the Asian market. This recent announcement is for expansion in non-US production of bikes for the EU.

What HDMC said about the Thai plant expansion in 2017:

The Thailand facility “will allow us to be more responsive and competitive in the ASEAN region and China,” Harley-Davidson public relations manager Katie Whitmore said.

The recent announcement:

"To address the substantial cost of this tariff burden long-term, Harley-Davidson will be implementing a plan to shift production of motorcycles for EU destinations from the U.S. to its international facilities to avoid the tariff burden," the Wisconsin-based motorcycle maker said in the filing.

You may now go back and correct the errors you made in earlier posts.
Their announcement in Feb was regarding expanding operations in Thailand to service the Asian market. This recent announcement is for expansion in non-US production of bikes for the EU.

What HDMC said about the Thai plant expansion in 2017:

The Thailand facility “will allow us to be more responsive and competitive in the ASEAN region and China,” Harley-Davidson public relations manager Katie Whitmore said.

The recent announcement:

"To address the substantial cost of this tariff burden long-term, Harley-Davidson will be implementing a plan to shift production of motorcycles for EU destinations from the U.S. to its international facilities to avoid the tariff burden," the Wisconsin-based motorcycle maker said in the filing.

You may now go back and correct the errors you made in earlier posts.
Thank you
Harley Davidson has been losing ground for years. The tariffs really had nothing to do with it
Just Google it. WTF
So are you saying that they are lying?

Or are you saying that the market for motorcycles is shrinking or that Harley Davidson has not done well in the face of foreign or domestic competition? In either case, are you saying that Harley is doing the wrong thing by making these moves to avoid tariffs that would push them further under?

What exactly are you saying? "Harley is losing ground" - so if you were running Harley Davidson right now, what would you do? Would you just fold up the tent?

Every damn industry in America that Trump is trying to "save" has been losing ground for years. Every single one. So what?
lol, harley riders are gonna be pissed when they are no longer american made

Harley Davidson deserted its fan base years ago by changing engines more frequently and flooding the market with motorcycles. I have owned at least 5 in my lifetime and have one in the garage right now that needs a carb rebuild. Once upon a time it would have had value and I could resell it at a reasonable price, those days are long gone and owners are rapidly losing their loyalty.Add to that, the days are the cool biker gangs are pretty much over too.

If you haven't tried to buy one lately, upon negotiating you will find most of their dealerships are kinda deceitful. I have not yet been to a dealership that will honor the negotiated price, once I get into the finance/pay for it room. There's always some discrepancy to raise it just a little higher.

Really sad, as once upon a time I sold them for a living (late 70's). Always considered that the best job I ever had.

BTW: Harley's have not been all American since the AMF years. Several parts back then were Japanese, (front forks, rear shocks, chains, lighting and cabling). Even back then they were "American assembled," not "American made."
They literally said it was because of trumps tariffs ya microdick
I expect that this is one of the 'high information voters' I have heard so much about. No doubt they have a well formulated opinion on the domestic and global economy. There is so much excellent reference in mom's basement.