HardCorps' First Bagseed LST Closet Grow


Active Member
yea lets hope so lol, so im off to go grab some solo cups now because I dont like the idea of the roots sticking out like that. so quick questioon. i dont cut off the netting on the jiffys right? i know thats nooby lol


Active Member
It's Day 11 now, yesterday I transplanted my babies into 6 solo cups. 5 plants have fully come out of the ground and one is pushing its way through but under the soil that I put on top of it. Some look a little droopy and I'm wondering if this is norml or if its due to over/under watering, any info will be appreciated. Still having a little troubles with my humidity level (its at a steady 25-30%) and can't figure out how to raise it. I put a 5 Gallon bucket into the closet filled with water and have a fan blownig on it. I have a humidifier but I have to try and talk my girl into letting me put it in their lol.

I'll post pics later when my Internets not being shitty lol


Active Member
Hey man!

You are probably overwatering right now, because peat holds water really well...now that you have them in soil dont water them for a few days...

Did you water them after transplanting? If yes dont water for 3 days, it not, go dampen the soil, then dont water again for 3 days...

Roots will spread to find water when there is no water available..then when you water again theres a LOT more root to get nutrients!

not watering is hard for me lol..most people say they are lazy so they dont want to water often...I want to grow in perlite so i can manually water 3 times a day...I wish i didnt care lol.


Well-Known Member
Hey man!

You are probably overwatering right now, because peat holds water really well...now that you have them in soil dont water them for a few days...

Did you water them after transplanting? If yes dont water for 3 days, it not, go dampen the soil, then dont water again for 3 days...

Roots will spread to find water when there is no water available..then when you water again theres a LOT more root to get nutrients!

not watering is hard for me lol..most people say they are lazy so they dont want to water often...I want to grow in perlite so i can manually water 3 times a day...I wish i didnt care lol.
HAHA i hear you man thats one of the reasons why Im thinking of going hydro so i have more HANDS ON stuff to do


Active Member
Im back in town and just got to get on the comp everything is looking good. Keep those ladies nice and close to those cfls (it looks like you are). Keep up the good work!!


Active Member
ok, thought i was going crazy for a second. but ok lol. No real new today anyhow, just watching and waiting. I started to scope out some spots for my guerilla grow though! It sucks learning a whole new way to grow just when you were starting one way lol. Buuut I love reading about these things so its all good. Plus i'm reeally high so everythings just ok.


Active Member
Had to take a quick leave of absence to visit my grandfather but im back now. Everything is looking good. You will be happy with your outdoor grow dont worry you will get 2 times as much if not more from the sunlight instead of those cfls


Active Member
I hope so, i plan on taking them to their spot once i know the sex in a couple weeks. I moved this post to outdoors but doesnt get as much traffic as this one lol so i barley get help lol.


Well-Known Member
Dont forget too leave some money out at your spot for a week or soo big half dollar coins always get picked up... good way to tell if people visit where you planing on growing leave them in plain sight or maybe better idea is to buy a cheap bright ass colord wallet and leave couple of bucks inside of it (just thoguht of this one) if your wallet money still there no traffic came through


Active Member
Hmmm, thats the most brilliant thing ive heard all day!!! im gonna go exploring this weekend probably to find some spots. then ill just leave something of importance to someone (or what they think is important ;) )


Active Member
Hahaha thats a great idea i never thought or heard of that before but its brilliant. +++rep for that one


Well-Known Member
the money idea isnt an original one i read it on here but i always wondered about them missing the coins so the bright colored wallet was my idea.


Active Member
HC240! Hope you dont mind me coming and sabotaging!

Sorry it took so long man!

Had to get my camera back and its not a short drive lol.

View attachment 914506

The bong pic is crap quality i took it on my webcam...

The other pic is my microgrow... (the firstborn celebratory plant!!) And the trichs UNDER the fan leaves lol...theres is not a single bit of plant except the stem as it comes out of the dirt, that isnt covered in trichs as you can see..
