HardCorps' First Bagseed LST Closet Grow


Active Member
Ok, so idk if anyone's still following this thread at all but all drama aside my girl decided I could move my babies outside to grow. SO, I am now vegging INSIDE with my CFL's until either I find a nice place and time to transplant them outdoors (and when I know a bit more about it lol), or when I can determine the sex (cause I really don't wanna show up one day to a pollinated crop...). So basically if people are still opposed please feel free to move on and no hard feelings will be held (I know crackers a bit undecided lol). Anyways, on to the news.

So today is day 9 of "germination". I have a total of 4 confirmed sprouts, 3 with leaves and 1 struggling to shake its shell lol. I also have 2 that I can clearly see the taproots pushing through, so if they all live it will be a successful 100% germination using Jiffy Peat Pellets (which is awesome to me cause I really don't like the paper towel method lol).

Nothing too new to the setup, I turned on 3 of my 14w 6500k's a couple of days ago and put them on 18/6. I could add more but I'm not sure if I should yet (noob lol). Something I might add is that during the charades with my girl she unplugged my lights towards the end of my schedule so I'm not sure if that will affect anything but I thought I would mention it.

I did add some water to the pellets because they were drying up a tad bit. (no overwater that I'm aware of, just a little bit to absorb into the pellets)

Temps are steady around 74F and Humidity WAS at 30% so I placed a bowl of water into the room and is now at a steady 50%. (not too sure if humidity should be higher or not)
The temps WILL go up with more lights, somewhere around 90F with most the lights on. I have exhaust setup to counteract it so no problems there, I just don't want to harm my seedlings and figure 42w of 6500k all around them shouldn't hurt at all lol.

Ok, so a couple of questions this week:
1 - I'm still a little sketchy on when to transplant, I figure when all the seeds are sprouted it should be good so that leads me to new questions...
2 - When I transplant is it ok if I put 2 seedlings in one 3 gallon pot or should I put 1 in each and throw the extras in a 1 gallon pot? (I could buy new ones but I really don't wanna upset the lady lol, we've all seen how that goes :p ) I could just put the 4 best into the 3 Gals, then the runts into the 1's , hows that sound?
3 - FUCK, I was going to ask some more but I got distracted for a moment and lost my thought...

Jeez, my mind is racing with thoughts on where, how and when I'm gonna transplant outdoors, I think I might copy/paste this thread there and see what happens.

Anyway, here are some pics to help a little. Is that what we call stretching or is that norml? I've had lights pretty close (1-2 inches, 3 at most in some spots not on the sprouts)

So, I'll keep updating with news. As always,





Active Member
Hey man!
You can grab yourself some plastic disposable beer cups if you dont want to buy pots...just cut some drainage holes and get non - see through ones. You shouldnt put more than one plant in a pot, roots dont like to share! And if one is male and another female and the roots are tangled its really hard to separate them...not to mention any bits of root that is left in the soil rots and causes problems too...

Add all your lights, if thats ok with the boss! They are stretching a little! Whats with that one plant that only has one cotyledon but its huge lol! Can u take a closer pic of that one from the top? did it come up like that or did it have a smaller one too that fell off already lol.

Also, i know this is gonna be hard to do...i couldnt do it for ages with my first grow lol...let those peat pots harden up a little bit before yo water! Not rock hard and dry as a bone..the moss should still be soft but not wet or damp...then soak it again, then let it dry..this ill get the roots growing like mad. Having it soggy or overly damp "most of the time" slows growth LOTS.

Still, my first grow as you would have seen everyone told me i was overwatering, i kinda thought i was but i always got stressed they were too dry lol...by the start of flowering it was hard to get water to the cellar so i ended up forgetting to water sometimes...they grew so fast i couldnt believe it! Then all of a sudden it clicked...dont overwater lol...it was one of those things everyone told me, but i had to realize myself...I still WANT to go water every day..but i make myself not lol...

Also, do u have an old pc case fan or anything you can get blowing on the plants a little, just to get them gently swaying around a bit...that will make them strengthen heir stems!

subbed, repped and stoned!


EDIT: Is that plant yellow, or is that just the light lol


Well-Known Member
when you transplant out of those i would put them in 16oz party cups or something similar to start. how many 1 gallons and how many 3 gallon pots you have? I would give them each there own pot but i always worry about roots getting tangled when i transplant your not transplanting into their finaly homes remember they are going outside. but i would give them few weeks in a party cup to get some root mass


New Member
I have grown weed in the same pot and soil and leftover root systems from the mother plant..... with no problems what so ever. If you don't pollute the crap out of the soil...it will keep on being productive for at least another grow.

It's easy.... don't make it hard.


Active Member
Cracker, I think he means he wants 2 living plants, in the one pot at the one time...And unless im way too stoned (maybe lol) i think you mean its cool to re-use the same soil and pot from a previous grow.

I reuse pots, but not soil..although i doubt it would matter as long as you flushed the salts from the previous grow out...we add our own nutrient so the soil is really just something to hold water, and for the roots to push against and stand the plant up.

Sorry if i read either of your intentions wrong lol...as i said..<<<stoned



New Member
Oh, I didn't realize he wanted two in the same pot....no...that is counterproductive.

I discovered the reusing of the soil quite by accident... I have oodles of great soil all the time, but two of my mothers were harvested last fall and each had dropped a single errant seed.... so I was just amusing myself and gave them water....no flushing at all. Both not only survived, but thrived.... both turned out to be female as well... Hmmm....


Active Member
Hey guys, I was reading through and decided since two people said to do it im just gonna grab some solo cups and transplant once the other 2 sprout.

Now I plugged in more lights for a total of Ten 14w 6500k (seven direct and 3 dangling) and Four 23w 2700k (2 and 2). So that brings me to a total of 140w of 6500k (98 direct and the rest not) and 92w of 2700k (46 direct and 46 not). By direct I mean actually pointing towards or giving it direct light or within a few inches,by indirect I mean the lights that are dangling around the room.

Now like I mentioned the temps are gonna rise so there's a 250CFM exhaust fan at the top of the closet, a small circulating fan (10"?, also blowing on the seedlings to stiifin up they're stems), and a bigger oscillating fan (20"?) blowing air into the room because I'm still looking around for some 12v adapters for my PC fans lol.

I hope that will hold them for now, I mean they're still just babies.

I've uploaded a couple pics to show the more lighting I added, my DIY reflectors and the reflectors I actually have on the fixture itself (Aluminum Tape). I also inserted the pic of my gimp plant lol. Yea idk whats wrong with it, it only has one cotyledon and its huge. I can see a very small one on the opposite side if that helps. Also its not "yellow" per say as much as its not a "Dark Green", its more like light light green lol. Sorry the close ups are blurry idk how to work this camera very well lol.

So that's that. Any help, advice, comments or concerns are always welcomed.





Active Member
ya they are just peat moss!

Good work man, you are moving along!

Cracker, that is actually really coo..thats EXACTLY how it would happen in nature right...I love it when you think "eh, what have i got to lose" and it pays off!


Active Member
lol do you think "but officer, i DIDNT plant those seeds...I just need a lot of light in that closet...they must have fallen into the dirt themselves...honest...ill tkae a lie detector test"

:P - if only it was that easy!


New Member
hehehe.... NEVER take a lie detector test.

No matter what the officer asks you ... simply reply ... "eggamuffin"


Active Member
lol you guys are crazy.

So today I went in this morning and shits getting a bit crazy! One of the plants (the biggest) was wilting cause the peat moss dried up super fast with those lights on. Two the temp was around 80F and the humidity was very low at 20%... idk what to do about the humidity, I took out the two bowls and replaced it with a 5gal bucket filled with cool water. So far its gone up 5% and its been about an hour.

I really need to go grab some Solo cups. HOPEfully today, but definitely tomorrow. I lifted one up out of curiosity and the roots are coming through the netting... the thing is tho, can I plant 4 in my 3 Gallons and 2 in my 1 gallon or the solo cups? whats the point of putting them in solo cups?


New Member
If you put a fan across the water, it will increase the surface area (ripples) for evaporation purposes...and you can squeeze out a bit more moisture.


Active Member
See? wtf... Before I put 2 bowls of water in there, each with a fan on them and it dipped to 20%. its like that this time too tho. I changed the light schedule to make the lights go off earlier in the night (around 10pm) so maybe the temps going down a bit will make the humidity better?


Well-Known Member
dont quote me but i believe humidity is higher when it is warmer again dont quote me im having same probs with humidity in my grow Ive been saving up 2 litre bottles for the plants on plan on putting outside so i cut the bottoms of those off and sprayed the shit out of the inside did the same for my humidity meter went up to like 50% but goes back down fast since my 400w is pretty much right on top of the 2 literes 18 inches from top of plants but not 2 litre speaking of which i should go spray them lol


Active Member
meh, w/e. ive got a humidifier that ill just talk the misses into letting me use hehe. but yea, any thoughts on my lil gimpy?


New Member
Well, not all weed is equal, even within a strain. I'm guessing it popped later too...? It's a runt, but don't count it out, it could end up being a crowd pleaser.