Gun control is coming

Tell me this is not the most vulgar thing you’ve ever seen.

View attachment 5239040

It's not a design I'd want. Don't know if it's the most vulgar, but it's pretty ironic.

President Trump, is NOT a defender of the 2nd amendment.
He stupidly said, "take guns first, due process second", when he was trying to appease gun grabbers in a what are we gonna do about guns, rights shitting on whine fest.

Gun grabbers also share turf with drug prohibitionist Ronald Reagan who got scared when armed black panthers demonstrated. Reagan was Governor then and shortly after the hypocrite Reagan backed a law against open carry

It's also well known the KKK was not too fond of blacks owning guns.

So what do we have? Gun grabbers heroes, Biden, Trump, Reagan and the KKK. Not to mention Hitler, Pol Pot and many other dictators all wanted to grabbed guns so people would be easier to genocide.


Not sure if ALL gun grabbers are genocidial racists but they sure have similar views with some of them.
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Tell me this is not the most vulgar thing you’ve ever seen.

View attachment 5239040
number one...if his picture was on the 100 dollar bill, i'd deal in 20s only.
number two...he was 45th...45th...and they put this shit on a 9mm....
he's fucking stupid, and so is anyone who would want anything with his image on it, unless it was the front page of the paper the day his fucking cheeto stained tiny hands get put in cuffs and he's led to his cell...or a roll of toilet paper.
number one...if his picture was on the 100 dollar bill, i'd deal in 20s only.
number two...he was 45th...45th...and they put this shit on a 9mm....
he's fucking stupid, and so is anyone who would want anything with his image on it, unless it was the front page of the paper the day his fucking cheeto stained tiny hands get put in cuffs and he's led to his cell...or a roll of toilet paper.
Great Scott, I thought it was a 21. You’re right.

Another case of overpromotion! It should come with a Melania-branded box of blanks.
Great Scott, I thought it was a 21. You’re right.

Another case of overpromotion! It should come with a Melania-branded box of blanks.
...i tried to think of something snarky, but it's just too fucking early...
just buying the thing should disqualify you from being able to own a handgun, it's an obvious indication of mental issues...?
...i tried to think of something snarky, but it's just too fucking early...
just buying the thing should disqualify you from being able to own a handgun, it's an obvious indication of mental issues...?
nah, anyone willing to vote for the jackass can be IDed by bearing his shame swag. Would be nice though if it’s secretly a Non-Firing Token.
number one...if his picture was on the 100 dollar bill, i'd deal in 20s only.
number two...he was 45th...45th...and they put this shit on a 9mm....
he's fucking stupid, and so is anyone who would want anything with his image on it, unless it was the front page of the paper the day his fucking cheeto stained tiny hands get put in cuffs and he's led to his cell...or a roll of toilet paper.

Roger, you feeling okay? I actually agree with some of your post.
Local gunshops were swamped yesterday in the wake of the passage of measure 114
It's been put on hold until the end of December.

Harney County is a favorable place for the gun lobby. From what the circuit court judge in Harney County has said, I think he'll continue to rule against it. We'll see what happens when it goes before a judge in the higher courts.

This is kind of a ridiculous ruling.

The measure:
Measure 114, which passed with just 50.7% of the vote in November, would require gun buyers to take a course and demonstrate an ability to load, fire and safely store a firearm to obtain a permit to purchase. The measure would also ban high-capacity magazines and close a loophole requiring a completed background check before a firearm sale or transfer can go forward.

The ruling:
“Based upon the preliminary evidence, the result of BM 114 would be a near absolute prohibition on handguns and many other firearms with their magazines,” Raschio wrote, unconvinced by the state’s expert witnesses who testified the opposite was true.

Sounds to me like the gun lobby found another Judge Cannon.

This was not unexpected.
It's been put on hold until the end of December.

Harney County is a favorable place for the gun lobby. From what the circuit court judge in Harney County has said, I think he'll continue to rule against it. We'll see what happens when it goes before a judge in the higher courts.

This is kind of a ridiculous ruling.

The measure:
Measure 114, which passed with just 50.7% of the vote in November, would require gun buyers to take a course and demonstrate an ability to load, fire and safely store a firearm to obtain a permit to purchase. The measure would also ban high-capacity magazines and close a loophole requiring a completed background check before a firearm sale or transfer can go forward.

The ruling:
“Based upon the preliminary evidence, the result of BM 114 would be a near absolute prohibition on handguns and many other firearms with their magazines,” Raschio wrote, unconvinced by the state’s expert witnesses who testified the opposite was true.

Sounds to me like the gun lobby found another Judge Cannon.

This was not unexpected.
I would imagine the NRA spends an awful lot on keeping an index of amenable judges up to date.
The biggest threat to the sanctity of the 2nd amendment is its most ardent supporters. When a group is unwilling to EVER budge, to ever negotiate let alone acknowledge that there may be a problem with guns in a modern society it is akin to slip faults in the ground, earthquakes happen as a result of resistance to the natural movement between tectonic plates.

This sort of resistance will eventually result in a sudden, powerful release of energy. Should there be a final tectonic, abrupt reaction to the results of widespread ownership of highly dangerous weaponry, it will have been the result of the intractable gun culture itself.
The biggest threat to the sanctity of the 2nd amendment is its most ardent supporters. When a group is unwilling to EVER budge, to ever negotiate let alone acknowledge that there may be a problem with guns in a modern society it is akin to slip faults in the ground, earthquakes happen as a result of resistance to the natural movement between tectonic plates.

This sort of resistance will eventually result in a sudden, powerful release of energy. Should there be a final tectonic, abrupt reaction to the results of widespread ownership of highly dangerous weaponry, it will have been the result of the intractable gun culture itself.
Change can happen fast with a big democratic win in 2024, DC and Puerto Rico could become states with 4 democratic senators and more congress people. The Courts could be packed and conservative judges resign or retire, rather than face an embarrassing impeachment inquiry, Thomas and Alito come to mind as well as others who lied or misled or were not properly vetted. HR-1 to level the playing field and voters rights on steroids.

Domestic terrorist laws can be passed and a domestic terrorist watch list created with no guns or flying for those on it. Media regulation could put foxnews disinformation in a box without violating the first and the AM broadcast band could be reassigned to digital, killing AM hate radio instantly. Lot's can be done to eliminate their unfair advantages in leveling the voter playing field and stifling disinformation and false divisive social narratives. Getting the presidency and solid majorities in the house and senate would do much to fix America in short order.

Needless to say gun regulation would be dealt with too, gradually over time the restrictions and regulations would grow as disincentives to ownership increased. Guns are gonna be a decade long problem only about 1/3 of all Americans own the almost 400 million guns, many have one and most have less than 5, a small percentage are armed to the teeth and some are harmless collectors or target shooters.
Should there be a final tectonic, abrupt reaction to the results of widespread ownership of highly dangerous weaponry, it will have been the result of the intractable gun culture itself.

If I infer correctly that you are an advocate for "gun control" administered by people who will use guns offensively, I suggest you are engaging in intellectual sloth and have not considered the embedded contradictions in your point of view.

The gun culture that needs alteration ISN'T the individual peaceful people who own guns for defensive purposes.

The cultural shift should be the realization that a gun is only as good or as bad as the person / people using it. Many people already get that, I suggest those people aren't the ones that are the problem.

Not to be ribald or lewd, but the penis analogy is apropos. A penis is "apolitical", just as a gun is. Both can be used for positive things or for negative things.

A gun when used to DEFEND against assault, theft or a tyrannical imposition of which there are many instances, is used for maintaning the good, the riteous and the equilibrium of peace. That equilibrium is broken by those individuals and groups of individuals using systems of control based in coercion who use guns for offensive purposes.

Much the same as a penis can be either a thing to celebrate love, aid in consensual pleasure and help create life etc. it can be used as a thing to destroy consent and violate individual rights. The thing that identifies what is occurring is, the thing gun grabbers and rapists both ignore, individual consent. When discarding consent, a penis, like a gun is an instrument of violence.

In summary, if you are the kind of person that uses a gun for defensive purposes only, you're less likely to use a gun or your penis for offensive purposes.

Moral of the story...Don't be a dick and support using guns offensively to take away guns from people who want them for defensive purposes to maintain the peace.
Needless to say gun regulation would be dealt with too, gradually over time the restrictions and regulations would grow as disincentives to ownership increased.

About how many political dictators or master/ slave, lord / serf type situations in the past, were aided by the dominant party making laws to disarm the citizen, peasant, emancipated slave (think Jim Crow) or other poor beings simply trying to be free?

Certainly slave masters and political domination featuring an endzone of tyranny are easier to do when the victims are disarmed wouldn't you agree?

How is it that gun restriction favoring government agents can claim to be "your servants" when in fact they want to disarm people ? That runs opposite to logic, history and the truth.

Doesn't the history of what has happened time and time again really point out that the people who keep guns for themselves and their enforcers while taking them from others are really "the masters" and not "public servants" ?

Why are you good with using the same disarming policies of past slave masters and violent dictators ? What will be different THIS time, if you use guns to prevent people from having guns to defend themselves with ?
About how many political dictators or master/ slave, lord / serf type situations in the past, were aided by the dominant party making laws to disarm the citizen, peasant, emancipated slave (think Jim Crow) or other poor beings simply trying to be free?

Certainly slave masters and political domination featuring an endzone of tyranny are easier to do when the victims are disarmed wouldn't you agree?

How is it that gun restriction favoring government agents can claim to be "your servants" when in fact they want to disarm people ? That runs opposite to logic, history and the truth.

Doesn't the history of what has happened time and time again really point out that the people who keep guns for themselves and their enforcers while taking them from others are really "the masters" and not "public servants" ?

Why are you good with using the same disarming policies of past slave masters and violent dictators ? What will be different THIS time, if you use guns to prevent people from having guns to defend themselves with ?
We have gun control in other free countries, we are not slaves, in many ways we are more free than you. Freedom from fear is one of the four fundamental freedoms of the Atlantic charter, the foundation of the UN, freedom to bear arms is not among them. Guns don't make you free, but they often make you a victim.
We have gun control in other free countries, we are not slaves, in many ways we are more free than you, freedom from fear is one of the four fundamental freedoms of the Atlantic charter, the foundation of the UN, freedom to bear arms is not among them. Guns don't make you free, but they often make you a victim.

If guns don't make you free, will you pledge not to support governments or individuals who will use guns offensively to take them away from people who want them for defensive purposes?

Logic won't make you free, but failing to use it could make you a victim of your illogic. You seem to have fallen into the hole you dug.

Also, I noticed you totally ignore the history of how dictators, kings and other thugs have disarmed people to aid in consolidating power. That's myopic and fails to consider the unintended consequences of your infantile logic where you will use guns offensively to ensure nobody can use guns offensively.

If an otherwise peaceful person is forcibly disarmed, the person or agencies comprised of people doing the disarming are necessarily engaging in violent use of guns. You ADVOCATE violent use of guns.

Below is a meme. I guess you could address the truthiness of the message in the meme, or you could shoot the messenger instead...what will you do?
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If guns don't make you free, will you pledge not to support governments or individuals who will use guns offensively to take them away from people who want them for defensive purposes?

Logic won't make you free, but failing to use it could make you a victim of your illogic.
Authorities in liberal democratic countries will enforce the law by whatever means are legally available. Guns are a tool, not a toy for children to play with and should be used that way. If you have no business owning a gun why would you need one? Oh right because there are no regulations and criminals and lunatics can buy them too, or there are so many laying around they can just steal one. It is legal for the cops to carry a gun and not for those unlicensed and un permitted. If you think a gun makes you free, how about a car? A car would be a way more effective weapon to use against big guberment taking yer freedom and you insure, register and are licensed to drive it.

Compare American gun deaths to other free countries to get the answers, others have and the conclusions are obvious. Once a big enough portion of the country turns on you, yer finished, the 2nd will be dealt with by a packed court and new laws. Want to play with a gun? Join the fucking national guard like it says in the constitution, that's where your 2nd amendment rights are.
Authorities in liberal democratic countries will enforce the law by whatever means are legally available. Guns are a tool, not a toy for children to play with and should be used that way. If you have no business owning a gun why would you need one? Oh right because there are no regulations and criminals and lunatics can buy them too, or there are so many laying around they can just steal one. It is legal for the cops to carry a gun and not for those unlicensed and un permitted. If you think a gun makes you free, how about a car? A car would be a way more effective weapon to use against big guberment taking yer freedom and you insure, register and are licensed to drive it.

Compare American gun deaths to other free countries to get the answers, others have and the conclusions are obvious. Once a big enough portion of the country turns on you, yer finished, the 2nd will be dealt with by a packed court and new laws. Want to play with a gun? Join the fucking national guard like it says in the constitution, that's where your 2nd amendment rights are.

Sir, you do realize you are aligning with dictators. slave masters and legalized but highly immoral Supreme Court decisions right?
