Gun control is coming

52% of national adults want to see a congressional gun buyback program

It’s only gonna go up every time another one of trumps crazy, unhinged, fanatical cultists massacres a bunch of innocent Americans with an assault rifle 15 at a county fair that is too multicultural for their tastes
Deer should be banned. The Constitution doesn't even mention them.
Naw, they had em too back then and they knew how to deal with them thar critters too! They used a goddamn musket like a man would and should be required to today! Fucking pussies needing 30 round mags, no challenge is the problem fur most of these fat asses, if yer gonna go in the woods, go fur a goddamn walk at least! No sport in a modern rifle and a scope, it just ain't manly I tell ya! :lol:
Naw, they had em too back then and they knew how to deal with them thar critters too! They used a goddamn musket like a man would and should be required to today! Fucking pussies needing 30 round mags, no challenge is the problem fur most of these fat asses, if yer gonna go in the woods, go fur a goddamn walk at least! No sport in a modern rifle and a scope, it just ain't manly I tell ya! :lol:
Nope. I am telling you, automobile accidents with deer are waaaay up since the Revolution. We also have a much larger problem with birds at our airports since then.
Most guns are going to get banned in the US next administration. Try taking deer out with a .22 air rifle limited at 12 foot pounds, that’s all we are allowed in the uk, the deer thrive here.
You know, they make pretty awesome compound bows? With a broad head you can take down deer, bear, elk, moose, etc.
Nope. I am telling you, automobile accidents with deer are waaaay up since the Revolution. We also have a much larger problem with birds at our airports since then.
I still might adopt the persona and prose when arguing with a gun nut or a Trumper though... Helps keep me real, kinda like a Hillbilly philosopher and sage, it's kinda hard to be egotistical and I use it as a defense internally. I also have real life friends who come here infrequently to lurk and laugh, I keep telling them this is a great place to watch human nature in action and it could provide a ton of teaching examples, but I'm here to have fun. They would be quick to tell me if I was getting too full of myself, so would you and I depend on it. There also many more and I expect to hear from them!
My god you are fucking moron. It was a BS fantasy that was conjured up and spread. In good faith? Not possible from that clown. No shred of truth. You little basement dwellers thrive on this nonsense.

Ya forgot this part and I challenge you too, man up

The racist behaviors described in the post are quite common and I'm sure many here could post similar stories and photos. This incident if true, unfortunately was not far from the norm for such people, we've all seen it, denial will get you into an argument you can't win cause you'll be overwhelmed by examples.
My god you are fucking moron. It was a BS fantasy that was conjured up and spread. In good faith? Not possible from that clown. No shred of truth. You little basement dwellers thrive on this nonsense.
Is this a trump cocksucker crying about fake news
My god you are fucking moron. It was a BS fantasy that was conjured up and spread. In good faith? Not possible from that clown. No shred of truth. You little basement dwellers thrive on this nonsense.
Yeah but were they inflatable Assault rifles that the GOP were giving away or were they inflatable Aimrite rifles?
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In the seventies Fosters was owned by Carton United, the local pub "hotel" had more empty green labeled bottles then any other in the storeroom for return, I know i put them there. Victoria Bitters.

In fact, Foster is so shitty actors wont even drink it on camera here in the states!

VB would have to be in the top 3 of beers drunk in Australia . When it wasn't on that pie chart im like what?
"Looks like"?? You fuking'll believe anything. Learning is the part you are failing at. Just a other information. Some d-bag running for Senate. You're an expert on little kids so you might be onto something. There's a reason why your parents put a shitter in your basement haha
"Looks like"?? You fuking'll believe anything. Learning is the part you are failing at. Just a other information. Some d-bag running for Senate. You're an expert on little kids so you might be onto something. There's a reason why your parents put a shitter in your basement haha
Sorry, it’s not fake news like you cried about

Not that you have any standing to complain about fake news, trump cocksucker
"Looks like"?? You fuking'll believe anything. Learning is the part you are failing at. Just a other information. Some d-bag running for Senate. You're an expert on little kids so you might be onto something. There's a reason why your parents put a shitter in your basement haha
Looks like yer easily triggered on this and are easy prey, ya might be up fur a ganbang with you as the twink, us liberals can be cruel sometimes with our logic, facts and figures and such...

I won't participate too much in yer humiliation, I leave that up to you...
Sorry, it’s not fake news like you cried about

Not that you have any standing to complain about fake news, trump cocksucker
Sorry fur scaring him off Buck, them Trumpers is gett'n rare these days, don't furget ta cherish this one cause they is a vanishing species, soon to go extinct...
Sorry, it’s not fake news like you cried about

Not that you have any standing to complain about fake news, trump cocksucker
Christ all mighty gay buck how many threads are you actually sabotaging at one time? Keep it up and I’ll post about you again on Tystiks page for you to respond and then repent and delete. Maybe I’ll see who else you have a soft spot for gay boy