Gun control is coming

Codman must hate gays.
You must be one of his butt boys. Hate to associate you with that type of amoeba but clearly he’s pushing your shit or you his. No don’t particularly like trannies like auntie buck. You must be ashamed to call him an ally or worse...friend. Are you also one who doesn’t grow or smoke? Just ruin everyone’s threads
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If i was into ruining people’s posts like aunty buck I would keep trolling. Not a shit pusher like aunty though
Looks like a kid carrying an inflatable assault rifle 15 to me

Not fake news

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Yeah, I saw the same last night at our county fair. Camo ones. The USA ones are way worse IMO. Here are some of the better t-shirts I saw on the thousands of white people. "Straight outta Combat" - riffing on Straight outta Compton. "In UZI we trust". And, my fave, " Spare me the debate, I'll stick to my GUNS!".
You must be one of his butt boys. Hate to associate you with that type of amoeba but clearly he’s pushing your shit or you his. No don’t particularly like trannies like auntie buck. You must be ashamed to call him an ally or worse...friend. Are you also one who doesn’t grow or smoke? Just ruin everyone’s threads
Thanks for the verification!

My neighbor was out shooting his rifle last night at 10pm, it woke me up and I was pissed about it.

He has floodlights set up on his target so he can see it at night, he shoots from his back porch.

It's all good, I'll remember that. One of these weekends when I have off from work and feel like drinking, I'm going to listen to Slayer as loud as my stereo system will go, he doesn't know it yet but he'll be listening to Slayer too
Some of the nation's most strict gun regulations go into effect in Oregon on Dec. 8. I'm kind of shocked because they seem quite rational to me. Why does anybody need more than 10 rounds in their gun? Why would people object to providing adequate funding for background checks and take a safety class? IDK.

Anyway, I'm proud to say I voted for it. Maybe other states will follow suit in the next election cycle.

Oregon was the only state in the nation in this election cycle to respond to the increase in mass shooting and gun violence by tightening restrictions on gun magazines and require gun buyers complete a full background check before they can purchase a gun -- and pay for the privilege. This measure narrowly passed and would not have done so without support from gun owners. Thanks go to them and the people who dedicated so much time to getting some very reasonable regulations in place.

PORTLAND, Ore. — Oregonians have voted to significantly tighten the state's gun laws, according to a call by The Associated Press. Measure 114 will create a permit-to-purchase system and ban magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

About a third to half of Oregonians own guns, which tracks with national trends. And while many gun owners opposed the measure on principle, others said they were willing to deal with the new hassle of obtaining a permit if it meant saving lives.

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Some of the nation's most strict gun regulations go into effect in Oregon on Dec. 8. I'm kind of shocked because they seem quite rational to me. Why does anybody need more than 10 rounds in their gun? Why would people object to providing adequate funding for background checks? IDK.

Anyway, I'm proud to say I voted for it. Maybe other states will follow suit in the next election cycle.

Oregon was the only state in the nation in this election cycle to respond to the increase in mass shooting and gun violence by tightening restrictions on gun magazines and require gun buyers complete a full background check before they can purchase a gun -- and pay for the privilege. This measure narrowly passed and would not have done so without support from gun owners. Thanks go to them and the people who dedicated so much time to getting some very reasonable regulations in place.

PORTLAND, Ore. — Oregonians have voted to significantly tighten the state's gun laws, according to a call by The Associated Press. Measure 114 will create a permit-to-purchase system and ban magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

About a third to half of Oregonians own guns, which tracks with national trends. And while many gun owners opposed the measure on principle, others said they were willing to deal with the new hassle of obtaining a permit if it meant saving lives.

California has had a ten-round limit and a few other “assault weapon” strictures for years now. The one think that irks me is that these limitations do not apply to all civilians.
Some of the nation's most strict gun regulations go into effect in Oregon on Dec. 8. I'm kind of shocked because they seem quite rational to me. Why does anybody need more than 10 rounds in their gun? Why would people object to providing adequate funding for background checks and take a safety class? IDK.

Anyway, I'm proud to say I voted for it. Maybe other states will follow suit in the next election cycle.

Oregon was the only state in the nation in this election cycle to respond to the increase in mass shooting and gun violence by tightening restrictions on gun magazines and require gun buyers complete a full background check before they can purchase a gun -- and pay for the privilege. This measure narrowly passed and would not have done so without support from gun owners. Thanks go to them and the people who dedicated so much time to getting some very reasonable regulations in place.

PORTLAND, Ore. — Oregonians have voted to significantly tighten the state's gun laws, according to a call by The Associated Press. Measure 114 will create a permit-to-purchase system and ban magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

About a third to half of Oregonians own guns, which tracks with national trends. And while many gun owners opposed the measure on principle, others said they were willing to deal with the new hassle of obtaining a permit if it meant saving lives.

you guys do it right in Oregon, person to person sales must go through a licensed dealer with a background check. here i can sell anything i want that is legal to own to anyone, no questions asked, it's the buyers responsibility to operate in good faith.... :roll:
I often pontificate about such around the Holidays :roll:
Merry Christmas to you and those lucky enough to have your loving company during the Holidays
CPAC and Newsmax as sources makes it feel so YOU

Thank you.
May your holiday season be filled with peace, liberty and good health.
Some people believe that "gun control" in America has racist origins. I think that's an interesting point of view.

Black Guns Matter founder weighs in....

an unqualified crackpot giving an interview in a car, making a lot of statements with NO corroboration...on NEWSMAX...
i see you meet your usual standard for the reliability of your "news" sources...
Below is an excerpt discussing some of the history of racist gun laws. Feel free to research and read the entire article.


Racist Gun Laws and the Second Amendment

Symposium Essay by Adam Winkler
JUN 21, 2022
135 Harv. L. Rev. F. 537
For a significant portion of American history, gun laws bore the ugly taint of racism.1. On the racist history of gun laws, see generally Clayton E. Cramer, The Racist Roots of Gun Control, KAN. J.L. & PUB. POL’Y, Winter 1995, at 17 (arguing that American gun laws were designed to disempower racial minorities); and Robert J. Cottrol & Raymond T. Diamond, The Second Amendment: Toward an Afro-Americanist Reconsideration, 80 GEO. L.J. 309, 333–42 (1991) (outlining the ways in which American gun control specifically restricted Black Americans’ access to guns).Show More The founding generation that wrote the Second Amendment had racist gun laws, including prohibitions on the possession or carrying of firearms by Black people, whether free or enslaved.2. See Cramer, supra note 1, at 18. A Florida law in 1825 authorized white people to “enter into all Negro houses” and “lawfully seize and take away all such arms, weapons, and ammunition.”3. Robert J. Cottrol & Raymond T. Diamond, The Second Amendment: Toward an Afro-Americanist Reconsideration, in GUN CONTROL AND THE CONSTITUTION: SOURCES AND EXPLORATIONS ON THE SECOND AMENDMENT 403, 403 (Robert J. Cottrol ed., 1994).Show More In Dred Scott v. Sandford,4. 60 U.S. 393 (1857). Chief Justice Roger Taney argued that one reason Black people could not be citizens under the Constitution was that it “would give to persons of the negro race” the right “to keep and carry arms wherever they went.”5. Id. at 417. After the Civil War, the Black Codes enacted in the South made it a crime for a Black person to have a gun.6. Cottrol & Diamond, supra note 1, at 344. Even facially neutral laws were used in a racially discriminatory fashion; Martin Luther King Jr. was denied a concealed carry permit even after his house was firebombed.7. ADAM WINKLER, GUNFIGHT: THE BATTLE OVER THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS IN AMERICA 235 (2011).Show More For much of American history, gun rights did not extend to Black people and gun control was often enacted to limit access to guns by people of color.
That second post was much better for supporting your view than the weirdo in his truck on Newsmax. It's pretty well documented/studied as a topic.
That second post was much better for supporting your view than the weirdo in his truck on Newsmax. It's pretty well documented/studied as a topic.

I'm glad a young black guy started black guns matter and share his concerns about gun laws depriving people of the right to defend themselves and their property.

Good for him, he's off the "democrat reservation" black race hustlers and white liberals try to herd blacks to. He seems to have Joe Bidens number too.

Some people believe that "gun control" in America has racist origins. I think that's an interesting point of view.

Black Guns Matter founder weighs in....

Something like this?

I'm glad a young black guy started black guns matter and share his concerns about gun laws depriving people of the right to defend themselves and their property.

Good for him, he's off the "democrat reservation" black race hustlers and white liberals try to herd blacks to. He seems to have Joe Bidens number too.

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