Growing shrooms, quick, cheap, easy as fuck.

Don't mean to revive a somewhat dead thread but I'm unclear on the dunking the cakes part. One person mentioned do it overnight.

Do you take the entire cake out of the chamber after the first flush, submerge it in a bucket filled with water, and then roll it in more verm and then place it back in the chamber? Will the cake not fall apart when its in water for that long?

If someone could provide some clarification it'd be very appreciated. Was gonna do bulk but since its my first time I thought I'd try this out first.
You dunk the cakes first after they are fully colonized. I use my pressure cooker. Just fill up a pot or container that will hold them all with room temperature tap water. Drop in your cakes carefully. Put a plate or something on top of them keep them submerged; they float & will get dry spots otherwise. Put a lid on it & let it soak overnight. Do this after every flush...yes some aborts might fall off & maybe some of the verm but the cakes should remain pretty much solid if they are fully colonized. Full colonization is very important...leave your brf jars intact until they are totally white & then allow another week or 2 for consolidation. It's always better to dunk, roll & fruit later rather than earlier; wait till the last minute
Either way this tek is way outdated & brf cakes are really more for learning the process. One run with cakes & I would go straight into spawning to bulk which is much better. Just requires more exp and planning.
I will also have trouble with sterile place. I live Fulltime in aMotorhome so I'm not sure if it will be sterile enough. We live in a horse farm with many Micro if life floating around. I only know because I make my own culture for plants and live soils for growing too. Atleast I tried making it a few times. Not sure if it works. As I haven't noticed a huge difference in plants I used it on. But hey. It didn't kill them. Lol. And I have a Aquariumbig big enough to put about 5 cakes in But I've always used it for clones and seedlings so it needs a good cleaning. Lysol I've heard a lot about using. How about chlorine water??? Can I use that to spray around my environment. It's sterile water. But will chili time or bleach water kill the mushrooms if it goes into their air supply or soemthing
Build a still air box to innoculate in. That's really when sterility is key. Horse poo and straw is actually a great substrate if you know how to process it; way better than brf. Learn how to grow in bulk and spawn to h/poo. Cakes are for noobs to learn; bulk is much better. Water with chlorine is not a concern in shroom growing. Don't use bleach ever for anything. Don't use an aquarium either build a shotgun chamber or a monotub. Check out if you wanna know more
And to expand on Drysift. If you feel that you need extra protection from contams. You could make/buy a grow tent. Good 3 mil painters tarp. Make acheap skeleton. Maybe some velcro for the door flap. Hepa filter for air intake. A cheap ass pc fan to pull air in and exhaust...
Ok. Well I do have access to a ton of horse poo. Umm I have actually had some mixed with water sitting in a bucket That's how I've always made fertilizer with it but this time I didn't finish. So it's still thick but a little runny. Easy to filter probaly and maybe use. I'll have to research the whol horse poo thing and maybe use it since it's free and easy access. Someone told me once about growing shrooms in a shaded area outside under horse or cow poo Not sure if it was true or what kind they were if it was. I figured that would be sterile enough but they do grow outside too so maybe he knew enough that he could do it and knew which were bad. I don't know. I'd rather keep mine contained in a sterile environment where I only have to use sterile spores and cakes and easy enough to tell a bad bacteria. Outside of think it would be a bit harder to see certain bacterial attacking That's just me tho. I'm a plant grower. But I'd like to try a shroom grow again
If you had a basic step guid to growing your first time. Can you send me a link or something to one that you think would be good to start with and then go on from there
Ok. Well I do have access to a ton of horse poo. Umm I have actually had some mixed with water sitting in a bucket That's how I've always made fertilizer with it but this time I didn't finish. So it's still thick but a little runny. Easy to filter probaly and maybe use. I'll have to research the whol horse poo thing and maybe use it since it's free and easy access. Someone told me once about growing shrooms in a shaded area outside under horse or cow poo Not sure if it was true or what kind they were if it was. I figured that would be sterile enough but they do grow outside too so maybe he knew enough that he could do it and knew which were bad. I don't know. I'd rather keep mine contained in a sterile environment where I only have to use sterile spores and cakes and easy enough to tell a bad bacteria. Outside of think it would be a bit harder to see certain bacterial attacking That's just me tho. I'm a plant grower. But I'd like to try a shroom grow again
You should.dry out the horse poo first to better asses moisture levels. Usually guys lay it ou flat in the sun for a few days. Here's a thread example:
Ok. Thanks for that. Do you know of any good beginner instructions that are sorta of fool proof. Lol. Of kind of like a good growing mushrooms for dummies. Lmao
Well yeah I know. It's different googling something that someone posted they have done with success and it's great. Than someone I'm actually messaging saying hey your a beginner. Here's a good one. Checki this out. Thanks for all the help tho. Be checked a few out. But right now I'm trying to see if anyone has a few spores they could send me for "Research". Lol. I just want to get started ASAP and would help get us out of this rut. But I don't have a way to order online right now. Or have $20 to order right now. But I seen somewhere you can buy one syringe and make it last for a long time too. So I figured I'd ask around and maybe someone could send me a tube or syringe with a few Drops in To try it out. We're see Also some people seem to be having trouble finding horse poo. I cleave easy access to great horse poo for mushrooms. No wood chips and no urine. I have fresh and leached and even some with the good white/grey mold left still I believe. I could trade someone for a few spores I know it's not likely but I'm a good dude and would just like to try it and see if I can maybe help my family get back on our feet better
Ok. Thanks. Right now I'm trying to get a spore. Money is to tight and I don't have a card. I have a few old Euros laying around and this one place will ship you one free spore per month for 2 euros for shipping. If I lose them no biggy. Can't use euros where I'm at in US so no big loss. I wish more people would be willing to send and trade A spore shouldn't be any big deal to ship out to someone. I will send some back out after I get started. I don't mind. But not everyone seems that way. Thanks for the info. Hopefully I can get a spore soon somehow
I need more than one what? And what do you mean sewed. All the articles and instructions that j have researched and studied I haven't seen that term anywhere. Was it a typo or what do you mean by it if not? And why would I need more than one spore print One spore syringe can last a lifetime. Yeah I did type "a spore". But I meant a spore print/syringe.

Btw. I just ordered and it should arrive in a week or so. I ordered from because I studied the prices and how many spores are in the syringe. By the prices of shipping and everything the price PER spore They can out one of the better ones. But this isn't a math. It's just going by other reviews and info I've found. I could not find enough SOLID evidence to properly do that. I really wanted to order from another one that's $10 for one syringe and $5 Es after that. And you can get it 4x concentrated. But they have many ripoff reviews and people warning you not to use them. But then I've seen some really good reviews too. But I could take the chance. was also the ONLY site that the site is set up as a medical or scientific research lab Not a growing shrooms website. I know they all say that. But appearance is a big part of any business. Especially a borderline illegal one. Spores are legal but you can't get a spore print without the illegal mushroom. I'm going to start making and sending spores to people on forums and stuff too soon. I love helping people too so when someone in need asks. I give them a task to do in order to get a free spore. Eventually I will start that up tho. Not quite yet
There are sites that will send you a spore print for free but the site name escapes me now. There's another that will only send you a print if you trade one. I source all my spore from Cheap prices free shipping and they give a freebie when you buy 2 syringes. They got a promo about every month; you can get a mystery grab sryinge for like $6 I think. Most cubensis are around $10 per syringe and they are legal to ship in the US. Get on their email list to get the promo prices
I got spores coming from I ordered Monday and they will be here in SF on Friday the tracking says. They send a free random spore with your order when you Type FREESPORES in the comments or instructions box. And I asked for an extra empty syringe with liquid in it. We're see what all they send. I'll post it online as a review here and Shroomery too once I get it tomorrow. I mentioned three species of like to try. Cus it is a random freebie so we're see if they send one I asked for or bot
Hey Quick wuestion since this is started and a few have been on. I don't have a pressure cooker. I know it's preferred. But I've gotten away without using one before. Well actually it wasn't me but I was there helping and we didn't use a pressure cooker. Anyways Here's what I did so far and not done. Spores will be here today it says so I prepped everything last night. I used wild bird seed and boiled it in microwave ALOT. Then Soaked for few hours then rinsed and boiled in Microwave AGAIN and added gypsum. Microwaved again a little and drained it and added boiling water. then soaked for 24hrs to let any endoscopes hopefully hatch or whatever. Then I Boiled it in microwave with some H202 water. Rjnsed good and then put fresh regular water on it and put it in pressure cooker that's broken. But it works as a steamer still really good so I put it all inside and just a little extra water over the top and I had left for an hour and asked my partner to watch it a bit. I got back and it was steaming really nicely and I had looked in and the WBS had cracked open and the inside came out like wet flour. This seemed like a good thing to me as its looking as it will keep its moisture level better Instead of being too wet in bottom of bird seed Anyways. My worries are that it is TOO WET It reminds me of the wet stuff inside kidney beans. Dry but wet. After letting them sit 24hour and soak. Then boiling it into a this and I put it into the containers I had gotten. I put foil over them. Screwed the plastic lid over it and then took a small nail and heated it (wbs was still hot too). I poked 4 holes in a stuffed with cotton and sprayed the tops with Lysol good. I read this lets the steam go out but when it cools down and sucks air in it will be clean sterile air I may have a pic but if can't find one I'll post it later

Oh yeah. That reminds me. I had leftover in bottom that was a bit wet. So I mixed some BRF i ground up myself and turned two very small tupperwares to cakes. They are very small though so I figured maybe they will spawn faster and I can have a personal batch sooner than the rest. We're see. But this turned out good I think. Kind dryer than a thick oatmeal by still plenty moist.

Second question is of same subject but in my BRF jars I made it was the same. Like a dry/wet clumpy OATMEAL. I didn't have enough Verm and forgot to not put quite as much water in And the brown rice flour was homeade. I ground it up and it wasn't fully powder. It was a bit sandy or gritty but nice still Just used an old fashion way with drinking glasses for that. I have them also sitting in a sterile Tupperware box I set them inside and sprayed the inside with Lysol. They have been sitting there since yesterday morning so tonight I will take them out and out the jars in a boil/steam them and see how wet it looks then. If it still is then I may take foil off and microwave only to dry it out a bit. Or I may just toss them But I really wanted to try cakes too

Today the spores SHOULD be here and I want to inoculate what ever I can. I just want a few for personal quick and the. I'll be patient for the rest These little ones are like 3.5inches long by 2.5tall by 2.5 wide Small but I was hoping the mycelium would grow faster hopefully. Or atleast be done sooner and pinning sooner than the bigger one.
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Hey guys
So I did not make my own incubator. I live in south Florida where the humidity is very high and the temperature in my house is in the low 80s pretty much all day. Do you think I'll be ok not making the incubator?
Love the site btw ;)
Others may be able to answer better as I'm a newbie kind of still. But I'm in south Florida as well and I've gotten away without an incubator. But honestly I think things will just go smoother with one. An incubator would keep more of a controlled environment so you won't have fluctuations which can happen a lot in Florida since it rains and cools down and then sun comes out and humidity levels shoot up and temps shoot back up again too. So if you think about it. You may live in an area that's OK for it and don't absolutely NEED an incubator. But if you use one you will have more control of your grow and steady consistent results. None of mine are consistent. Because of the slight changes in environment you will have in Florida here.

So a short answer is. You don't absolutely have to have one. But things will go much smoother and consistent if you use one. They are easy to make too by the way. Heck I even found a small container at the Dollar tree It has a red bottom that has spots like you'd set the Petri dishes. And then a clear Dome lid over top of it. Set that in a tub of water with a Fish tank heater set at the temp you need and Bam! You have a Mini Incubator for $15. $1 for the container and $10 or so for heater