Agar bitches

Major fail….made my agar too runny this time and guess I was sloppy because everything contammed. Tossed the glad mini rounds due to an unspeakable amount of blue stuff growing along with myc.
Decided to start over fresh & get some proper petris and a nifty pyrex flask to make agar. Gonna try the regular old pour method for fun along with some liquid cultures I wanna keep going on plates ..stay tuned to this channel me hardees
Major fail….made my agar too runny this time and guess I was sloppy because everything contammed. Tossed the glad mini rounds due to an unspeakable amount of blue stuff growing along with myc.
Decided to start over fresh & get some proper petris and a nifty pyrex flask to make agar. Gonna try the regular old pour method for fun along with some liquid cultures I wanna keep going on plates ..stay tuned to this channel me hardees

Those disposable catsup cups are supposed to work good for petri dishes.

I am gathering the stuff to try making agar myself....I was going to buy some pre made ones and said f*** it and bought a pressure cooker.
Those disposable catsup cups are supposed to work good for petri dishes.

I am gathering the stuff to try making agar myself....I was going to buy some pre made ones and said f*** it and bought a pressure cooker.

I got some petris and did a pour tek last night. Was fun to play around with my cool new Erlenmeyer flask which made pouring out hot agar super easy. Made kind of a mess because I overfilled a few dishes which spilled into the floor of my SAB but I think the plates came out ok anyway. Streaked them w/ leftover LC and some ms spore syringes I had from prior projects. If any of the plates look interesting I’ll post pics.
Was looking at that ketchup cup agar tek on YouTube myself but the petris are so easy and I since I spent extra on parafilm I’ll just keep using them. Gonna order another sleeve since I still got more agar; want to try cloning a fruit this time. Pressure cooker is like the best investment you can make; I’m so glad I bought my Presto 23qt when I did. $70 seemed so much at the time but now I see they cost double that… yikes .