Overall I’m happy how this project worked out. Could I have done better? Absolutely..but wtf I already got so many bags of dry shrooms I couldn’t possibly consume them all.
The first tub is already contaminated; zero fruits growing and big blue splotch of what I presume to be my old nemesis trichoderma. Maybe we should’ve skipped the heavy misting. Pulled the first fruits of the 2nd tub last night as veils were breaking. I will not mist this one; just gonna let it dry out on its own and be done with growing mushrooms for this year.
The idea behind this thread was to show how a grower of less than average intelligence can pull off several ounces of dry mushrooms with rudimentary equipment. Since I had almost everything on hand already this entire grow costed the price of 2 bricks of coco; about $8 I think. So if let’s say you’ve already done a run of the old PF cakes and want to expand your horizons with a bulk grow don’t be afraid to start by noccing agar, bitches. Virtually ensures success and if things go south early you can always start over without weeks of waiting to find out your spawn is fucked. Thanks for checking meowt; peace