Agar bitches

Dude, yes, they are all pretty much the same, however, they do not all fruit in perfect sync.

Had you just used the expression that put up all those primordial you might have had a HUGE flush.

Multiple expressions will fruit in succession but the earliest will hog all the nutrients. Your best yield will always be monoculture.

You have an expression that likely will put out large volumes of fruit if you can isolate it.
Not you first night out...
Overall I’m happy how this project worked out. Could I have done better? Absolutely..but wtf I already got so many bags of dry shrooms I couldn’t possibly consume them all.
The first tub is already contaminated; zero fruits growing and big blue splotch of what I presume to be my old nemesis trichoderma. Maybe we should’ve skipped the heavy misting. Pulled the first fruits of the 2nd tub last night as veils were breaking. I will not mist this one; just gonna let it dry out on its own and be done with growing mushrooms for this year.
The idea behind this thread was to show how a grower of less than average intelligence can pull off several ounces of dry mushrooms with rudimentary equipment. Since I had almost everything on hand already this entire grow costed the price of 2 bricks of coco; about $8 I think. So if let’s say you’ve already done a run of the old PF cakes and want to expand your horizons with a bulk grow don’t be afraid to start by noccing agar, bitches. Virtually ensures success and if things go south early you can always start over without weeks of waiting to find out your spawn is fucked. Thanks for checking meowt; peace :peace:bongsmilie
Overall I’m happy how this project worked out. Could I have done better? Absolutely..but wtf I already got so many bags of dry shrooms I couldn’t possibly consume them all.
The first tub is already contaminated; zero fruits growing and big blue splotch of what I presume to be my old nemesis trichoderma. Maybe we should’ve skipped the heavy misting. Pulled the first fruits of the 2nd tub last night as veils were breaking. I will not mist this one; just gonna let it dry out on its own and be done with growing mushrooms for this year.
The idea behind this thread was to show how a grower of less than average intelligence can pull off several ounces of dry mushrooms with rudimentary equipment. Since I had almost everything on hand already this entire grow costed the price of 2 bricks of coco; about $8 I think. So if let’s say you’ve already done a run of the old PF cakes and want to expand your horizons with a bulk grow don’t be afraid to start by noccing agar, bitches. Virtually ensures success and if things go south early you can always start over without weeks of waiting to find out your spawn is fucked. Thanks for checking meowt; peace :peace:bongsmilie

Good thread.
What's the best way to travel with spores ? I have liquid, swabs and foil prints. Should I inject a bag and take it with me or just take swabs and make agar at my final destination ? It's gonna be an all day trip. Any suggestions ? @Richard Drysift
Just don't leave them in a hot car or shit like that. Little confused though, are you traveling and then hoping to inoculate while doing so? Why? Giving someone a culture?
Just don't leave them in a hot car or shit like that. Little confused though, are you traveling and then hoping to inoculate while doing so? Why? Giving someone a culture?

I'm flying not driving. I'm thinking about either inoculating a bag the day I leave and hope it survives the flight or taking a couple swabs and a couple 2 ounce jars of liquid spores then inoculating when I get there.
I would go swabs in that scenario. You don't want to agitate grain that much and that consistently so short after inoculation.

Alright I think I'm do that. Take swabs and make agar when I get there. I might take a couple 2 ounce jars of liquid spores.
What's the best way to travel with spores ? I have liquid, swabs and foil prints. Should I inject a bag and take it with me or just take swabs and make agar at my final destination ? It's gonna be an all day trip. Any suggestions ? @Richard Drysift
Prints are fairly easy to transport; a slant might be even better if eventually going to agar is the plan but not sure how long it will stay viable without refrigeration. Should be ok for a few days at room temps but might be weird getting it through TSA checkpoints. Seems unnecessarily risky; I advise everyone to grow your shrooms at home or in a very safe place. Boofing the slant could work though....hey that’s it...Boofing the of my new band; thanks!
Overall I’m happy how this project worked out. Could I have done better? Absolutely..but wtf I already got so many bags of dry shrooms I couldn’t possibly consume them all.
The first tub is already contaminated; zero fruits growing and big blue splotch of what I presume to be my old nemesis trichoderma. Maybe we should’ve skipped the heavy misting. Pulled the first fruits of the 2nd tub last night as veils were breaking. I will not mist this one; just gonna let it dry out on its own and be done with growing mushrooms for this year.
The idea behind this thread was to show how a grower of less than average intelligence can pull off several ounces of dry mushrooms with rudimentary equipment. Since I had almost everything on hand already this entire grow costed the price of 2 bricks of coco; about $8 I think. So if let’s say you’ve already done a run of the old PF cakes and want to expand your horizons with a bulk grow don’t be afraid to start by noccing agar, bitches. Virtually ensures success and if things go south early you can always start over without weeks of waiting to find out your spawn is fucked. Thanks for checking meowt; peace :peace:bongsmilie
Just can't beat a natural (not some shit speedy acid Earl whipped up in his garage) mushroom high....whole different high........beautiful.......a trip into a whole new world......have "blue foot and dung loving( so many horses around here) growing naturally Upstate. Took a magical ride inside an electrical socket one night.....who needs Disney World......stay home, let my mind do the traveling. Love that shit!
The aforementioned bitches are only bitches until they start growing shrooms by noccin agar as opposed to BRF or a spawn bag. The old PF tek is outdated but remains a viable means of growing personal amounts of fungi; bitches love cakes...
The aforementioned bitches are only bitches until they start growing shrooms by noccin agar as opposed to BRF or a spawn bag. The old PF tek is outdated but remains a viable means of growing personal amounts of fungi; bitches love cakes...
Thank,science,chem,bio.......took grad course in medical experiments........this sounds up my alley....
I took one print and several swabs successfully across the ocean. Had the print in my wallet and swabs in a box of cotton swabs in luggage. TSA in New York legit opened my carry on with the wallet in it and didn't suspect anything. He just wanted to make sure bottle of formula was legit. Swiped a few items with his little machine but that's it.
I took one print and several swabs successfully across the ocean. Had the print in my wallet and swabs in a box of cotton swabs in luggage. TSA in New York legit opened my carry on with the wallet in it and didn't suspect anything. He just wanted to make sure bottle of formula was legit. Swiped a few items with his little machine but that's it.
Gotta love some TSA. They're doing a tough job. Mostly there for our security. They're not looking for our contraband but if you're a flagrant idiot, they won't ignore it. Used to work with a guy who was a major stoner, saw him a bunch of years later working a checkpoint. Another time I forgot to pull a caliper out of my carry on. TSA guy pulls it out, starts swinging it like a hatchet and asks, "what's this thing, looks dangerous." I told him, I'm an engineer and it's a precision measuring tool. He laughed and said, "Yeah I worked in a tool shop for forty years. Go ahead."

Sorry for the diversion. Love the thread. Carry on!
Gotta love some TSA. They're doing a tough job. Mostly there for our security. They're not looking for our contraband but if you're a flagrant idiot, they won't ignore it. Used to work with a guy who was a major stoner, saw him a bunch of years later working a checkpoint. Another time I forgot to pull a caliper out of my carry on. TSA guy pulls it out, starts swinging it like a hatchet and asks, "what's this thing, looks dangerous." I told him, I'm an engineer and it's a precision measuring tool. He laughed and said, "Yeah I worked in a tool shop for forty years. Go ahead."

Sorry for the diversion. Love the thread. Carry on!

Yeah you're definitely right about that. I respect everything they do checking million of bags on a daily basis is not an easy job. I was surprised at how extensive they were in New York this time around. They were screening every single carry on through the x-ray and then would take 2-3 bags out of 5 to a hands on search. 2-3 people out of 5 were swiped with the hand tool that I believe detects traces of explosive chemicals. Definitely made me feel safe getting on an airplane that's for sure.
The aforementioned bitches are only bitches until they start growing shrooms by noccin agar as opposed to BRF or a spawn bag. The old PF tek is outdated but remains a viable means of growing personal amounts of fungi; bitches love cakes...

Viable but stupid. was designed to sell syringes, nothing more.
Hey now…so speaking of syringes we just got new shit for this season: this time we have John Allen cubensis spores and Galindoi ATL#7 which is a type of sclerotia. Never did stones aka magic truffles before so this will be a first and of course we start everything on agar, bitches, cuz that’s just how we roll…
This time I have come up with a very simple innovation: using a 4” riser and a rusty old wok base inside my big ass pressure cooker to keep everything up off of the water. This solves the problem of filling the PC to capacity while keeping the agar plates from floating around in the hot ass water and melting/deforming during the sterilization process.
New agar plates have been poured out, cooled and solidified.

Next step is to wrap these in foil and sterilize in a PC; stay tuned folks…more to come