Here's a trick to help you with containers.... but you'll need to double up.
Take a 3 gallon pot for ur plant... get a 5 gallon pot and put some pea pebbles in the bottom...enough to bring the 3 gallon almost up to the top lip of the 5. K?
then put the 3 inside and fill all around between the two pots with more pea pebbles. You now have an insulated pot from the heat and ur water will be available far longer for the plant. You will also get more of a root system as they won't turn away from the heat. It also makes a great counterweight for windy days and storms.

well i dont think i am going to be able to do pots.... im going to be putting them around a swamp/marshy area that grows very green and tall..... they are going in a 2x2 hole filled with good top soil. I think i am going to have to have them in the hole rather on top of a 3ft mound in fear of them getting that tall lol shoemaker 10-15 ft lol.... Mr.Shoemaker what would you suggest on organics to use if i might ask I am from Michigan. And I have herd from a few people around here it is suppose to be a dry hot summer. so how much i need to water is something i dont think i know all that much about at this point in my growing experience or at least should I say proper watering. I hear it is an art. I would greatly appreciate it if someone pointed me in the right direction? thanks. I do not want to ask alot of questions cause it probably bugs you guys answering these all day, so thats all im going to ask for now I really do thank you all alot.