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  • yea i got yea... i have grown two plants before with no ferts and it came out purple and the other smelled like citrus... now i fed up the curing process so they didnt turn out to good but i know if i get that curing process down im going to be able to get some good smoke.... im going to try and get picks to show you when i get my camera working... another thing is i went to my room where the plants r under lights, and i found a brown substance where the plant looks like it is going to be goring another set of flowers.. i picked around a bit and found small little brown/orange little insects and idea on what they are or what to use to get them off?
    Ok....hey man what's up,yea I get fkd up every day and don't even remember tlkn to u,lol but I read the convo and,
    I mean have u ever had Mexico breek weed? .swag/mids well that's wat ur gonna get off no ferts,
    I mean most ppl don't no what a m plant looks like u no,as long as it isn't obviousl ur goo,hell u could grow in a garden by some vegetables, ppl do...lol....but u asked were to top to mk a bush, u no how a plant grows upward, one after anothr just cut at the very center of new growth, and it'll branch out and mk two main tops, u top again and u got four, but u got to be patient, if I was u id grow a cuppel natural, and a cupple regs,and then next year ull no, no. One hing is don't be greedy, cause then ull b stupid about ur grow
    i am planting way off the trails that people walk, and i do believe having lived around here for so long that no one in there right mind going for a walk on a cleared trail is going to wander off a half mile or so lol.... i figure i would do one plant here one plant there. banking on the fact that i grow then to be healthy before they go into the ground i am going to be growing them in planters pots till june 1st then transplant them in there spots... do u think they would be strong enough to get the water they need on there own if the water table is so high in the ground? and good soil is tendered at the plant site.... says on the bag of dirt feeds up to 6 months? figured if they got continuous moisture then the soil would do the rest...... im going to have to get some neem oil what is and what does that stuff do? and were can i get it?
    yea the place i am doing this at is walked by people that have horse and such but is relatively a ghost town for most of the year. i planned on doing 10 plants in a wide range of area..... and for how wet the ground is, my plant site normally consist of a lake/pond nearby will alot of soil saturation. as far as my feet getting soaked , it doesnt have to be like that. i wanted to know what would be the best spot the soaking wet or just outside of the soaking wet soil? and another thing, it is going to be hard for me to water those things as much as they need it, i have to travel to my spot by row boat lol. so curious to see if you had an idea or whatever to fix that problem.
    top to bottom man...it was like 6000 letters sry it took for ever to post as i can only post 1000 at a time...i think i deleated some to so ask questiongs tho
    in the summer all plants are going to need to be watered 5gallons a week if there decent size plants my mine are
    on there 4 nod about 8in and are getting 2 a week...
    i dont have to worry about ferts all i gotta do is go out there with my neem oil and my spray bottle
    i have a 5 gallon bucket at every site somewere in the visinity,
    i water my plants then spary them with neem oil and wait for next week....im at week 2 and there out side....
    i dont have time or space to sex inside so i just
    wait for them to get big.... take a clone later c whats up...then kill the males buy a bunch of 3 gallon grow bags and sea of green a small opening some were of all fems....and dont fk with them till harvast...some will servive for sure.then i just harvast around 1\4 lb each plant and get on my way....loll
    any other questions
    your shoes should have duck tape on the bottom of them, dispose of all trash,soil bags,w.e w.e....anything....
    dont keep anything at your house that could be used for evidence what so ever.
    f you dont have a laywer just get a number of a laywer put it in your phone and if they ever come your prepared
    nobody ever plans to get caught nobody every thinks i no ima get caught they all thikn there not going to get caught other wise y would they do it.....pre pare like its going to happen if it dose then your ready if it dosent then good ull be ready in the future.
    cops will catch u out in the woods if u run most of the time if theres more then one,
    so as long as they dont see u picking leafs and watering dont run.
    dont cut to many plants\trees down cause then u bring attetion from the air,
    u can get a bigger havast with more root space and less plants then u can with lots of plants in small buckets
    5 gallons isnt gonna cut it 1\4 lb a plant max.
    now i got 10 gallon pots in some and have been told there to small,but what ima do is let them grow out till mid summer cut the bottoms out and let them go threw the under soil....lol
    then all u need is a lil fishing line. but i dont no if id use that cause it might look sketchy,
    but if u dont no that trick u pretty much make a fence with the line and deer wont go inside cause they cnat c the barrier which is unatural to them.another thing dont use ferts that consist of any type of animal ,fish blood mean bone meal,ect ect
    cause it brings in bugs and preditors, racoons ants,ect ect,
    dont ware camo when u go out in the woods dress regular, if you caught out at night say you were just walking around and u saw a baby deer or something and chased it,
    already have your hole story down b4 u go out, as if the cop\random person was asking u questions.

    never run from anybody unless they c u with the plants, running well means ur running from something,which gives reason to call the cops or ask questions,
    ok u got every thing good except the swamp tubes ur not viewing them correctly....
    here is a link from were i learned....
    now u c u can have it in the ground a lil,
    but if your in a wet lands thats really wet like ur feet get wet no matter what when u go in there,
    thats the method...
    is it like a swampy type atmosphier , not many trees wild grass lil creeks running threw ect ect....
    then u use the swamp tube but if its just flat land that dosent get to were u dig a foot down and the hole is full of water then go for a 2x2 hole and then add ur mix throw in some ferts,,,,ur fish is gonna get dug up,for sure if your out way out were wild life is abundant, bear,racoon,rats,tree rats ext ect....
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