Hey green. Glad to see you're still spreading your experience with the SIPS. I stumbled across this thread and revisit here alot, because one day I'll try it out. I hope you know I appreciate you sharing your knowledge and I will be lurking along !
Yea man post anything you want that relates this this thread in any way. That's why I started this, to help others and so we can all learn together as we move forward.

Here's my jars, looks like we shop at the same place lol. But only reason I dont make my own is bc when bought em1 is expanded it's really not very expensive at all. And it allows me to spend my time working on other things. But one day when I get big enough, for sure i will be making my own on a huge scale.
Well I have been in the process of moving, had one small plant left in flower left at the old place, had two weeks left to finish her, well the land lord must have broke in today and apparently called the popo. She broke in for a fact bc I had the locks changed and they didn't have a key. Shits playing out right now as we speak.

So if I go ghost, you guys knows why, just didnt want ppl to think I just ghosted and left. Pray for me, need all the help I can get!

In the SIP with vermiculite are you using EM-1 in the res? I read somewhere that you should only use EM-1 or LABS in an empty res not one that has forhein obects in it example the vermiculite, or if your running a SWICK with lava rock.

Im confused from memory the reason was that those thinga can house bad bacteria nd cause smell etc...
Well I have been in the process of moving, had one small plant left in flower left at the old place, had two weeks left to finish her, well the land lord must have broke in today and apparently called the popo. She broke in for a fact bc I had the locks changed and they didn't have a key. Shits playing out right now as we speak.

So if I go ghost, you guys knows why, just didnt want ppl to think I just ghosted and left. Pray for me, need all the help I can get!

Fucken landlords like that suck sweaty donkey balls! Hope it works out for you Green. Was your lease up when they broke in? If so I'm sure that's illegal and would make any thing they find no use to them.
Em1 will kill and out compete any other mold or bacteria! Even was told my the lab guys from mammoth p that the em1 would kill their products. I got in touch with them to find out about trying to add their product to this method.
This is the way I understand it as well. Those are cool bags you have on your bottles to keep the light out. I've been using trash bags.
Fucken landlords like that suck sweaty donkey balls! Hope it works out for you Green. Was your lease up when they broke in? If so I'm sure that's illegal and would make any thing they find no use to them.
I dont know what the fuck is going on, but something fishy is happening. I showed up today to take my charge and keep my wife out of it. And now I'm being told by the landlord and the fucking popo I can take all my grow shit out the house! They already chopped my last plant. A friend of mine who works for the company was there when it all went down, and told me cops was shoving buds into their God dam pockets!

I honestly have no clue what the fuck is going on, but never in the history of any bust that I've ever heard of does the police tell you to come get and take your cultivating equipment and lights after they bust a single plant and only that disappears...

You guys tell me yall ever heard of anything this fucking crazy? Here's my flower room in its current state...
Definitely funny business. I would pack my gear as fast as I could and vanish like mist. At least they don't have your new address. Looks like you lucked out.
Was that the GG4 plant they took? If so fucken sucks, still better then sitting in lock up.
Everything is already gone! They or someone took the last plant. But as of right now everything grow related in stored away and no where near me. It's a big loss for sure. And my home grow may not be back up any time soon, but that doesnt mean you guys have seen the last of me. Gunna have to kill me to make me stop for good. Just means it's time to go farther underground, and take even more precautions!
As it stands now the only thing I've lost is one dosidos harvest, possibly half to a max of 1 pound. But they chopped it 2 weeks early. I got in touch with the sheriff's office and they basically said call back Monday! Bc they guy I was supposed to talk to had already left for the weekend. So obviously what ever is being done there are not very worried about. So guess I'll see what's going down on Monday

But in the meantime at a separate and non related spot, theres some nice things in the works... may look a tad rough but considering what's been going on and how very much they have been neglected I think there doing just fine for right now.
Sorry to hear the bad news.
For a brand new sip, and brand new soil, I wouldn't cook anything! Just add your soil, toss in a small amount of oyster shell just to help counter the ph of the em1, and your good to go.

But do remember bag soil will probably run out faster than my recycled soil, so be on top of your top dressings. Couldn't hurt to add some extra guano or other treats to the top dressings. But keep in mind less is more!
thanks for the help green. Did end up tossing out the d-lime. Ended up with kelp, need,gypsum,crab/lobster, alfalfa, oyster, langebeinite, amozite, em1 and grokashi.

Hope all goes well with the man.. best of luck my friend.
Sorry to hear the bad news.

thanks for the help green. Did end up tossing out the d-lime. Ended up with kelp, need,gypsum,crab/lobster, alfalfa, oyster, langebeinite, amozite, em1 and grokashi.

Hope all goes well with the man.. best of luck my friend.
That sounds exactly like what I use most. I also use alfalfa meal from time to time, few other treats I use sparingly depending on soil test results and stuff.

Alfalfa meal
Seabird, Jamaican, Mexican guano (to add with top dressings)
Growers choice recharge

And that's about it! Everyones set up is different and different strains like to use different amounts of different things. So remember to test your soil, and amend it accordingly. Also less is always more!

As for my situation, thank you. But from what I know and have been told, i basically think the popo robbed me, and also gave me break by letting me keep my grow shit.

No bud, and no grow stuff, means no case. But just in case it's a set up, and im playing it on the safe end I'm taking a break and passing the torch to a close friend for the time being. And my new grow will be taking a temporary pause and cleaned out until a better option comes into play. But I'll get to speak to the guy in charge of my case tomorrow bc he hasnt been to work since everything went down lol.
That sounds exactly like what I use most. I also use alfalfa meal from time to time, few other treats I use sparingly depending on soil test results and stuff.

Alfalfa meal
Seabird, Jamaican, Mexican guano (to add with top dressings)
Growers choice recharge

And that's about it! Everyones set up is different and different strains like to use different amounts of different things. So remember to test your soil, and amend it accordingly. Also less is always more!

As for my situation, thank you. But from what I know and have been told, i basically think the popo robbed me, and also gave me break by letting me keep my grow shit.

No bud, and no grow stuff, means no case. But just in case it's a set up, taking a break and passing the torch to a close friend for the time being. But I'll get to speak to the guy in charge of my case tomorrow bc he hasnt been to work since everything went down lol.
Green, wth is up with this? Did they ever arrest you? Read you your rights? Is it the police you're talking to tomorrow? I wouldnt say shit and lawyer up. You can claim you left the place clean and someone else set up that grow for all you know. Seems weird AF. Glad to hear shit has worked out for you so far
Green, wth is up with this? Did they ever arrest you? Read you your rights? Is it the police you're talking to tomorrow? I wouldnt say shit and lawyer up. You can claim you left the place clean and someone else set up that grow for all you know. Seems weird AF. Glad to hear shit has worked out for you so far
Nope, never arrested, nothing. Only reason I'm even calling them is bc my wife's name is on the lease and she has nothing to do with my stuff. I'm a ghost man, have been since I got out the army. But I'm willing to bet my left nut, nothing will be done, on the paper I got from the land lord which is the search warrant application, no where does it say anything was taken or found. Nothing. Also the cops dug through my dd214, and a bunch of my other old military shit.

My thinking is that bc the lady broke in through the back door, which makes anything they find admissible in court bc it's an illegal search and seizure, the fact they know I'm a disabled vet, and the fact that they found so very little literally the smallest amount I've had there in 4 years! And we were in the process of moving out. And lastly the land lord didnt press any charges, so that means its up to the local or state cops to pick up the charges. The cops knew they couldn't do shit, so they robbed my bud, and told me to get all grow shit out of there fast, this way all the evidence is gone, and everyone wins. I guess who really knows tho. I'll find out tomorrow when I call them from a different state lmfao
Well long story short I ain't got away that dam easy. Wife was charged, basically all the usual, manufacturing and dwelling, among others thankfully among many other holes in the case, the lawyer said thankfully it says right on the application for the search warrant she was no longer living there and had been moved out. Lawyer says theres a very good chance to have it all tossed, worst case scenario is maybe probation. Thankfully she dosen't smoke, or to do any real drugs. Since we all know how horrible of a drug some fucking pot is. And all the deaths and crime surrounding pot...but she can piss clean all day, has a job and is in college. So all looks good for her, and lastly shes never been in trouble with the police not even once. So probation is very likely if the charges stick.

But the one thing we are not getting out of is a fuck ton of money, lawyer alone costing a leg and one nut, then find out I may have to shovel out around 4k for some kidna fucking taxes on the bud they stole. How ever the fuck that works, never heard of that one before. But bottom line, I'm think we may just make it out of all this bs. Just gunna cost a pretty penny.