When I took that picture a couple days ago I added a little more Biokashi and sprayed the top with some water, checked today and it looked pretty much the same. I started poking my finger all over and was surprised how dry it was. It was a bit moist still but nothing like I thought it would be after watching the video. It's about what the moisture would be opening a new bag of garden soil. I'm wondering if I started with medium that was a bit too dry? It's been in there for a week now. Here is a breakdown of my soil ratios if that in case that could be the issue.
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Hmm, it shouldn't be that dry, I hardly ever top water, or even spray it down. When I set up a new sip, I just fill the rez, and within 3 to 4 days, shes soaked under the top. And mycelium growth is taking off. One main thing I've learned is you have to leave things alone sometimes. Less is more! With this method, we are not growing these ladies. It's our job to set up "mother nature" up with a "buffet" and make sure she has everything she needs. Its then mother nature's job to do what she she does best. As long as everything is there, she can pick and choose what she needs and when. If we go poking around, and adding extra of this and that, she may not like that. So the hardest part about this method is learning to keep your hands off! Give her some time to do her thing. Stop being impatient and trying to do it for her, bc usually your just going to make things harder.
Something I always like to say is... to think that we as humans beings can do a better job then mother nature is just insane, anyone who thinks they can, needs to just stop smoking so much! Just bc we have been screwing around in the soil for a few thousand years all of a sudden, we can do her job better... yea sure. But mother nature has been doing this since the beginning of time, and invented everything we think we know. So back up a few steps.
That's why once you set it up, get the hell out of the way, and let her work her magic, dont go checking things, and poking around, and adding what you think she needs. Bc we may think we know, but 99.99% of everyone is wrong. And once you go working against her, then your defeating the entire purpose, and may as well run hydro, or a bottle nutes recipe. After the sip is set up, and running and you have picked a lady to plant in it, your only job is to fill up the rez when it goes dry. You should not be lifting up the top to check on your mycelium, or adding anything. With the exception of a top dress from time to time. Other than that, you should never remove that top cover. Your work is what you can see above ground. Dont worry about what's happening below. As long as you have provided everything she needs, and your soil is a bountiful and rich soil teaming with life, it will do what it has done for billions of years without our fat fingers poking around in things.
Do you job, and let her do hers. You water the sips, and you set them up. If your doing anything else day to day, your fucking up and making mother nature work harder to fix your fuck ups. Dont pretend you know more then what she knows!