greenhouse seeds fem super bud got a male out of a ten pack

ur losing out if u ditch greenhouse over that issue.. trhey have great genetic's

They had good genetics and good product when shanti worked for them, then he left and they fell to shit. Arjen is a grade a twat but a marketing genius. This is why GHS sell seeds, not because of their reputation.
I really really really don't understand why in this day and age persons still buy seeds from GHS, i mean fuck. Really fuckkkkkk!
The only thing i'd buy from them is the SLH, and i read one great review on here about the gret white shark. Even then i'd go with shanti's shark shock, which is the same thing just probably times better.
That's the thing, plenty of others (better) to buy from. So many options nowadays, I'd rather spend my money on a newer breeder if I'm going to gamble anyway.
if i were to listen to everyone on this site i wouldn't be able to buy seeds from anyone! greenhouse is no different then another seed company... well actually they have a big fancy machine that makes sure u get a seed thats gonna germinate sooo thats cool. but besides that its a gamble if ur gonna get a herm or a winner. everyone has there own opinion on seed companies but most opinions are based on flawed info and a flawed foundation in growing. so if you don't know how to properly grow how can you properly judge seeds. "a shitty craftsman is always quick to blame his tools!"

And just to clear this up it's pretty unlikely that you got a male out of a femmed pack of seeds. it wasn't the same genetics as the original pack or something else went wrong. maybe the original pack wasn't fem and your mistaken? in the process of making fem seeds there is no male chromosome added to the pool so males are nowhere to be found.(once again I'm probably wrong here, things are rarely black and white.)
I grew a five pack of Great white shark from GHS. The strain was just like they said in size, taste, flavor and stability but yes every one of them was a hermi. I was also running red diesel from barneys farm and they to hermid out. Now I don't know if the red diesel got it's pollen from a herm or if the shark pollenated it because they were both outside grows.:neutral:
GHS are hit and miss, some people love to pamper their gear, i on the other hand tend to abuse my stuff. i need phenotypes that thrive in that kind of environment(lots of super cropping/pinching, moving around during flower) because i can't pay attention to one problem child i'll just toss the plant if they herm. i've thrown away dozens of stellar smoke because they were just too finicky, i see no reason to settle on smoke quality/stability when there are enough strains out there that provide both.
got green house seeds at a good price not almost 20$ a seed like most other brands . germinated 5 seeds and all 5 popped. out of the 5 planted one didn't sprout it was my bad put it to deep in the soil ( my first grow) all the other 4 where female. it was one white rhino, two train wreck (luckily it was one of them that didnt sprout) one bubba kush and one kings kush
yeh and theres also complaints about every other seed breeder as well, point being, fem seeds cant all be guarenteed through the breeder so 1 seed was male out of how many that were actually fem? im not gunna argue with yah but from 3 years of only buying from greenhouse im quite happy. :) like i said never had any issues what so ever, and im not even the best grower out there, novice at best lol

But not on the level that GHS gets... I'd say around 50% of the market has purchased something from GHS and around 80% of those have had issue's. Either germination, poor end product or poor genetics. Some are down to lack of experience, but the majority is down to how inept GHS are when it comes to producing something of quality.

The numbers I've produced in the above paragraph are entirely guess work, there was no research behind it.