Got Dirt? - My first Organic Go Around

One thing Im going to try.

I notice that when I apply the flowering tea at flower week 4/5 it tends to make the plants go fall on me really really fast. Can't complain because thats telling me its working...maybe too good. So what Im going to try is to actually use a strong dose of N (MBG) into that specific tea for the last big shot of nitro before the plants start finishing.

Anyone else ever notice that happening or am I just crazy? It really does seem that right after a tea the plant goes into nitro mode until it drains the nitrogen out of the soil, in flowering anyways. never noticed anything like that in veg but theres also a much larger supply of N available at that point in the soil so maybe I just dont see it happening. is what I noticed. I get yellowing leaves about 2.5 weeks into flower. I had thought it was mag def ...then nitrogen def...but when I folier fed it did not correct the fadeing. I top dressed with supersoil which has lots of blood meal and that did put more green in the leaves somewhat. I just think thats its normal to get those yellow leaves with such a hungery strain (bluecheeze). Here is also what I noticed....I fed them with rich tea with budswell,guanos of high P and seabird along with some castings and mollassas...I also hit them with the organic flowering stimulent ( Bcuzz pink label ) The buds just budded out like mad for a few days and the leaves got mere yellow at the same time. SSooooo.....while the plant is budding out ( pushing lots of hairy pistols ) it continues to use up some big fan leaves. They turn bannana yellow but not looking burnt or anything. They eventually do turn brown but they are bannana yellow for 2 weeks.

Is this what you meen? See the yellow leaves in the pic? Looks like mag def....but its not. I have had these bluecheeze do this every grow and I tried to correct it. Its normal and meens they are useing the plants resources where it can. At least thats where I am getting to.
Heres a clap for bcuzz flower booster ...:clap: ... really could see it work. I emailed atami and they sent me a sample kit to try with the root formula, Their a&b grow & bloom, The pink label bloom stimulent, The green label grow stimulent and the PK...which is the only one that is not organic I think. I have rooted clones with the root formula and it works like olivias but I like olivias better. thats all Ive tried sofar..along with the pink label wich was killer.

ok your turn...hehehe

see the yellowing...I know it looks like mag def...but a folier with 2 teas epsom salt and a soil drench did nothing. Not nitrogendef or lockout either...soil runnoff is 6.3 perfect!!


seems about right. I can get between 4-5 weeks but its seems to always be after I add the flower tea. Then again I always do it at the same point so it could just be normal.

Seems pretty safe to say that whenever you increase flower production its going to drain the leaves out faster to match.
Ya those look about right. Im at the point unless the leaves pray I assume its NOT mag related. I dont think Ive ever actually had a mag issue in reality.

Good info up in here.
Girls are looking good.
Hey Random great thread, you are pioneering for us! I am always experimenting with organic soil so not long ago I ran some girls in straight Roots Organic and fed only molasses/kelp from microbe teas. Some cuts starved and faded almost immediately under a 600 HPS but amazingly some did very well, fading perfectly during the finish and yielded decent more than an oz per gallon of soil.

Have you come across anything about the high P myth? There was a good thread about it in the chem nutes section of ic mag and is supported by Tapla from Gardensweb. Some of the bloom nutes have been backing off on P so I figure it is worth a shot. I have been leaning more on blackstrap and kelp under the assumption that the Roots Organic will proved the small amount of P needed. If you get a chance to look into it I would love to hear your take on it. Good luck with yr recycling!
Have not heard about a P conspiracy, Ill have to search around.
I am using bone meal and PSG (10-10) pretty losely around the garden so its something Ill have to look out for. Ive actually fallen into the camp where I think the P role in veg is understated so I could see this going into "a little all the time" instead of "massive doses in flower only". I guess we'll have to see what I can find out about it.

Recycled dirt is on about a full year now, no issues :-) Did lose a mom to root rot the other week which was a little alarming but it may have been shock related because I did a massive pruining on her not even a few days before the rot signs showed, tried to trasnplant out of it but it was too late for the poor girl.

Small change in the youngling mix, I dont use it anymore. Im now just filling the quart pots with 2/3 super soil and the top 1/3 un-ameded recycling dirt. Got sick of keeping two different dirt mixs. Seems to work well and the plants root lock before they start going def in the quarts (tested).
I've made life simpler.

History - used a 50/50 mix of FFOF/HF over a period of a 2 years.

EWC - Earth Worm Castings
BASE - my old spent dirt
VEG MIX - Mix used for all transplanting

STARTER MIX - NEW! - 2 parts Veg Mix + 1 part BASE SOIL (Unamended)

VEG MIX - for all plants basic needs - WATER ONLY - good for at least 8 weeks veg time
Per GALLON of BASE mix
10 Cups EWC
10 Cups Ancient Forest
1.25 Cups Peruvian SeabirdGuano (pellets)
1.25 Cups - Kelp Meal
1.25 Cups - Bone Meal
1 Cup Alfalfa Meal
1 Cup Cottenseed Meal
1 Cup Calcimatic/Dolomatic Lime
1 Cup - greensand
1 Cup - azomite

Mix ahead of time - for top dress heading to flower use 1-2 cup per pot (under 5 gallon)
1 Cup EWC
1 Cup Ancient Forest
1 tbl Mexican Guano (N)
1 tbl Jamacian Guano (P)
1 tbl Peruvian Seabird Guano (N/P)
1 tbl Kelp Meal
1 tbl Bone Meal
1 tbl Cottenseed Meal

AACT Tea - use once per month in flower or with plants in transition
Per gallon of water (filtered non-RO)
40ml Carbs
2 cups EWC
2 cups Ancient Forest
40 ml Fish/Seaweed Hydroslyate (Neptunes Harvest)
Bubble for 18 hours (Fungi Profile)

Guano Tea - Veg - max use is once every other week, once a month is probably better.
*Note - can be mixed as an AACT as well with guano addition
For 5 gallons
5 gallon H2O
8 tbl - Whatever Guano
40ml Carbs
40 ml Fish/Seaweed Hydroslyate (Neptunes Harvest)
Bubble 12-24 hours before use.

*AACT & Tea Note - you can use the sludge leftover from the tea as a top dress for deficient plants, use as needed or toss DO NOT STORE. BE CAREFULL can burn easily.
Nice thread and info, also glad to find that I am not the only one that reuses old soil that way. I moved to Costa Rica 5 years ago and just keep recycling and adding to it. After this long I have finally gotten to the point that I have over 3 cycles of soil for 30 five gallon pots, so I get to give the soil an extended rest now to recharge.
Keep up the good work +re
Small changes
In response to many youglings getting "hot feet" when first transplanted into the mix.
Hopes: Eliminate "hot feet" damage on young plants, prevent long term micro nutrient build up in the soil

Old: 1 cup azomite Now: 1/2 cup
Old: 1 cup Greensand Now: 1/2 cup
Remove: Cottenseed Meal (too hot initially, will experiment with this stuff more)
Replace: (reg)Bone Meal with Fish Bone Meal
Hey what's up....good looking plants....I've been growing hydroponically for some I am back to soil (got a batch of super soil cooking as we speak)......subbing,interested in seeing your progress with your mix.....:blsmoke:

I think he forgot to edit "Per GALLON of BASE mix' to "Per 10 GALLONs of BASE mix" it is per 10 gallons....

Yesir, you are correct. it is per 10 gallon.

In case anyone cares I measure a gallon literally by cutting of the top of a gallon milk jug and use that for measuing. Don't trust a pots listed size, its never right.
Awesome.......just about time to harvest......I am going to dry out all my used super soil for a while and try your recipe finally....
Im think if recycling be sure to douse the soil good with hygrozyme to eat up all the dead roots left in the soil.


Can i just pour the hygrowzime into the soil or do i have to have plants in it? I am growing with mycrorizeas and i hear that hygrowzime will kill it??