Well-Known Member
And that, boys, is your one free pass.
Trolling.. heh. Would you look at that. I mean would you just look at it?
Wa..wa..w..WHAT? Life is a mirror.
No. Please tell us Mr. Admitted Pedophile, what is life like being a mirror?You know what we say about mirrors... those fucking bleedin' hearts...
I lecture you on facts and racism. If you stuck to the facts and weren't such a fucking racist, I wouldn't have to lecture you.Actually laughing pretty much out loud at that one...Ho Ho funny. And I think it is funny about how
we get lectures on soul, like it was hatched yesterday.
You must be stoned. Only a person who is really fucking high or really fucking stupid would write nonsense like this. Yes, I too can stick words together and make a sentence, watch this! Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. [Complete sentence]We get similar simmers about we won't listen and we get simpering sycophancy when anyone will slightly agree.
And as you noticed the copycat style means the far corner has not been turned, much less been around the block.
Bat shit circle? Do you even know what the fuck you saying when you write it? Seriously bro. That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Yep, banned before. For manhandling fucktards such as yourself. I can do this all day. The difference between you and I, is that this is entertainment for me, and you actually take this shit seriously. What a sad fucking existence you lead.And here it is in full, bat shit circle in 2 sentences. He has been here before, he does know all about it. And...banned before.
Yep. Racist.Madagascar, this time.......not POLAND!! Ah, ha! highlowputz, you scamp. We heard yo wus hung!
I am myself. People know who I am, and I don't hide any facts about my life. I am myself. Im just much much better at being a likable asshole than you are.No one has liked any of these facko personas. Just be yourself how about?
Troll is not your thing.
Trolling.. heh. Would you look at that. I mean would you just look at it?