GOP Leader resigns over "Lazy Blacks" remark

You are talking about knifing people, tough guy. And when did you stop making yourself look stupid?

You didn't indicate it was a joke. You just make shit up.

haha. keep it up dumbass. I don't need to indicate it's a joke. That's why it's an inside joke. You would know this if you trolled yourself outside the politics section. Dumbass.
So, a man crush. I thought so, you latent. You ike to order me around, but I ain't your gimp. You could not handle it.
WE are so glad to have our Canadian friends especially when WE grant them Dual Citizenship.

That's what WE meant, of course. :)
my arm hit last year on my mortgage, fuck me refinancing was fucking hard under water

i blame the sea people
Have I offered to have sexual intercourse with your mother? If not, I suppose you feel left out, so here, I offer my services to your mommy.

Yea.. my "tow" was definitely a doh! But unfortunately I can't wash out my mouth with a fucking assault rifle. I realize you love sticking long black things in your mouth, but that is certainly not my motive.

You need to stop typing like buck and come up with a new persona, socky...
thats, umm...

racist, i guess?

No worries, i'll take care of it then...

Buck, could you please add the following terms to your list of racial slurs;

Black Hole
Angels Food Cake
Devils Food Cake

Thank you for your help with this matter,


No worries, i'll take care of it then...

Buck, could you please add the following terms to your list of racial slurs;

Black Hole
Angels Food Cake
Devils Food Cake

Thank you for your help with this matter,



hahaha. Now that was fucking funny! Kudos.
You need to stop typing like buck and come up with a new persona, socky...

I've been this way since I signed up. I've been banned 5 times for my behavior. I'm a known asshole round these parts. But I'm charismatic, and people like me. Go figure..
I've been this way since I signed up. I've been banned 5 times for my behavior. I'm a known asshole round these parts. But I'm charismatic, and people like me. Go figure..

Wa..wa..w..WHAT? Life is a mirror.
You know what we say about mirrors... those fucking bleedin' hearts...

Actually laughing pretty much out loud at that one...Ho Ho funny. :) And I think it is funny about how
we get lectures on soul, like it was hatched yesterday.

We get similar simmers about we won't listen and we get simpering sycophancy when anyone will slightly agree.

And as you noticed the copycat style means the far corner has not been turned, much less been around the block.

And here it is in full, bat shit circle in 2 sentences. He has been here before, he does know all about it. And...banned before.

Madagascar, this time.......not POLAND!! Ah, ha! highlowputz, you scamp. We heard yo wus hung!

No one has liked any of these facko personas. Just be yourself how about?

Troll is not your thing.