The racist republicans are at it again

Caucasians are a vanishing breed and this is good news for the rest of the world. You are the most evil people on this planet.
Where is UB and Cheezy to point out the racism?

If the colors were reversed, they would be shouting racism from the rooftops.
No it is far from racist. It is unadulterated hate towards a people who believe they have the right to slaughter any and all people on this planet who do not live within the confines of their fascist country. You white devils have slaughtered innocent people around this planet for decades.
You do know that a black man is running the 'killing machine' now, correct?
No it is far from racist. It is unadulterated hate towards a people ...

Hey, El Tib...are you aware that caucasion and american mean two different things?

You'd better brush up on your English, hombre.
El Tib, please forgive the negative comments.

Most of my fellow 'mericans have been duped/programmed into thinking our government isn't fucking us and lieing to us. WE are the terrorists. The proof is everywhere, but again, most refuse to see what is in front of their noses

Most till think 911 was done by muslims flying commercial aircraft performing unimaginable feats that experienced commercial pilots could not do

I do not worry for these people. I have studied the politics of the US extensively and understand that both the left and the right are controlled by corporate vested self-interests. The key to their power is in divide and conquer. The poor people on the right have the "share-cropper" mentality. They are obvious racists to anything non-white because they have been told this for generations by their land-owners. This has trickled down over generations and today they simply want to elevate themselves in some weak way above all others because of their personal insecurities. They want to control women's bodies, put their own specific religion into place, remove health care, control voting, exterminate homosexuals, and they abhor education. They hate the elderly, the sick, the educated, the homosexual, the woman, and the other than white.

Your left seems to care much about the people of the nation and their health and welfare. However, they are not leftists in the sense of leftism around the world. They are not violent and do not use violent measures to show the far-right they will not accept their abuses any longer. This failure to respond swiftly and cohesively has allowed these abuses to drag on for a very long time.

The US is clearly responsible for the war that has been going on in Colombia for so many decades. It began long ago when the US right became paranoid that the communists were going to take over the western hemisphere. They began training foreign military at your school of the americas and trained them with their own personal vison and motive. It was clearly designed by right-wing thinkers. They began supplying money to create dictatorships in South American countries and this began decades of bloodshed.

More than 1 million people have died in Colombia since the US decided it was their right to control the interests of Colombia. They did not do the fighting themselves. This would have been suicide. The US has not won a war in almost 70 years and the last war they won on their own was the war in their own country in the late 1800's. The US is very good at manipulation and creating a false front. They are very good and creating chaos and then backing away from it and watching the damage escalate that their created.

The opinion of these uneducated gringos does not bother me. They are the share-croppers of the 21st century. The poor who support the elite rich only because they think they will e winners if they separate themselves from others. This will be their downfall. There is much diversity in the US and the far right does not re-populate fast enough to maintain control of the majority. I believe it is projected that these racist caucasians will become the minority sometime around 2040. They are in their last death spasms in an attempt to take away the right of the minorities to vote because they power to elect will change the power in the US and take power completely away from the right wing.

The thing I find most funny is I can understand and know these things and these uneducated twits can only repeat what they have seen on the television and heard from other people. None of them have seen Colombia and few ever will. They live their lives in fear so they remain trapped in their house and afraid to venture out into the world. It is very obvious to see they live very sad lives and will see no satisfaction from the short time they will spend on this earth. They can only spew hate at those who rise up against their desire to control the world and punish others for being different than them and not believing in their crazy ideologies.

It is obvious these people know nothing of Colombia. They speak of nothing but drugs, guns, prostitution, and violence. Ironically, the US caused all of these problems intentionally. There is far more to Colombia than the gloom and doom preach by your right wing. Colombia is rich in culture with a history thousands of years older than the fascist country they call their own. I think they will die sad and alone and will never have known love in their lives.
Ironically, Colombians are classed as Caucasians.

Again another idiot posting rhetoric. Sit down little boy, school is in.

There are many different people in Colombia including what are called whites. They are the minority and are of pure Spanish descent. The moment they have afro-colombian or indio-colombian they are no longer pure. Colombia does not have the issues with race that you have in your country. There are no social stigmas or violence attributed to race in Colombia. You are trying to start a fire with two sticks but you have no hands.

Shouldn't you be burning a cross in someones yard in this moment?
I will rephrase some: the Colombian upper class identifies largely as Caucasian.
That should leave room for the presence, indeed the majority, of other ethnic groups.

I do not recommend insult as a way of promoting discussion.
I publish no magazine but you are welcome to come to Colombia and publicly proclaim your imperialistic words on the streets. You will probably have your head sawed off for doing this but you will die like a man instead of the coward you live as in these days.

I saw you Columbian guys in the movie, "Scar Face". Very scary!
I know this much, white males in the US should be very afraid. Brown people will be taking over the US in the very near future and there is nothing you can do to prevent this from happening no matter how many minorities you stop from voting.

The best part? All of your white women will flock to the new powers and you will have to witness it happening. You are cutting your own throats and are too blind and ignorant to recognize it happening.

Eventually the undocumented immigrants will be allowed to remain in country and given a path to citizenship. This is the day you should fear most. 25 million potential votes for the left will be the nail in your coffin. You will never hold power again after this occurs.

People around the world will dance and celebrate your downfall. The days of imperialistic white rule by the US conservative far-right will be over forever.

Explain to me how this is not racist please. ^

also whats with the fixation with white women?

and FYI it is people like you who are 100% responsible for the racism that exists today.
El Tib, I for one welcome our new brown overlords. I just hope you have some menial boot-licking positions for the likes of Unclebuck and his cheese eating friend. I suggest you DO NOT appoint the cheese eater to a painter's position as he has demonstrated his disdain for that profession. UB would serve admirably as your official apologist. Don't trust AbandonConflict, he is mucho inscrutable.