I know this kinda off topic, but ive seen some of the most racist and ignorant bigots in my life here.
I mean seriously only place youre going to see more hate is on a racism site. And the so called "political intelligent" people ive seen on this
site are pretty much spin doctors or absolutionist.
Seriously!!! I come into a politics forums too see things I wouldnt discuss with my fish on here. I hope you all are proud of the
way you act. I honestly hope more political MMJ advocates dont stop and read this forum section, hell at this point maybe even forums.
Cause after reading all your excriment, I highly doubt any halfway intelligent person would read all this trash and assume all this being
spread here is a good thing for marijuana liberation.
Before the rightwing retards, People who wouldnt know what socialism is even if broken down to them, Racist bigots, and just down
right hateful and other weak people reply to this, I am just gonna say one more thing...
"what's in your head, zombie?"