Good jobs for mechanically inclined males?

I was mocking ur 1st post as to my life must be spiraling out of control because I don't have a lisence. Aka breaking a law. Also what you do when you don't pay taxes on your weed when you sell it. Aka breaking a law. Hope that explanation helps. Maybe sobriety is ur answer. Get off the bottle and tweekers pipe. And no I'm not mad just calling you out on your stupid comment in the 1st place. Hope that helps..
Heh, you were implying I was calling u a crackhead but I wasn't calling you, or anyone that. Congratulations on your successful real estate investments and sobriety. Didn't say a thing about taxes regarding herb either. That has been a grey area for sometime and a personal decision. mostly my comments were less directed at you, and more, just thinking out loud. :-)
Petroleum engineers in the oil field made 200k to 500k and it's only 2 years if I am not mistaken..
Crane operators made like 120K

Maybe even a CNC programmer??
well anyways any suggestions??
And no dick sucking comments plz ;)

Oilfield has always treated me good till lately. ..

If you're good with your hands a good pipefitter can easily make 30+ an hour, I think its more conceptual than
actual fitting since you have to read ISO's and Pin ID's. Hell, I was making 28 an hour just hydrotesting and reporting to a QA,QC.. working 88 hours a week. :). Ok so I would have to bolt up some stuff now and then ;)

A good pipe welder is always in heavy demand, and they fly the good ones all around the world, especially if you have experience with exotic materials. However alot of pressure with a fitter, too many busts and they pull your certs. Field welders make all kinds of money. Whats cool I see alot of old guys working it.

A buddy of mine worked for BP, and he wasn't make much more than me as a well engineer, I was pullling over 80G's a year roughnecking working pits and derricks so not sure what was going on there.

I think its all about ability.. if you like working in thousandths, get a machineist or millright job, its hands on, you get to build machines.. I wish I would have gotten into it, I would be building so much cool shit in my downtime.
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Oil and gas is already a saturated market and with prices being low jobs are being lost hand over fist.

Getting into safety is also a great job right now, pays well and has both public and private opportunities. Can be pretty stressful at times though.

Yeah oil and gas is a fucking slaughter right now for jobs.

Whats fucked is they are rehiring, and they are getting alot of experienced hands and paying next to nothing for it.

Safety... omg, no.. Its like being a rat and a politician at the same time. It wasn't as fun as I thought it was going to be, Ive worked it a few times.. yuk.. but thats just me.
So I am still fucking around with restaurants at 30, I make pretty good money like between 15 to 20 a hour, I don't pay taxes like most do because I don't claim all my tips.. FUCK YOU IRS!!!

But I am damn good bartender/server and people like me, I really don't know why but as long as they give me cash I don't care..

However I am getting older and possibly looking for something better. Now I can grow some fire ass dank all day which pays great and all, but this industry is getting over saturated. I use to get 350 a ounce and now I am down to 235, the quality has got better but the price keeps going down.. But at this point of my life I consider it as a profitable hobby..

So my work history is.. start to finish.. First job was at ACE hardware, then braums as a cook, boston market as a cook,then highway construction started as a laborer and worked my way up to a heavy equipment operator then foreman at 18, lol.. then I sold hard drugs, got clean then started serving and bartending, then started growing pot, then had some shitty warehouse jobs, then I worked at machine shop, then a metal fab shop, then back to heavy equipment operator, then as a rigger in the oil field, then back to selling weed, then back to server/bartender worked my way to a bar manager at two different places,then a GM at a hydroshop, then went to growing pot on a larger scale while remodeling houses, now I am back to server/bartender.

I got good people skills and can sell anything.

I went to college for about a year for CAD when I was 22 but hated it, well my college kinda fucked me over..

But I can build anything, I just have a good understanding of how shit works..

I am thinking about going back to school for something, I just can't pinpoint what exactly I want to do, so I am here asking for some advice..

I hate working 70+ hours a week though..

when I worked in the oil field the safety guys Osha cert made great money..

Petroleum engineers in the oil field made 200k to 500k and it's only 2 years if I am not mistaken..

Crane operators made like 120K


I hear that a degree in construction is one of the best careers at the moment..

Maybe even a CNC programmer??

well anyways any suggestions??

And no dick sucking comments plz ;)

Go to Colorado and sell. The government there is charging so much taxes that the black market is alive and well.
My daughter just got a better paying job that works around her schooling in Santa Barbara. She now delivers medical marijuana for a club down there.
I honestly don't know if i'm supposed to be proud, or pissed:confused:
Nice avi...

Buy her a snub nose .38 with pink grips
Dancing could be a career... but I think to make any money at it, @ODanksta would probably have to be taking his clothes off...

only problem is I am awkwardlly tall and no dancing skills at all.. I am saying I can't dance for shit, no two stepping or nothing.. I suck so bad I thought about taking lessons at one point, because the hottest girls are at country bars..

And taking the clothes off wouldn't be great either, I have tiny penis compared to the BBC porn I watch..
Absolutely hilarious... No, not really. dependent on someone else to register a car? hell why bother paying taxes while you're at it, it's not like anyone ever needs a credit rating to get a loan ever again. homes and automobiles are cheap, just pay cash right? ppl claim they to 'refuse' to pay; it's more like their life is out of control, usually stemming from alcohol or drug abuse. not taking care of business is symptomatic of a dependency condition... imo, sobriety is part of the answer.
I love you abe, however some of us tend to slip through the cracks.. I haven't had a bank account in 8 years, no debt or credit cards. I am a cash only kinda guy. And I really don't get taxed like most jobs do, because I get tipped in cash, I do pay taxes but I am not getting raped like most people, even working legally..

Believe me you can live just fine off cash.. Credit is America's down fall
I love you abe, however some of us tend to slip through the cracks.. I haven't had a bank account in 8 years, no debt or credit cards. I am a cash only kinda guy. And I really don't get taxed like most jobs do, because I get tipped in cash, I do pay taxes but I am not getting raped like most people, even working legally..

Believe me you can live just fine off cash.. Credit is America's down fall
hey honey!

I was gonna say sucking deck, but you already kayboshed that one...

Hmmmm...what about building decks?

That's pretty handy!

Orrrrrrrr...maybe a couple handies?
So I own a smaller commercial power washer, and a paint rig.. I have in the past charged 3K for stripping and staining a d*ck in 3 days..
Would you patch a hole in your deck with some caulk?

There's money to be made in deck snoodling I'm sure...
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I love you abe, however some of us tend to slip through the cracks.. I haven't had a bank account in 8 years, no debt or credit cards. I am a cash only kinda guy. And I really don't get taxed like most jobs do, because I get tipped in cash, I do pay taxes but I am not getting raped like most people, even working legally..

Believe me you can live just fine off cash.. Credit is America's down fall

been doing this all my life, not hard at all
my advice is to go back to what you're good at. take care of it and it will take care of you. cash hustle on the side like bartending. bang hotties and square up the stacks.bang em at their place so you can leave lol. don't live with em or pay their bills you can always find deals on cars and bikes at auctions and should be able to clear $2-3k on every one.
Heh, what are you willing to do when you say mechanically inclined?..

I can think of so many modifications that would bring the money, but a felony for sure.