says the guy who cites white supremacists.
hate to throw my hat in on this, but just because someone is a white supremacist, doesn't mean their args are necessarily invalid. Heidegger was a Nazi, Nietzsche a syphilitic madman, and they have both made lasting, valuable contributions to philosophy despite apparent personal shortcomings. it's essentially an ad hominem attack, all of which are fallacious.
Now, if you cite a white supremacist who is also making a horrible argument about the "scientific purity" of the "white race" or some such nonsense, that the argument you are citing is absurd may make you a white supremacist ignoramus, and a poor debater as well.
As for the AZ law, its obviously bad law. As for the political philosophy being poorly forwarded in a half-assed attempt to explain why the law amounts to an abridgment on government interference, it is idealistic but not wrongheaded.
As for the bizarre historical misplacements (arguments about the way things were in the deep south up until (and continuing, let's be honest) the 60s), these seem useless.
As for the simplistic notion that voter support always translates into legislation, well, i think we ALL know that's not how politics works. That AZ might have a particularly well-off, politically active, and racist elite (and therefore able to make the kind of lofty political contributions and backroom deals that get this kind of legislation to the voting floor) is certainly a possibility this scenario allows us to entertain.
enough from me,
be easy,